
xiōng gǔ
  • sternum;breastbone;sterno-;stern-
胸骨 [xiōng gǔ]
  • [breastbone;sternum] 哺乳动物和鸟类胸腔前面正中央的一根剑形的骨头

胸骨[xiōng gǔ]
  1. 胸骨转移性肿瘤的CT及临床分析

    CT features and clinical analysis of sternum metastases

  2. 尸体胸骨骨髓细胞核DNA含量变化及其与死后经过时间的关系

    The relationship between the amount of nuclear DNA in the marrow of sternum versus postmortem interval

  3. 前纵隔病变的CT引导经皮切割针穿刺&非经胸骨的活检

    CT-guided Percutaneous Non-transsternal Cutting-needle Biopsy for Anterior Mediastinal Lesions

  4. CT在胸骨病变中的诊断价值

    The value of CT in diagnosis of sternal lesions

  5. 目的:提高胸骨肿瘤的CT鉴别诊断能力。

    Objective : To improve ability of CT for differential diagnosis of sternal tumors .

  6. 离体人胸骨骨髓DNA降解与腐败尸体死亡时间推断的初步研究

    The relationship between postmortem degradation of marrow DNA in bosom bone and late postmortem interval estimation

  7. 10周龄体尺指标之间体现骨胳生长的指标如颈长、体长、胸骨长之间有显著的相关性(P<0.05)。

    The correlation between the neck length , stem length and sternum length were significant ( p < 0.05 ) .

  8. 方法分析经手术或病理证实的17例胸骨病变的CT表现,所有的病例均行CT平扫,其中5例行增强扫描。

    Methods Analyze the CT findings of 17 cases of sternal lesions which were proved by operation or pathology .

  9. 倒J形胸骨下段小切口在小儿心内直视手术中的应用

    Lower invert " J " mini-sternotomy approach for open heart surgery in children

  10. 结论胸骨肿瘤以转移瘤多见,CT检查对胸骨肿瘤有较高的诊断价值。

    Conclusion Most bone tumors of sternum are metastasis , CT is of great value in the diagnosis of bone tumor in the sternum .

  11. 胸骨上下段反向V型截骨纠治漏斗胸2例报告

    Correction of pectus excavatum by reverse " V " - shape cutting in the sternum : report of 2 cases

  12. 方法取健康雄性SD大鼠12只,随机分为正常对照组和慢性间歇性缺氧组,采用电刺激法,测定等长收缩胸骨舌骨肌肌条在不同条件下收缩性能及疲劳指数的变化。

    Methods 12 healthy male S-D rats were randomly assigned to two equal groups , control group and CIH group .

  13. 目的总结经胸骨下段小切口,在心脏不停跳下修补房间隔缺损(Atrialseptaldefect,ASD)的手术结果。

    Objective To summarize the results of atrial septal defect ( ASD ) repair minimal infrasternal thoracotomy in beating heart .

  14. Cd在环颈雉体内的分布规律为:肾>胸骨>股骨>肝>肺>胸肌>心>股肌。

    Cadmium distri-bution pattern conforms to the order : Kidney > Sternum > Femur > Liver > Lungs > Heart > Pectoral muscle > Femoral muscle .

  15. 会厌和胸骨舌骨肌在T3级声门癌喉功能保全手术中的应用

    The application of epiglottis with sternohyoid muscle in the conservation surgery for T3 glottic carcinoma

  16. 从胸锁乳突肌内侧下段穿刺点至胸骨柄后方深距(45.0±9.2)mm,向前内进针角度为17.7°±7.9°。

    The distance of percutaneous paracentesis between paracentesis point locating in inferior medial part of sternocleidomastoid and the dorsal point of manubrium sterni was ( 45.0 ± 9.2 ) mm .

  17. 资料与方法回顾性分析1992~2001年间共对39例前纵隔病变行CT引导下的非经胸骨的经皮穿刺。所用穿刺针为16、18、19和20G自动芯状活检枪。

    Materials and Methods Using 16 , 18 , 19 or 20 gauge needle , the procedure was performed in 39 cases with anterior mediastinal masses .

  18. 结果35例骨转移瘤中23例有肋骨破坏,共发现41处肋骨受累,20例椎骨破坏中胸部CT发现转移灶38个,还有1例为胸骨转移。

    Results In 23 costal metastasis , there were destroyed 41 ribs , while in 20 cases vertebral metastases , 38 corpus vertebrae were found destruction on pectoral CT scan . Another case was sternal metastases .

  19. 胸骨悬吊术急救Fontan术后胸骨压迫性低心排综合征

    Emergency Relief of Post-Fontan Operation Sternal Compressive Low Cardiac Output Syndrome by Over-Hanging of Sternum

  20. 目的探讨体表超声经胸骨上窝主动脉弓长轴切面在心外科经胸微创动脉导管未闭(PDA)封堵术中的应用价值。

    Objective To assess the value of cardiac surgery transthoracic minimally invasive occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus ( PDA ) guided by ultrasonography at suprasternal long axis view of aortic arch .

  21. 均在全麻常温下经胸骨正中切口行OPCAB术,人均远端吻合口3·0±0·9个。

    They underwent OPCAB with general anesthesia , with an average of 3.0 ± 0.9 distal anastomosis per patient .

  22. Nuss术程顺利,胸骨下端凹陷明显改善,手术效果效果满意。

    Nuss process went smoothly and ameliorated sternal uptake sag obviously . The whole surgery received a satisfactory effect .

  23. 2-DE肺动脉胸骨旁长轴、胸骨旁矢状观、胸骨上观3个平面诊断PDA的敏感性、特异性、正确性均较满意。

    The sensitivity , specificity and accuracy of the parasternal long axis view of pulmonary artery , parasternal sagittal view and suprasternal view in diagnosing PDA by 2-DE were satisfactory .

  24. 人体胸骨骨髓DNA降解与死亡时间的关系2、测定机体死后胸骨骨髓DNA降解可以推断一定时间段PMI。

    A Study on the Relationship between Postmortem Interval and the Change of DNA Content in Bosom Bone 2 , we can measure the DNA content in bosom bone cells of human corpses to estimate the PMI during 7d after death .

  25. 自胸骨旁第二肋上缘至入肌点长度:男性左侧(18.73±1.59)cm,右侧(14.44±1.48)cm;

    The length from superior margin of the second parasternal rib to the entrance point of diaphragm : in male , on the left side ( 18.73 ± 1.59 ) cm , on the right side ( 14.44 ± 1.48 ) cm .

  26. 方法:无菌条件下,抽取健康志愿者胸骨骨髓2mL,经离心、洗涤及传代培养后备用。

    METHODS : Under sterile condition , 2 mL bone marrow of sternum of healthy donors were harvested , and prepared after centrifugalization , dilution and passage .

  27. 第2~6肋间神经前皮支(ACIN)在胸骨旁穿出点位置恒定。

    The position of T2-6 anterior cutaneous branch of intercostals nerve ( ACIN ) perforating were invariant .

  28. 经皮从胸骨柄上缘颈静脉切迹穿刺点穿刺至胸骨角后方深距(62.8±14.1)mm。

    The distance of percutaneous paracentesis between paracentesis point of Jugular notch locating in superior edge of manubrium sterni and the dorsal point of sternal angle was ( 62.8 ± 14.1 ) mm , paracentesis angle to anterior medial direction was 17.71 °± 7.9 ° .

  29. 方法:切口选择在胸骨切迹处3cm,在腔镜辅助下行甲状腺肿瘤或腺体次全切除术。

    Methods : an incision was made 3 cm above the thymus notch and the operation was performed under endoscopy for thyroidectomy and sub total thyroidectomy .

  30. 所有病例均经超声心动图(UCG)诊断,全麻体外循环下胸骨正中切口入路,经房间沟、右房、左房或房间隔切开完成手术。

    Cardiotomy started from midsection of the sternum , made incision through interatrial sulcus , left atrium , right atrium or interatrial septum under general anesthesia and extracorporal circulation .