
mǎ ní lā
  • Manila
马尼拉[mǎ ní lā]
  1. 下个月刚好是日本人夸下那句昙花一现的海口后40年,一个迥然不同的首相将要访问马尼拉。

    Next month , 40 years to the day after that short-lived boast , a very different Japanese Prime Minister will arrive in manila .

  2. APEC马尼拉行动计划

    Manila Action Plan for APEC MRA

  3. 鲁格住在位于菲律宾首都马尼拉西北方向的邦板牙省的阿帕里特,他盖这座房子就是为了收藏他的玩具。

    Lugue , who lives in Apalit in Pampanga , a province northwest of Manila , built his home especially to house his collection .

  4. 这家多边银行在一定程度上以美国主导的世界银行(worldbank)和亚行为模板,亚行总部位于马尼拉,但在很大程度上受日本影响。

    The multilateral lender is partly modelled on the US-dominated World Bank and the ADB , which though based in Manila is heavily influenced by Japan .

  5. 在不远处,马尼拉机场旁边坐落着由TravellersInternational运营的马尼拉云顶世界(ResortsWorldManila)。

    Nearby , next to Manila airport stands Resorts World Manila , run by Travellers International .

  6. 就在上周于马尼拉举办的世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)上,阿基诺三世将菲律宾称为一个政治经济改革的样板。

    Just last week , at the World Economic Forum in Manila , Mr. Aquino pitched the Philippines as a model of political and economic reform .

  7. 介绍了PPP模式在英国、法国、菲律宾等国家的发展情况。其中,具体分析了菲律宾马尼拉的城市水管理和污水排放系统案例。

    This part illustrates the PPP pattern of England , France and Philippines .

  8. 比如在推广MacBookAir时,乔布斯打开了一个马尼拉纸制的办公室间的信封,举起了这款笔记本电脑给大家看,观众们立马喝彩。

    For example , when introducing the Mac Book Air , Jobs drew cheers by opening a manila inter-office envelope , holding the laptop out for everyone to see .

  9. 麦格理研究(MacquarieResearch)预计,未来3年,马尼拉博彩业收入将以平均每年20%的速度增长,到2018年将达到48亿美元。

    Macquarie Research sees Manila 's gambling revenues rising by an average 20 per cent a year over the next three years to hit $ 4.8bn in 2018 .

  10. NPR新闻,西蒙娜·奥兰达恩马尼拉报道。

    For NPR News , I am Simone Orendain in Manila .

  11. NPR新闻,西蒙尼·奥兰丹马尼拉报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Simone Orendain in Manila .

  12. 美国人领导世界银行(worldbank),欧洲人领导国际货币基金组织(imf),日本人领导亚洲开发银行(adb,总部位于马尼拉),这早已形成一种惯例。

    It has long been convention that an American heads the world bank , a European runs the IMF and a Japanese sits atop of the Asian Development Bank in Manila .

  13. 位于马尼拉的菲律宾全国救灾协调委员会(NationalDisasterCoordinatingCouncil)周二表示,除确认在风暴带来的洪水和泥石流中丧生的246人外,另有38人失踪。

    The National Disaster Coordinating Council in Manila said Tuesday that 38 people were missing in addition to the 246 people confirmed to have been killed in the floods and landslides accompanying the storm .

  14. 马尼拉向世界贸易组织(WTO)提起了诉讼,指控泰国采用双重标准的税收,它对从菲律宾进口的卷烟设定了过高的税率。

    Manila had filed the complaint with the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ) citing double standards in Thailand 's taxation , which set too high a tax rate on cigarette imports from the Philippines .

  15. 此外,不同于分别作为联合国(UN)亚洲总部和亚开行总部地点的曼谷和马尼拉,雅加达目前不是任何大型多边机构的地区办事处所在地。

    Moreover , unlike Bangkok and Manila , which already have the United Nations and ADB , Jakarta does not currently host the regional office of any major multilateral institution .

  16. 与马尼拉菲牛蛭水蛭素基因Hm1、Hm2的同源性分别为90%与和886%。

    The gene sequence had a homology with Hm 1 of 90 % , Hm 2 of 88.6 % from Manila Hirudinaria manillensis .

  17. 据NPR新闻的杰森·鲍勃恩从马尼拉带来的报道,援助急需帮助受灾民众的后勤工作遇到了困难。

    NPR 's Jason Beaubien in Manila reports logistics of getting aid to those who needed are staggering .

  18. 圣彼得罗古堡公园(FortSanPedro)它与马尼拉的圣地亚哥古城堡并称为菲律宾最古老的城堡。

    Castle Park , San Pedro ( Fort San Pedro ) with Manila and Santiago , the ancient castle known as the Philippine 's oldest castle .

  19. 亚洲开发银行(adb)年会今年在马尼拉召开,在此间几乎看不到一个21世纪城市应有的模样。

    The Asian Development Bank annual meeting was held in Manila this year , hardly the showcase for what a 21st-century city should look like .

  20. 结束印尼的比赛后,银河队前往菲律宾首都马尼拉,12月3日与菲律宾国家队进行比赛,然后前往澳大利亚,12月6日与墨尔本胜利队(MelbourneVictory)举行友谊赛。

    After playing in Indonesia , the Galaxy will head to Manila , where it will play the national team Saturday , and then to Australia for a friendly match with the Melbourne Victory .

  21. 马尼拉DeLaSalle大学的化学工程教授LuisRazon提出,捐助者应该降低中期评审或评估的严格程度。

    Luis Razon , a chemical engineering professor at De La Salle University , Manila , suggests that donors should make mid-course reviews or evaluations less rigid .

  22. 在马尼拉的结核病国际中心,DecereLaiJawili使劲地把药物咽下。

    Decere Lai Jawili struggles to keep down her drugs from the International Center for Tuberculosis in Manila .

  23. 亚洲开发银行(ADB)日本是该行最大的出资国决定将其地区总部设在马尼拉,就是出于类似的考虑。

    A similar calculation resulted in the decision by the Asian Development Bank ( ADB ) – in which Japan is the largest shareholder – to pitch its regional headquarters in Manila .

  24. 但是根据HedaBayron从马尼拉发回的报道,菲律宾水手并不会由于海盗行为而停止使用这条危险的航线。

    But as Heda Bayron reports from Manila , piracy is unlikely to stop Filipino sailors from plying the treacherous route .

  25. 史:为了补偿部分损失,可否请你们报给我们一个实盘,50000块釉瓷砖,cif马尼拉,包括破碎险,十一月装船?

    S : to compensate a part of the loss , may I ask you to make us a firm offer for50000 pieces glazed wall tile CIF Manila including the risk of breakage , November shipment ?

  26. 据联合国(U.N.)的数据,同一年台风Uring造成4.6万人无家可归。2010年,马尼拉发生的洪灾造成60万人流离失所。

    Typhoon Uring that same year left 46,000 homeless , according to the U.N. More recently , in 2010 , flooding in the capital of Manila displaced 600,000 people .

  27. 科妮莉亚图梅尔(corneliatumale)清楚,马尼拉废弃的政府住房项目中那间小小的屋子,不适合抚养六个孩子。

    Cornelia tumale knows the one tiny room she occupies in an abandoned government housing project in Manila is no place to raise six children .

  28. 长期以来,马尼拉一直自认为是运输和通信中心,但是,美国的联邦快递(FedEx)正要把自己的区域分销中心从菲律宾迁至中国广州,称这是顺应制造业和贸易的趋势。

    Manila has long regarded itself as a hub for transport and communications , but FedEx of the US is moving its regional distribution centre from the Philippines to Guangzhou in China , citing trends in manufacturing and trading .

  29. 马尼拉的国家水务机构NWSS副主管马克拉•克鲁斯(MacraCruz)表示,这家中国银行承诺利率更低,审批过程也更快。

    The Chinese bank is promising cheaper rates and faster approval , said Macra Cruz , the deputy administrator at NWSS , Manila 's state water agency .

  30. 在香港和新加坡,由著名建筑师设计的大牌公寓已经热火了一段时间。不过,率先用意大利时装品牌范思哲(Versace)来给公寓做噱头的却是马尼拉这座城市。

    Demand for designer apartments by celebrity architects has been hot for some time in Hong Kong and Singapore , but Manila will be the first to boast a condo branded by Italian fashion label Versace .