
  • 网络connecting flight;BJ-HK;Fly-Thru
  1. 那儿有去洛杉矶的中转航班吗?

    Is there a connecting flight to Los angeles ?

  2. 如果您还要中转航班的话,必须在报关后去国内候机厅等候。

    If you have a connecting flight , you 'll have to go to the domestic terminal after you have declared customs .

  3. 然而虽然这可能显得有失公正这些规定不适用于在欧盟以外机场搭乘中转航班的旅客,因为它们不在欧盟司法管辖权范围内。

    But , unjust though it may seem , these requirements do not apply to passengers catching connecting flights from airports outside the EU , which are beyond its jurisdiction .

  4. 在洛杉矶您需要转乘中转联程航班到纽约。

    In Los Angeles you need to take a connecting flight to New York .

  5. 直达的航班还是中转的航班?

    A direct flight or a connecting flight ?

  6. 但他最后决定改签周日更为便宜的中转联程航班,在德国法兰克福转机。

    But the athlete ultimately decided to take another , cheaper flight with a layover in Frankfurt , Germany , on Sunday .

  7. 不过,布鲁塞尔发布的指导意见指出:“若发生在中转地的航班延误令旅行不再具有任何意义,旅客有权利搭乘一趟免费航班回到其最初出发地。”

    However , guidance issued from Brussels notes : " if the delay occurs at a connecting point , and if the flight no longer serves any purpose , then the passenger is also entitled to a free flight back to the first point of departure . "

  8. 当阿里在上周四再次联系她时,她为两人重新预定了经北京中转的马航航班,因为当时那是最便宜的。

    When he contacted her again on Thursday , she rebooked the men on the Malaysia Airlines flight through Beijing because it was the cheapest available .