
  • Doha
  1. 欧盟共同农业政策改革与WTO多哈回合谈判

    EU 's Reform on CAP and WTO 's Doha Round

  2. WTO多哈回合农业谈判对蓝箱政策进行了改革。

    WTO Doha Round reformed the policy of Blue Box .

  3. 其他几个国家和城市也表达了举办2032年奥运会的意愿,包括印尼、中国、卡塔尔的多哈、匈牙利的布达佩斯和德国的鲁尔区。

    Several cities and countries had expressed an interest in hosting the Games , including Indonesia , China , Doha in Qatar , Budapest in Hungary and Germany 's Ruhr region .

  4. 在去年11月结束的多哈会议上,已成功地启动了WTO新一轮多边贸易谈判。

    After the Doha Conference , a new round of WTO 's multilateral trade negotiation has been launched .

  5. 我们现在在WTO同心协力,一起促进多哈发展议程。

    We are now working together as partners in the WTO , taking forward the Doha Development Agenda .

  6. 简析农产品特殊保障机制对WTO多哈谈判的影响

    Analysis on Effect of Special Safeguard Mechanism ( SSM ) of Agricultural Products on WTO / Doha Round Negotiations

  7. 直到2003年8月30日,WTO理事会才勉强通过了《执行多哈宣言第六段的决议》。

    WTO Council reluctantly passed the Decisions to the implementation on Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on Aug. 30 , 2003 .

  8. 贸易与环境的关系,已成为WTO新一轮多哈回合谈判的重要议题。

    The relation between trade and environment has made a vital subject under discussion in the new round of Doha negotiation of WTO .

  9. 秘书处作为连接WTO与非政府组织的纽带,自多哈回合,在每次部长级会议召开之前吸收符合资格的非政府组织参与到部长级会议中来。

    As the collecting bond between NGOs and the WTO , the Secretariat allows qualified NGOs attend each Ministerial Meeting from Doha Round .

  10. 世贸组织(WTO)关于出口的现有规定力度不够,而强化这些规定的提议也没能纳入到垂死的多哈回合贸易谈判中。

    Existing World Trade Organisation export rules are weak and proposals to strengthen them failed to make it into the moribund Doha trade talks .

  11. 就新的重要规则举行磋商,将有助于重振WTO。由于尚未完成的多哈回合贸易谈判,WTO元气大伤。

    Negotiating new and important rules would help revitalise the WTO , which has languished because of the unfinished Doha Round of trade talks .

  12. 此外,尽管多哈回合(doharound)的结果令人失望,但世贸组织仍然存在。

    Moreover , despite the disappointment of the Doha round , the World Trade Organisation continues to exist .

  13. 多哈(Doha)就算还没有死,它的脉搏也几乎已经摸不到了。

    If Doha is not dead , its pulse is barely detectable .

  14. 介绍了多哈回合谈判焦点之一的农业谈判中国内支持问题,在分析目前农业支持的政策和执行出现的问题后,对中国在加入WTO后第一次参与多边谈判的立场提出了若干建议。

    The author introduces the domestic support about agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round , then make some suggestion for Doha round negotiations on Agriculture .

  15. 众所周知,WTO多哈谈判进程缓慢,众多实质性议题的谈判没能够如期结束。

    It is known to all that the WTO Doha negotiation is progressing very slowly with negotiations on many substantive issues unfinished before the deadlines .

  16. 一些国家注意到了这一现象,在多哈回合中,提出在WTO中建立专门的渔业补贴的建议。

    Some countries took notice of this phenomenon and put forward the proposal of the establishment of specialized fishery subsidies in the Doha Round of WTO .

  17. 此外,多边贸易体制处在一个关键时刻,11月WTO多哈会议为世人所瞩目。

    The multilateral trading system is also at a crucial juncture . The WTO Conference to be held in Doha in November has attracted worldwide attention .

  18. 美国负责经济事务的助理国家安全顾问丹普莱斯(danprice)表示,布什仍对成功完成多哈回合谈判充满希望。

    But Dan price , deputy US National Security Advisor for economic affairs , said Mr Bush remained hopeful of successful completion to the Doha round .

  19. 中国现在是许多国家的主要贸易伙伴国,对于wto结束陷入停滞的多哈回合(doharound)谈判的任何努力都十分重要。

    China is the primary trading partner for many countries and is crucial to any WTO effort to navigate past the stalled Doha round .

  20. 在此背景下,2001年WTO多哈回合谈判正式将环境商品与服务关税及非关税贸易壁垒的消除与削减列为谈判议题之一。

    In this context , the reduction or elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services was formally presented as a topic during WTO Doha Round .

  21. 2006年7月WTO多哈回合谈判无限期终止,在WTO框架下进一步推动全球贸易自由化的发展进程受阻,与此相对应的是区域和双边经济合作却快速发展。

    Corresponding to the indefinitely termination of Doha Round of WTO negotiations in July 2006 and arrested development of WTO , the regional and bilateral economic cooperation has developed rapidly .

  22. 必须承认,多哈回合(doharound)贸易谈判目前已被搁置,即使奥巴马迫切希望推进谈判,他也无从着手。

    It must be admitted that the Doha round is on hold and Mr Obama could not move it forward even if he so desired .

  23. 中国指出,作为2001年加入wto的代价,中国已不得不快速放开了本国市场在同一次会议上,多哈回合正式启动。

    Beijing pointed out that it had already had to undertake rapid liberalisation as the price of joining the WTO in 2001 , at the same meeting that launched the Doha round .

  24. 2003年9月坎昆会议破裂以后,多哈回合谈判陷入僵局,WTO的威信和多边贸易体制的前景受到挑战。

    Especially the break down of Cancun meeting in September 2003 made the negotiation reaching to a deadlock . The prestige of WTO and the prospect of multilateral trade system were challenged .

  25. TPP国家同意在文本中表明,将共同致力于有关《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》及公众健康的《多哈宣言》(DohaDeclaration)。

    TPP countries have agreed to reflect in the text a shared commitment to the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health .

  26. 与此类似,WTO在多哈峰会展开的新一轮谈判便是各国政府和贸易开放间合作利益的明证。

    Similarly , in the WTO , the launch of a new round of negotiations at the Doha summit is a clear example of the benefits of co-operation between governments and openness to trade .

  27. 我们指示负责贸易事务的亚太经合组织部长(APECMinistersResponsibleforTrade)利用2012年的喀山(Kazan)会议,评估在世贸组织推动多哈发展议程取得进展的途径。

    We direct APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade to use the2012 meeting in Kazan to assess ways to promote progress on the DDA in the WTO .

  28. 与此同时,全球领导人正试图商定抵制气候变化的行动方针,并打破世贸组织(WTO)多哈回合贸易谈判的僵局。

    Her comments come as global leaders try to agree a course of action to combat climate change and to break a deadlock over the Doha round of trade talks at the World Trade Organisation .

  29. 2001年11月19日,经过十五年的艰苦努力,我国在世界贸易组织多哈会议上正式加入了WTO。多哈会议,中国成功加入WTO,至此圆满结束了长达15年的入世进程。

    China has formally entered WTO in Doha on 19 , November , 2001 after 15 years efforts . China has become a full member of World Trade Organization on 10 Nov. 2001 in Doha .

  30. 多哈回合(doharound)贸易谈判的批评人士辩称,没有达成任何协议,要强于达成一个没有主要经济体参与、具有破坏性的妥协。

    Critics of the Doha round of trade negotiations have argued that no agreement at all would be better than a damaging compromise without the participation of major economies .