
  • 【地名】【马尔代夫】Male'
  1. 别把这些马累坏了;我们过会儿还要用它们呢。

    Don 't tire these horses ; we 'll need them later .

  2. 他骑马让马累出了大汗。

    He sweated his horse by tiding him too hard .

  3. 对妇女的马累暴力对男性霸权是中央的。

    Male violence against women is central to male supremacy .

  4. 从马累国际机场(注:马尔代夫首都)到那里飞行大概一个小时。

    You fly there for about an hour from Mal é International Airport .

  5. 格里高利。潘捷列伊维奇,别骑这么快,你会把马累死的!

    Grigory panteleyevich , not so fast , you 'll kill the horse !

  6. 从你到达马累机场的那一刻起,就有泰姬的员工开始接待我们了。

    From the moment you arrive at Male airport the Taj Staff take over .

  7. 马尔代夫首都,位于这个岛国的马累岛上。

    The capital of Maldives on Male island in the center of the islands .

  8. 马累是马尔代夫的购物中心,所有的商店几乎都聚集在此。

    Male Maldives is the shopping center , almost all the shops are gathered here .

  9. 说点正经的吧,马累是品味小城海景的绝佳去处。

    Say a decent bar , Male is a great place to taste sea town .

  10. 马尔代夫首都马累的人口密度是伦敦的4倍。

    The capital , Mal é , is four times more densely populated than London .

  11. 那匹马累死了。

    The horse died from overwork .

  12. 我现在已经回到首都马累了,我会经常去看你的。

    I have now returned to the capital , Male , and I will always see you .

  13. 在其首都马累的一半,其1.75平方公里的土地复盖着水。

    In its capital Male , half of its1.75 square kilometers of land was covered by water .

  14. 他骑马让马累出了大汗。而要让最杰出的人得奖

    He sweated his horse by tiding him too hard . but the most worthy shall receive the prize

  15. 南亚防治空气污染及其潜在越境影响马累宣言;

    Male Declaration on control and prevention of air pollution and its likely transboundary effects for South asia ;

  16. 马累市场里出售的当地产的香蕉和椰子,除了这些以外大多都是从外地进口来的。

    Male market , bananas and coconuts are grown locally however much of the other produce is imported .

  17. 马尔代夫胜利是一个刚刚下班的机场岛在北马累环礁有趣的网站。

    Maldives Victory is an intriguing site just off the Airport Island in the North Mal é Atoll .

  18. 马累,是马尔代夫的首都,她四面环海,因此,她很潮。

    Male , the capital of the Maldives , she was surrounded by the sea , so she was very tide .

  19. 两年前,马尔代夫宣布取消印度基础建设集团对马尔代夫马累国际机场的管理合同。

    Two years earlier , the Maldives kicked out Indian infrastructure firm GMR and cancelled its lucrative contract to run the airport .

  20. 这个政治动乱的国家的总统阿卜杜勒·亚米恩于上周三晚上,在首都马累为该建设工作揭开了序幕。

    President Abdulla Yameen inaugurated construction work in a ceremony on last Wednesday night in the capital Male of the politically troubled country .

  21. 这个项目要在胡鲁马累岛上建造7000套经济适用房,总建筑面积达到451900平方米。

    Construction work is now underway on 7000 affordable houses in Hulhumale Island , with the total construction area covering some 451900 square meters .

  22. 斯拉夫士岛在马累西部四英里,这里是马尔代夫的垃圾倾倒场,简单说也就是人们所说的垃圾岛。

    Four miles west of Mal é is the country 's dumping ground , Thilafushi – or Rubbish Island as it has simply become known .

  23. 斯拉夫士岛在马累西部四英里,这里是马尔代夫的垃圾倾倒场,简单说也就是人们所说的“垃圾岛”。

    Four miles west of Mal é is the country 's dumping ground , Thilafushi - or Rubbish Island as it has simply become known .

  24. 他也痴迷于他的梦想是因为它们是唯一的地方,他可以看到他死去的妻子,马累,由玫瑰人生明星玛丽昂歌迪亚的角色。

    He , too , is addicted to his dreams as they are the only place he can see his dead wife , Mal , played by La Vie En Rose star Marion Cotillard .