
  1. 对比这些差异可以为设计今天的中国剧场提供思路和根据。

    Those diversities can be the guide of today 's Chinese theater design .

  2. 《中国剧场史》思考

    Thinking About China Stage History

  3. 周贻白的《中国剧场史》作为我国剧场研究的奠基之作蕴涵着我国剧场美学的萌芽。

    The History of Chinese Ancient Theater , written by Zhou Yibai , lays a foundation in the theater study of China . And it contains the rudiment of theater aesthetics .

  4. 献给城市整体环境的礼品&中国儿童剧场翻建设计

    E City Design for the Renovation of the Children Theater of China , Beijing

  5. 中国当代小剧场戏剧论

    On the Contemporary Little Theatre of China

  6. 打造中国的京剧剧场:梅兰芳大剧院创作随笔之一

    To Create the Chinese Theater for Beijing Opera : Essay One for Creation of Mei Lanfang Grand Theater

  7. 中国当代小剧场戏剧描绘了当代中国的社会面貌,反映了当代中国人的生存状况与精神危机、情感状态与意识演变。

    The artistic exploration of China 's contemporary little theatre depicts the contemporary China , revealing the living status , spiritual crisis , emotional well-being and the transformation of the Chinese people .

  8. 本文是在作者尽可能全面搜集资料的基础上,第一次系统地研究中国当代小剧场戏剧,论述其发展过程、基本特征、主要的表现形态以及它对中国话剧和中国当代文化的意义。

    The author attempt to carry out systematic researches into contemporary Chinese little theatre by utilizing all the extant materials , and to show the process of the development , basic characteristics , main form of expressions and the cultural significance in Chinese spoken drama .

  9. 中国戏曲与古代剧场发展关系的五个阶段

    The Five Stages of the Relationship between Chinese Drama and Chinese Ancient Theatre

  10. 本文探讨了中国戏曲和中国古代剧场在历史发展过程中的相互关系,并将其总结为5个历史阶段:戏曲借原始宗教反映于剧场;

    This thesis discusses the five stages of the relationship in history between Chinese drama and Chinese ancient theatre : Drama reflected religious belief in theatres ;