
jiàn shè ɡōnɡ qī
  • construction period
  1. 文摘:三峡工程规模巨大,建设工期长,投资需求大。

    Abstract : the Three Gorges project is a large-scale project with long construction period and large investment demand .

  2. 采用该方法,施工简便,建设工期短,地基稳定,造价低,社会效益和经济效益显著。

    This method is of simple and convenient procedures , short construction period , stable foundation and low costs , and can bring about prominent social and economic benefits .

  3. 建设工期定额水平及评审的研究

    On the Level and Appraisement for the Project Time Limit Quota

  4. 荆州至岳阳铁路建设工期方案比较分析

    Railway construction period scheme comparison and analysis between Jingzhou to Yueyang

  5. 发展抽水蓄能电站的必要性及其建设工期分析

    The Necessity of Increasing Pumped Storage Power Station and Analysis of Construction Period

  6. 火电项目建设工期影响因素的研究与分析

    Study of Factors that Affect The Limit for Project of Coal-Fired Power Plant Construction

  7. 首先,就项目收益与建设工期之间的关系进行了分析与探讨,提出了几种可能的函数关系;

    The relationship is analyzed between the income of running period and construction duration ;

  8. 介绍了2种铁路建设工期定额评审的方法,这2种方法是应用系统工程原理和系统分析方法针对我国铁路建设工期定额评审原则、评审方法以及合理工期的选定而提出的。

    In the article two methods to evaluate construction time limit quota are introduced .

  9. 多元逐步回归分析在铁路隧道建设工期定额编制中的应用

    The Application of Multiple Element Regression in Step-by-step in the Preparation of Construction Duration Quota

  10. 重新认识水电工程的建设工期

    Re-recognize the Construction Period of Hydropower Project

  11. 工程项目建设工期模糊性研究

    Research on Fuzzy Construction Periods of Projects

  12. 用模糊聚类分析法划分建设工期定额地域类别

    Dividing the regional differences of quota in completion time of project with fuzzy classification analytical method

  13. 优化施工组织设计,缩短主井装载系统建设工期

    Optimum of Construction Organization Design for to Shorten Construction Work Period of Main Shaft Lading System

  14. 好的网络规划设计,可以缩短建设工期,提高工程质量,降低投入成本。

    Good network planning design can shorten the construction period , improve engineering quality and reduce cost .

  15. 开发和应用先进的项目控制软件等。实践证明,先进的项目控制有助于降低成本,缩短建设工期,提高工作效率。

    Practice showed that advanced project control can reduce cost , shorten construction period and increase working efficiency .

  16. 然而轨道交通施工规模浩大,建设工期长,影响范围广。

    However , the vast scale of Subway construction , a long construction period , affected a wide area .

  17. 搞好合同管理,对提高工程质量、降低工程造价和缩短建设工期有重要的意义和作用。

    Effective contract management plays a vital role on improving project quality , reducing project construction cost and time .

  18. 其中半刚性连接可以缩短建设工期,降低管理成本,可以产生良好的经济效益。

    The semi-rigid connections can shorten the construction period , reduce management costs , and produce good economic benefits .

  19. 但鉴于世界杯准备阶段出现了大规模的建设工期延误,这种讯息听起来似乎越来越空洞。

    But with massive construction delays in the run-up to the event , that message seems to sound increasingly hollow .

  20. 利用永久井架凿井可以有效地缩短矿井建设工期。为业主带来良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    Utilizing the everlasting headframe might effectively cut down the mine building construction period and had beneficial result and economic results .

  21. 本工艺对减免井架施工的占井工期、缩短整个矿井建设工期有一定的意义。

    The technique conduce to decrease time due to installing headgear occupy shaft alone and cut construction time of whole mine .

  22. 最终目标是在保证隧道施工安全和工程质量的前提下,最大限度的减少工程造价和缩短建设工期。

    The ultimate objective is to minimize engineering cost and construction period in the context of ensuring the construction safety and quality .

  23. 在目前水电大开发的有利形势下,重新认识水电工程的建设工期,具有重要的现实意义。

    Under the present favorable situation of hydropower development , it has great significance to reconsider the construction period of hydropower project .

  24. 其旨在缩短建设工期,确保工程质量,降低工程造价,提高投资效益。

    It aims to shorten construction time limit for a project , ensure project quality , reduce project cost , improve investment beneficial result .

  25. 最后,通过经济技术分析说明,本文设计的无人值班变电所,占地面积小、投资省、建设工期短、解放了变电值班人员,同时其运行和管理费用低,具有显著的经济效益。

    At last , cost-effectiveness analysis validates that the substation is smaller space , lower interest and management cost , shorter building time than others .

  26. 该研究成果及时提供给大桥设计者,保证了大桥的设计质量和建设工期。

    This research achievement was provided promptly to bridge design , and therefore insured the design quality of the bridge and the building time for the project .

  27. 充分利用空间和时间组织平行作业,缩短了主井装载系统建设工期2.5个月。

    The main shaft to load the system construction work was shortened to expect 2 . 5 months under well using of space and times organize homework .

  28. 在大江大河上修建水利水电工程,大坝施工是控制整个水电站工期的关键项目,其施工进程和施工质量直接影响工程的建设工期和安危。

    For hydraulic and hydroelectric projects located at large rivers , the process and quality of the dam construction has a critical influence on the whole project construction .

  29. 此方法可应用于工程项目建设工期定额的修订与完善,以及建设工期定额的执行和建设工期的决策与管理。

    This method may use in revision and perfection of quota in completion time of project , and use in the decision and management of completion time of project .

  30. 隧道的施工是整条铁路线路施工中的关键环节,长大隧道的建设工期一般会比较长,往往影响整个工程的进度。

    As the construction of tunnels is the key to the whole railway line and the period is very long , it always affects the overall progress of the project .