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  • emperor penguin
帝企鹅[dì qǐ é]
  1. 对于这些怕冷的帝企鹅宝宝来说,托儿所永远处在高峰时刻。

    Its always crush hour in the creche for these chilly emperor penguin chicks .

  2. 一只南极的帝企鹅搁浅在新西兰的海滩上。

    An emperor penguin from the Antarctic ended up stranded on a beach in New Zealand .

  3. 帝企鹅们挤在一起,通过用协调的摇摆动作紧挨在一块来抵抗寒冷的环境。

    Emperor penguins huddled together against the cold are using coordinated waves of movement to stay tightly packed together .

  4. 帝企鹅是企鹅中体型最大的,在很多方面,适应能力也是最强的。

    Emperors are the biggest of the penguins1 , and in many ways the most resilient .

  5. 气候模型预测海冰会大量减少,帝企鹅的数量可能会在2100年前随之减少一半。

    Climate models project large sea ice losses , and with them , perhaps , a 50 % reduction in the Emperor population by 2100 .

  6. 科学家们敦促世界自然保护联盟在地球濒危物种名单中把帝企鹅所处的位置提高。

    The scientists are pressing the International Union for Conservation of Nature to lift Emperors higher up on its list of Earth 's endangered species .

  7. 它们在南极地区凶险的严冬时节繁殖,但它们需要九个月稳固的海冰来养育幼鸟,这意味着帝企鹅的前途未卜。

    They breed right in the middle of the ferocious2 Antarctic winter , but their need for nine months of stable sea-ice on which to bring up their young means they face an uncertain future .

  8. 研究该鸟类的科学家们认为,现应严肃认识到这一特定物种的脆弱性,他们也希望能看到人们采取措施,以缓解帝企鹅所面临的其它压力,比如影响它们食物供应的捕鱼活动。

    Scientists who study the birds believe it 's time their particular vulnerability was formally recognised , and they want to see measures taken to ease other pressures faced by Emperors , such as the fishing activities that impinge on their food supply .

  9. 目前很多科学家批评电影Marchofthepenguine(应该是:帝企鹅日记)几乎把南极的海鸟刻画成矮小的双色人。

    Now some scientists are criticizing the movie March of the Penguins for portraying the Antarctic seabirds almost as tiny , two-tone humans .

  10. 2006年,研究者们在观察南极Marion岛上的本地物种时,发现了一件很令人费解的事情——一只海豹正试图与一只帝企鹅进行交配。

    In 2006 , researchers observing the native species of Marion Island in Antarctica saw something pretty baffling - a fur seal attempting to mate with a king penguin .

  11. 帝企鹅熬过了极地寒冬并取得了胜利

    The emperors have taken on the polar winter and won .

  12. 帝企鹅可能看上去都很像,但它们的声音并不相同。

    Emperors may look alike , but they don 't sound alike .

  13. 气候变化严重威胁到帝企鹅的海冰环境。

    Climate change is threatening the sea ice environment of Emperor penguins .

  14. 帝企鹅只有冬季期间在南极洲繁殖。

    Emperor penguins reproduce only in Antarctica during winter .

  15. 每只帝企鹅都有自己独特的呼唤声音,可以被别的帝企鹅识别出来。

    Each individual has a unique call that is recognized by other penguins .

  16. 之后,它们会用喉咙里一种特殊的液体来喂养帝企鹅宝宝。

    Afterward , they feed their babies a special liquid from their throats .

  17. 帝企鹅是全球最大的企鹅。

    Emperor penguins are the world 's largest penguins .

  18. 比如,大约有1/5的帝企鹅是同性恋。

    For example , about a fifth of captive king penguins are gay .

  19. 簇拥取暖帝企鹅簇拥在一起,相互取暖,来抵御南极的酷寒。

    The Emperors huddle together to protect themselves from the extreme cold of Antarctica .

  20. 当成百上千只雄帝企鹅挤在一起时就形成了一个大团。

    A huddle forms when hundreds , even thousands , of males crowd together .

  21. 帝企鹅仍面临着新的挑战

    the King Penguins face a new challenge .

  22. 一起来认识拉拉,一只十岁的帝企鹅。过去拉拉生活在南极。

    Meet Lala , a ten-year-old king penguin who used to call the Antarctic home .

  23. 父母去海里找食物时,这些长大了些的小帝企鹅大群地挤在一起。

    These older chicks gather together in large groups while their parents feed at sea .

  24. 曼宝实在太特别了,最终被赶了出来,不再是帝企鹅的一员。

    Mumble is just too different , and he is finally cast out of the community .

  25. 一般来说,帝企鹅得在冰面上最多要艰苦跋涉75英里才能抵达自己孩子的所在地。

    Emperor penguins famously trek up to 75miles over the ice to reach their breeding colony .

  26. 此外,你还可以在音像店借阅《帝企鹅日记》纪录片。

    Alternatively , you could rent ' March of the Penguins " from your video store .

  27. 在冰面上留下的生物就只有帝企鹅和观察它们的人类了。

    The only living things left above the ice are the emperors and the humans watching them .

  28. 帝企鹅日记

    March of the Penguins

  29. 这些小企鹅们努力的抵抗低温和致命的寒风,而成年帝企鹅们紧紧的把自己的孩子围绕在一起。

    The adult Emperor Penguins surround theiryoung as they struggle to survive the freezing temperatures and deadly winds .

  30. 帝企鹅在地球上最寒冷的地方之一南极安家。

    Emperor penguins make their home in the Antarctic ( one of the coldest places on earth ) .