
  • 网络building code;construction standards;Architectural Criteria;building standard
  1. 该建筑在结构上使用了加强的现浇混凝土,其建筑安全系数已经超过了纽约建筑标准中所规定的数值。

    505 Fifth Avenue uses cast-in-place reinforced concrete for a structure that provides a level of building safety exceeding New York City Building Code requirements .

  2. 我国建筑标准体系与国际惯例接轨势在必行。

    It is imperative for system of Chinese construction standards to adapt to international rules .

  3. 这个占地1.9万平方英尺(约合1765平方米)的办公空间能容纳70名员工,是Well建筑标准的样板间。

    The 19000-square-foot office space houses 70 employees and serves as a showplace for the Well standard .

  4. CAARC高层建筑标准模型层风荷载谱数学模型研究

    Mathematical model research of power spectrum of wind loads on CAARC standard tall building model

  5. 以国际通用的低矮建筑标准模型TTU(德州理工大学)模型为考察对象,在同济大学TJ-2建筑风洞中进行了1∶50缩尺模型的风洞试验研究。

    The wind tunnel test of the TTU ( Texas Tech University ) Building Model , an international standard model , at a scale of 1 ∶ 50 was carried out in TJ-2 boundary layer wind tunnel of Tongji University .

  6. BradyCox:“我认为,许多人不能理解的一点是,建筑标准是为了避免地震造成人员伤亡,并不意味着建筑或桥梁,或者其他任何东西不会出现严重的损坏。”

    BRADY COX : " One thing I think a lot of people don 't understand is that building codes are meant to prevent loss of life in earthquakes , that doesn 't mean that the buildings won 't -- or bridges for that matter , or anything -- won 't sustain significant damage . "

  7. 超高层建筑标准层空调设计

    Air - conditioning Design of the Normal Floors in High Risers

  8. 对单井回灌纳入某建筑标准设计的质疑

    Doubt about Bringing Single-well Flooding Back into a Standard of Architecture Design

  9. 美国绿色建筑标准引导建筑开发新潮

    American Green Building Standards Lead Develop of Building Trader

  10. 我国建筑标准具有复杂性,多专业性及不断更新等特点。

    The complex building standards in China are multi discipline and up to date .

  11. 谈国家建筑标准设计图集的一年变化

    Review of the Change of the National Building Standard Collective Drawings in one Year

  12. 由地方传统建筑标准化引发的思考

    Pondering on the Standardization of Local Traditional Building

  13. 我们能做的就是提高建筑标准,改进地震前震的监测技术。

    What we can do is raise building standards and improve monitoring of foreshocks .

  14. 奥运场馆的建设采用了世界级的设计和建筑标准。

    World class architectural design and construction standards have guided the building of Olympic venues .

  15. 该机构称,亚洲国家应该提高建筑标准,建立有效的前期预警机制。

    It said Asian country should improve construction standards and establish effective early warning systems .

  16. 许多北京居民仍然不得不使用往往是污秽不堪的公共厕所,房屋的建筑标准通常也不高。

    Many residents still have to use often-squalid public toilets and building standards are often poor .

  17. 模数协调与建筑标准化是现代主义盛期的重要日程之一。

    Modular coordination and building standardization was a part of the critical agenda of high modernism .

  18. 由市政府建立的治理该市建筑标准的一套章程。

    Set of regulations established by a municipality to govern the standards of construction in that municipality .

  19. 从预防角度出发,这也意味着需要改善城市规划并加强建筑标准。

    On the prevention side , it also means improved urban planning and the enforcement of building codes .

  20. 学校校舍应该使用符合工程和建筑标准的材料结构,同时还应符合当地的抗震标准。

    School buildings should use structures that meet engineering and construction standards as well as local quake-resistance requirements .

  21. 帘面的高度、宽度一般采用建筑标准中的常用尺寸,亦可按用户需要进行定制。

    Standard sizes are adopted for length and width of the shutters , or it can also be customized .

  22. 事实是它发生在一个中国最先进的城市,引发关注全国建筑标准。

    The fact that it occurred in one of China 's most advanced cities has triggered concerns about construction standards nationwide .

  23. 为了符合新的建筑标准,建筑的墙面和天花板都将进行绝缘处理。

    There would be a pitched roof . Wall and ceiling spaces would be insulated to conform to new building regulations .

  24. 这些地方附近的构造断层都处在紧张状态,但建筑标准和灾难预防则似乎不够充分。

    In those places , nearby tectonic faults are under strain , and building standards and disaster preparations are seen as inadequate .

  25. 为恢复卫生基础设施,加强社会福利,利比里亚制定了医院、医疗中心和诊所的建筑标准。

    To restore health infrastructure and strengthen social welfare programs , architectural standards for hospitals , health centers and clinics were developed .

  26. 本文是关于高层综合建筑标准层及其空间的设计研究型论文。

    The paper is one of research paper talking about the typical floor and its space design in tall building with multi-function .

  27. 那些未能遵守建筑标准的建筑商和工程师面临多宗官司,法院随后应把主要精力放在这些令人瞩目的案子的审判上。

    The courts should then concentrate on the many outstanding trials against those builders and engineers who failed to abide by building codes .

  28. 许多发展中国家缺乏建筑标准导致了设计不良的建筑在地震或其他自然灾害袭击后倒塌。

    The lack of building standards in many developing countries leads to poorly designed buildings that collapse when earthquakes or other natural disasters strike .

  29. 市政领导可以改进土地使用、建筑标准、用水和卫生系统,制定并实施保健法规。

    Municipal leaders are well-positioned to influence land use , building standards , water and sanitation systems , and the enactment and enforcement of health-promoting legislation .

  30. 悲痛的家长和全国各地的网民认为,腐败的地方官员挪用资金,无视建筑标准,允许修建不合标准的校舍。

    Grieving parents and Internet users throughout China have suggested that corrupt local officials embezzled funds , ignored building codes and allowed the construction of sub-standard school buildings .