
xiōng zhào
  • bra;brassiere;bust bodice;breast form
胸罩[xiōng zhào]
  1. 她解开了胸罩。

    She unhooked her bra .

  2. 地板上有一个胸罩和一条短内裤。

    A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor .

  3. 这些胸罩要手洗以保持不变形。

    These bras should be handwashed to help them keep their shape

  4. 她给安买了两件胸罩、6条内裤。

    She bought Ann two bras and six pairs of knickers .

  5. 合适的胸罩不会留下红色勒痕。

    A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks .

  6. 胸罩已经从经典时尚转变为流行时尚。

    The bra has gone from being a fashion classic to a fashion cult .

  7. 魔术胸罩和V领衬衫

    The pushup bra and Vneck T.

  8. 一家胸罩公司的总裁通过在公司男性员工的脖子上悬挂重物的方式来模拟,强制他们亲身体验拥有E罩杯胸部是种什么样的感受。

    A bra company boss has forced his male employees to experience what it is like to have E-cup boobs - by hanging weights around the men 's necks .

  9. CNN特派员玛莉卡·卡波:不是,业内所有人都说是朵琳胸罩。

    MALLIKA KAPUR , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Nope , everybody in the business says it 's the Doreen .

  10. 德国人ThomasVogel用一只手在60秒内解开了56个胸罩。

    Using only one hand , Germany 's Thomas Vogel unfastened 56 bras in 60 seconds .

  11. CNN特派员玛莉卡·卡波:很漂亮,可是这不是全世界最畅销的胸罩。

    MALLIkA KAPUR , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Pretty enough , but it isn 't the world 's best-selling bra .

  12. CNN特派员玛莉卡·卡波:茱恩·肯顿从事胸罩业已有40多年的历史。

    MALLIKA KAPUR , CNN CORRESPONDENT : June Kenton has been in the bra business for more than 40 years .

  13. 把凯特•阿普顿(KateUpton)作为你的榜样,选择系在脖子上的三角形胸罩;

    Take Kate Upton as your muse and opt for a triangle top that ties at the neck ;

  14. 比如,我在听到亨利问Siri的一个问题后才知道有个网站叫名人胸罩尺码(CelebrityBraSizes)。

    For example , thanks to Henry and the question he just asked Siri , I now know that there is a website called Celebrity Bra Sizes .

  15. 黛丽斯国际(topforminternational)首席财务官迈克尔奥斯汀(michaelaustin)表示,该公司已将部分面向大众市场的胸罩生产业务转移到泰国,但中国的产量仍占到其总产量的一半左右。

    Michael Austin , chief financial officer of top form international , headquartered in Hong Kong , says the company is moving some of its mass-market bra-making to Thailand , but China still accounts for about half of its production .

  16. sKramer曾经深信Mansierre(一种男士胸罩)是他通往财富的车票。

    Seinfeld 's Kramer was convinced that the Mansierre ( a bra for men ) was his ticket to riches .

  17. 据美国领先的大号女士衣服零售商CharmingShoppes调查,80%的受访女性觉得她们的胸罩不合适。

    Some 80 % of women surveyed by Charming Shoppes , America 's leading retailer of clothes for larger women , said their bras didn 't fit properly .

  18. 他醒来时发现自己坐在干净的地方,被四十几个年轻女人围着,她们只穿软毛(三角裤与胸罩分开的)比基尼泳装,这些女人可以让美人RaquelWelch感到自卑而退回家去。

    He awoke to find himself sat in a clearing surrounded by about four dozen young women wearing the sort of fur bikini that would have made Raquel Welch give up and go home .

  19. 那次是我用她的胸罩做弹弓。

    And she found me using her bra as a slingshot .

  20. 雅典娜在她优雅的红色礼服和贝壳胸罩看起来超性感

    Athena looks super-sexy in her elegant red dress and seashell bra

  21. 你穿的这是背心么?还是个新买的胸罩?

    Is that a tank top , or a new bra ?

  22. 我居然为出门穿了胸罩。

    I can 't believe I wore a bra for this .

  23. 我们有款用黑色和红色缎子做的连身胸罩。

    We have this teddy bra in black and red satin .

  24. 但软垫、俯卧撑胸罩都无济于事。

    But padded and push-up bras are no solution either .

  25. 但是你知道胸罩是由什么制成的吗?

    I need you to take off your bra too .

  26. 阿曼达,你的训练胸罩太紧了!

    Amanda , your training bra ` s too tight !

  27. 她穿着薄薄的紧身小衫,没有带胸罩。

    She is wearing a thin top and no bra .

  28. 一般来说女青年到了15岁时就应该开始戴胸罩了。

    Generally female youth at age15 should start wear bra .

  29. 最后她用手帕和缎带制造出了一个胸罩。

    She ended up creating a bra using a handkerchief and ribbon .

  30. 你要是看我穿牛仔裤和胸罩就知道了。

    You should see me in jeans and a bra .