
  • 网络Imperial College;Imperial College London;imperial
  1. 伦敦帝国理工学院的科研人员认为他们可能已经找到了解决办法。

    The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution .

  2. 帝国理工学院的埃利奥·诺里博利说,稍髙一点儿会带来很多好处。

    A little extra height brings a number of advantages , says Elio Riboli of Imperial College .

  3. 这项硏究的合著者之一,伦敦帝国理工学院的詹姆斯·边沁认为全球身高增长趋势可能主要是由于营养和医疗保健的改善。

    James Bentham , a co-author of the research from Imperial College , London , says the global trend is likely to be due primarily to improvements in nutrition and healthcare .

  4. 帝国理工学院的吉米·贝尔博士说:“瘦并不一定意味着你不胖。”

    " Being thin doesn 't surely mean you are not fat , " said Dr Jimmy Bell at Imperial College .

  5. 米特什·帕特尔博士�英国帝国理工学院

    Dr Mitesh Patel , Imperial College

  6. 该研究的主要作者、伦敦帝国理工学院的利亚姆·考奇博士称,心碎综合征患者的心脏底部停止跳动,顶部跳动更多。

    In patients with takotsubo , the bottom of the heart stops beating , and the top of the heart beats more , said the lead study author , Dr Liam Couch from Imperial College London .

  7. 紧随其后的是牛津大学(Oxford)、伦敦大学帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)以及伦敦大学学院(UCL)。

    And Oxford , Imperial College London and University College London occupied the next three positions .

  8. 英国伦敦帝国理工学院(imperialcollegelondon)开发的这种药物,以一种控制饥饱感觉的胃肠激素为基础。

    The drug , developed at Imperial College London , is based on a gut hormone that controls sensations of hunger and satiety .

  9. 另外有四所来自英国,包括排名第二的剑桥大学(UniversityofCambridge),和排名第三的伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollege,London)。

    The other four were from Britain , including the University of Cambridge , in second , and Imperial College , London , in third .

  10. 首批转基因(GM)蚊子是2000年由英国帝国理工学院的科学家培育出来的。

    The first genetically modified ( GM ) mosquito was produced in2000 by scientists at Imperial College London , United Kingdom .

  11. GordonConway是英国帝国理工学院的国际发展教授。

    Gordon Conway is professor of international development at Imperial College London , United Kingdom .

  12. 我们最近联手伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon),教授西伦敦的孩子最基本的编码技术,重点是培训8-14岁的女孩。

    We also recently teamed up with Imperial College London to teach children in west London the basics of coding , with particular emphasis on training girls aged eight to 14 .

  13. 伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)与中国电信设备供应商华为(Huawei)计划结成研究伙伴关系,来自学术与商业领域的专家将携起手来,共同寻求发展大数据技术。

    Imperial College London and Chinese telecoms provider Huawei are planning a research partnership in which academics and business experts join forces to pursue developments in big data technology .

  14. 伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)与中国电信设备供应商华为(Huawei)计划结成研究伙伴关系,来自学术与商业领域的专家将携起手来,共同寻求发展“大数据”技术。

    Imperial College London and Chinese telecoms provider Huawei are planning a research partnership in which academics and business experts join forces to pursue developments in " big data " technology .

  15. 但当她进入伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollege)学习计算机科学时,她遭遇了她所称的潜在沙文主义,因为这个专业的120名学生中,只有7名女性。

    But when she went to study computer science at Imperial College , London , she encountered what she describes as latent chauvinism on a course where only seven of 120 students were women .

  16. 有一类一直以来都自称为大学,包括由顶尖研究型院校组成的罗素大学集团(RussellGroup),其中有牛津(Oxford)、剑桥(Cambridge)和伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)等明星院校。

    There are those that have always called themselves universities , including the Russell Group of top research institutions that boasts star performers such as Oxford , Cambridge and Imperial College .

  17. 伦敦帝国理工学院的生物医学伦理学讲师RichardAshcroft表示了类似的担忧。

    Richard Ashcroft , reader in biomedical ethics at Imperial College London , is similarly concerned .

  18. 这个药物是由一位世界领先的肥胖症专家,伦敦帝国理工学院哈默史密斯医学院的SteveBloom教授研发的。

    The drug is being developed by one of the world 's leading obesity experts , Professor Steve Bloom at Imperial College London 's Hammersmith Hospital campus .

  19. 来自伦敦帝国理工学院的科学家发现了甲型H1N1流感病毒感染肺部深处细胞的能力的更多证据。

    Researchers from Imperial College London have found more evidence for the ability of A ( H1N1 ) to infect cells deep in the lung .

  20. 然而,英国伦敦帝国理工学院的FrankvanVee指出,拟寄生物不是唯一能够控制毛虫数量的因素。

    Frank van Veen of Imperial College , United Kingdom , points out , however , that parasitoids are not the only things that can control caterpillar numbers .

  21. 英国伦敦帝国理工学院传染病学教授JonathanWeber指出,该研究的关于未从事性行为的数据来自被调查者的自我报告,而这是无效的。

    Jonathan Weber , professor of Communicable Diseases at Imperial College London , UK , pointed out that the data is based on self-reported virgin status , which is not validated .

  22. 伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollege)和伯明翰大学(BirminghamUniversity)是很多与中国航空工业集团和中航工业制造所签署研究协议的西方机构和公司中的两家,协议内容涵盖多种航空技术,主要是更轻更结实材料的开发。

    Imperial College , London and Birmingham University are among a number of western organisations and companies that have signed research agreements with Avic and Bamtri , covering a variety of aerospace technologies , mainly the development of lighter , stronger materials .

  23. 英国帝国理工学院的流感病毒学教授WendyBarclay说,猪流感目前被称为甲型H1N1流感是一个“三重配”病毒。

    According to Wendy Barclay professor of influenza virology at the UK-based Imperial College London swine flu , now known as A ( H1N1 ), is a'triple reassortment'virus .

  24. 英国伦敦帝国理工学院的RobinShattock否定了这一建议,他说现在人们对于感染何时发生和如何发生还知之甚少。

    Robin Shattock of Imperial College in the United Kingdom dismissed this proposal , saying that little is known about when infection happens and how .

  25. 伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollegeLondon)流感病毒学教授温迪•巴克利(WendyBarclay)指出,一般认为,一种流感病毒易于通过空气在人际间传播要求具备五种变异,而基因分析显示,H7N9病毒具备其中的两种。

    Genetic analysis shows that H7N9 has two of the five mutations believed to be required for a flu virus to spread easily through the air between people , said Wendy Barclay , professor of influenza virology at Imperial College London .

  26. 但是英国帝国理工学院的免疫学教授FrancesGotch说,发展中国家与发达国家需要同样的设备。

    But Frances Gotch , a professor of immunology from the United Kingdom 's Imperial College in London , says developing countries deserve the same equipment as the developed world .

  27. 但这种天然激素不适合商业开发,因此布鲁姆教授和伦敦帝国理工学院成立了一家独立公司thiakis,研制合成的“类似药物”。

    But the natural hormone was not suitable for commercial development so Prof bloom and Imperial College set up thiakis , a spin-off company , to develop a synthetic " analogue " .

  28. 巴斯大学与西英格兰大学(布里斯托尔)和伦敦帝国理工学院联手,用一种叫做PhotoFace的系统对鼻子进行三维扫描。

    The researchers used a system called PhotoFace , developed by researchers at the University of the West of England , Bristol and Imperial College , London , for the3D scans .

  29. 我在伦敦大学帝国理工学院拿的学位。

    I received my degree at Imperial College in london .

  30. 帝国理工学院证实,正与中航工业制造所在2012年设立的两个研究中心展开合作。

    Imperial confirmed it was collaborating with Bamtri on two research centres that opened in 2012 .