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  • 网络Dry land farming
  1. 试验证明,在某种土壤条件下旱地耕作时,旋耕机单位耕宽在轮区所耗功率是非轮区的一半,在轮宽为225mm的东方&15型船拖上可回收功率2.59马力。

    It also proved that consumed power of rotary cultivator in per unit area is the half of that in other area in a certain kind of soil . 2.59 hp can be recovered in " East-15 BTT ", whose driving wheel is 225 mm wide .

  2. 东北主要旱地耕作土壤冻融环境分析

    Freezing-Thawing Condition of Main Dryland Farming Soil Areas in Northeast China

  3. 广西旱地耕作体系缓释氮肥效应试验研究

    Effect of Slow Releasing Fertilizers in the Upland Cropping System in Guangxi

  4. 喀斯特地区旱地耕作覆盖保墒栽培技术

    Techniques of Cultivation and Mulching for Soil Moisture Holding of Upland in Karst Area

  5. 增加研究开支至关重要,尤其是在旱地耕作领域。

    Increased spending on research will be essential , especially into farming in dry-land conditions .

  6. 关于长春市旱地耕作制度改革的刍议

    The humble opinion about the reform of the cropping system on nonirrigated farmland of Changchun

  7. 大量土地可能不得不从灌溉转为旱地耕作。

    Substantial amounts of land may have to be converted from irrigated to dryland farming systems .

  8. 旱地耕作蓄水保墒技术的应用及效益分析

    The Application and Profit Analysis about Technology of Dry Land Husbandry and Storage for Water Preserving Humidity

  9. 黑线姬鼠为稻田、旱地耕作区优势种,占总捕鼠数的95.16%。

    Apodemus agrarius was the dominant species in rice field and dry farm land , with 95.16 percent .

  10. 结合毕节地区实际,从旱地耕作模式和耕作技术等方面对旱作农业优质高效耕作技术进行了探索和研究。

    The high efficiency cultivation technique for upland farming is probed into the upland farming model and cultivation technique aspects .

  11. 旱地耕作方式下,莴笋、黑麦草高施灌处理下渗水中的养分含量也明显高出对照,对水环境造成威胁。

    Under the dryland farming , both in the lettuce and ryegrass environmental , the nutrient contents of leaching water were also higher evidently than that under control ; Pose a threat to the water environment .

  12. 黔西北山区旱地农业耕作技术研究与推广

    Study and popularization of farming technique for arid land Northwest Guizhou

  13. 旱地覆盖耕作对土壤环境的影响

    Effect on stubble mulch tillage to soil in Rainfed Areas

  14. 陇中黄土高原旱地覆盖耕作效应的初步研究

    Effects of Mulching-Tillage on Arid Farming in Mid-Gansu Loess Plateau

  15. 旱地表土耕作效应研究

    Study on surface tillage effect for dryland

  16. 青海东部山旱地土壤耕作与水分状况研究

    The Study of Soil Tillages and Moisture Conditions in Dry Mountain Lands in the East Part of Qinghai Province

  17. 旱地玉米耕作、覆盖与播种方式研究免耕耕作就是在前茬作物收割完毕后在留茬地上直接进行下一茬作物的播种。

    Study on Tillage , Mulching and Planting in Dryland Corn Field No-tillage is defined as seeding directly into previously undisturbed soil .

  18. 通过田间定位试验探讨了黄土高原旱地不同耕作措施下土壤有机碳的存在形式、转化过程以及有机碳各组分之间的关系。

    In order to discuss the existence forms and the conversion process of the soil organic carbon , and the relationship on different soil organic carbon components under the different tillage method in loess plateau semi-arid area , the soil in different tillage condition had be analyzed by chemical method .

  19. 旱地保护性耕作土壤风蚀模型研究

    A model of soil erosion under conservation tillage

  20. 旱地保护性耕作对冬小麦光合特性及产量的影响

    Effect of Conservation Tillage on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Winter Wheat in Dry Land

  21. 半湿润偏旱区旱地麦田保护耕作技术研究

    Research on the Conservation Tillage Technology in Wheat Fields in the Semihumid Region Liable to Drought

  22. 红壤旱地保护性耕作对玉米生长发育、产量性状及经济效益的影响

    Effects of Conservative Tillage on Growth , Development and Yield of Corn Mulched with Upland Red Soil

  23. 国外多年的保护性耕作实践表明,旱地保护性耕作能减少土壤风蚀水蚀,抑制沙尘暴。

    Conservation tillage ( CT ) has been shown as a wind and water erosion reduction technology from many years , research in developed countries .

  24. 在7a旱地玉米保护性耕作试验研究基础上,根据山西省寿阳县农业生产的各种投入和农产品价格,对比分析了保护性耕作技术和传统耕作的经济效益。

    Based on 7 year study on conservation tillage for maize in dryland and Shouyang local production inputs and prices of farm prducts , economic benefits of conservation tillage and conventional tillage are analyzed .

  25. 坡旱地集水深蓄耕作技术研究

    Tillage Technique of Water Harvest and Storage on Rainfed Sloping Farmlands

  26. 旱地玉米保护性耕作机具与作业工艺的组合研究

    Integrated Research on Conservation Tillage Equipment and Technology for Dryland Corn Production

  27. 旱地小麦保护性耕作增加播前地表处理的研究

    Soil surface disposal of conservative farming of dry land wheat before sowing

  28. 旱地玉米保护性耕作经济效益分析

    Economic analysis of maize production in dryland with conservation tillage

  29. 旱地麦田蓄水保墒耕作措施的研究

    A Study on Tillage Measure for Soil Water Storage and Conservation in Rainfed Wheat Fields

  30. 黄土高原旱地不同保护性耕作措施对马铃薯田土壤水温效应及产量的影响

    Different conservation tillage related with soil water , soil temperature and yield of potato in rainfed farming system