
  • 网络Bishkek
  1. 位于比什凯克的格里姆伍德团队专注于电子游戏研发,他们的游戏《一个人的世界》成为吉尔吉斯斯坦首款登陆Steam和Xbox等平台的游戏。

    Bishkek based Grimwood Team has been focusing on video game development , and their game World of One has become the first game from Kyrgyzstan to enter platforms such as Steam and Xbox .

  2. 昨日,在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克召开的年度峰会上,上海合作组织(SCO)承诺加强地区安全与能源合作。上海合作组织由俄罗斯、中国和4个中亚共和国组成。

    The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , a grouping between Russia , China and four Central Asian republics , pledged to bolster regional security and energy co-operation at its annual summit yesterday in Bishkek , the capital of Kyrgyzstan .

  3. 或则坐船从里海去土库曼斯坦的克拉斯诺伏斯克,再从那里驱车行驶600公里穿越沙漠,到阿什哈巴德乘飞机去Kirgistan(克里吉斯坦)的比什凯克,我们的下一个目的地是在亚洲腹地。

    From there we would have to drive six hundred kilometres across the desert to Ashgabat and then catch a flight to Bishkek in Kirgistan , our next destination in central Asia .

  4. 昨天,首都比什凯克相对比较平静。

    The capital city of Bishkek was relatively calm yesterday .

  5. 吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克一家鸵鸟养殖场里,一只鸵鸟站在栅栏后张望。

    An ostrich stands behind a fence at an ostrich farm near bishkek , kyrgyzstan .

  6. 如果我今天出现在比什凯克,我的人身安全一定受到威胁。

    If I were to turn up in Bishkek today , I would not be safe .

  7. 我们要继续抓紧工作,尽快建立比什凯克反恐中心。

    We should speed up our work for establishing the anti-terrorism center in Bishkek , Kyrgyzstan .

  8. 在血腥示威赶跑巴基耶夫及其政府一天后,比什凯克仍然充满紧张气氛。

    The Kyrgyz capital remained tense one day after bloody protests forced the president and his government to flee .

  9. 明天晚上,我们将飞往亚洲腹地,前往与中国北部交界的比什凯克。

    Tomorrow night we plan to fly further into central Asia , to Bishkek on the border of northern China .

  10. 盖茨说美国计划利用这段时间来劝说比什凯克。

    And Secretary Gates said the United States plans to use that time to try to change minds in Bishkek .

  11. 美国驻比什凯克大使馆人员表示,与吉尔吉斯斯坦关于基地续租的谈判将继续进行。

    The US embassy in Bishkek has said negotiations with Kyrgyzstan over the leave lease of the base will continue .

  12. 警车和军车消失一天后,晚上重新出现在比什凯克街头巡逻。

    Police and military vehicles resumed patrols of the capital in the evening after a day of absence from the streets .

  13. 美国在比什凯克郊区设有一个关键的空军后勤基地。这个基地为北约打击阿富汗叛乱分子的行动提供支持。

    The United States maintains a key logistical military air base outside Bishkek to support NATO operations to fight insurgents in Afghanistan .

  14. 警察星期二在比什凯克市中心使用催泪瓦斯和烟雾弹制止总统的支持者和反对者的冲突。

    Police fired tear gas and smoke bomb in the center of Bishkek Tuesday to stop fighting between the president 's supporters and critics .

  15. 在首都比什凯克,美国大使馆发布一份声明,表示对奥什发生暴力事件的报道深感悲痛,并呼吁各方克制。

    The US embassy in Bishkek issued a statement saying it was deeply saddened by the reports of violence in Osh and appealed for restraint .

  16. 一群IT专家齐聚比什凯克共同参加论坛,潜在客户和投资者也在这里交流未来的IT风向,寻找发展机会。

    A forum gathering IT experts has been held in Bishkek , where potential clients and investors discuss the latest trends in IT and opportunities .

  17. 吉尔吉斯斯坦总统巴基耶夫,因最近的血腥起义而被迫逃离首都比什凯克,强调自己不会辞职。

    Kyrgyzstan 's President Kurmanbek Bakiyev , who was forced to flee the capital Bishkek amid a bloody uprising , has insisted he will not resign .

  18. 这架货机周六上午正欲飞往吉尔吉斯斯坦的首都比什凯克,冲出跑道突发起火。

    The plane was on its way to Bishkek , the capital of Kyrgyzstan , when it veered off the runway and burst into flames Saturday morning .

  19. 据新华社记者目击,星期三半夜之后,比什凯克的局势似乎平静下来一些,反对刚支持者开始分散。

    After midnight Wednesday , the situation in Bishkek seemed to have calmed down a little and the protesters began to disperse , as witnessed by Xinhua reporters .

  20. 《比什凯克宣言》要求上海合作组织成员国应对国际恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义,跨国有组织犯罪,并进一步完善在上述领域开展合作的法律基础。

    The Bishkek Declaration called on SCO members to improve the legal basis of their cooperation in fighting international terrorism , separatism , extremism and organized cross-border crimes .

  21. 签订了有关睦邻、友好、合作的协约、《比什凯克宣言》以及在保证国际信息安全的行动计划后,各国领导人会见了媒体。

    They met the media after signing the Treaty on Long-term Neighborliness , Friendship and Cooperation , the Bishkek Declaration and an action plan for ensuring international information security .

  22. 藏匿在吉尔吉斯斯坦南部的总统库尔曼别克·巴基耶夫说,他担心一旦回到首部比什凯克他将被杀害。

    The President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev who is in hiding in the south of the country says he fears he will be killed if he returns to the capital Bishkek .

  23. 在比什凯克洗劫之后的议会大厦首次公开露面时,奥通巴耶娃表示,反对派各领导人昨日清晨已组建了新政府。

    Making her first public appearance in the ransacked parliament building in Bishkek , she said the new administration had been formed by opposition leaders in the early hours of yesterday morning .

  24. 上海合作组织成员国元首在比什凯克共同发表了宣言,阐明成员国在叙利亚及打击恐怖主义问题上的立场。

    The leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( SCO ) members have issued a joint declaration in Bishkek , clarifying the bloc 's stand on such key issues as Syria and combating terrorism .

  25. 虽然前苏联解体后的头十年形势紊乱,但过去十年本地区的形势较为稳定,从西部的塔林和地拉那到东部的海参巍和比什凯克都是如此。

    While the first decade after communism was rough , the past decade has been kinder to the region that stretches from Tallinn and Tirana in the West to Vladivostok and Bishkek in the East .

  26. 吉尔吉斯斯坦反对派成立过渡政府周四吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克,反对派领导人宣布成立过渡政府,并声称不会关闭一处美军军事基地;被推翻的总统拒绝辞职,让人担心会进一步发生冲突。

    Kyrgyz Rebels Assert Authority Opposition leaders declared a caretaker government here Thursday and vowed to keep open a U.S. military base , while the deposed president refused to resign , raising fears of further conflict .

  27. 反恐怖主义是一项艰巨的工作,需要长期和不断的努力。我们要继续抓紧工作,尽快建立比什凯克反恐中心。

    The road forward against terrorism is not easy , and we will need to keep our efforts up for a long time . We should speed up our work for establishing the anti-terrorism center in Bishkek , Kyrgyzstan .

  28. 该路线从中国乌鲁木齐、伊宁出发,途经哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图、吉尔吉斯斯坦的比什凯克、塔什干、乌兹别克斯坦的撒马尔罕、土库曼斯坦的阿什哈巴德,最后通过伊朗的德黑兰到达西亚铁路网。

    His proposed route was from China 's Urumqi and Yining to Almaty in Kazakhstan , then to Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan , Tashkent and Samarkand in Uzbekistan , Ashgabat in Turkmenistan and finally blending into West Asia 's network through Teheran , Iran .