
  • 网络medieval culture
  1. 13世纪成为中世纪文化发展的颠峰时期。

    The11th-13th centuries mark the high point of medieval civilization .

  2. 只有深入了解欧洲中世纪文化继承的实际情况,才有可能对欧洲历史的演进作出正确的解释。

    In fact , only by deeply understanding actual condition of European culture during Middle Ages can we arrive at the correct interpretation of the evolution of European history .

  3. 并期望借助朝鲜风向东亚各国介绍朝鲜历史、民俗、风土,为朝鲜在中世纪文化转型期赢得尊重与话语权提供一个平台。

    The Korean style and expectations with East Asian countries introduced Korean history , folk customs , customs to Korea in the medieval cultural transition period to win the respect and the right words to provide a platform .

  4. 琳达·E·米切尔在《中世纪西欧文化中的妇女》中,对此问题有一定程度的研究,但涉入不深。

    Mitchell explores the matter in " Women in Medieval Western European Culture ", but she does only a little about it .

  5. 中世纪基督教文化的力量在于它的伦理道德,它摈弃原始生殖崇拜的感性需要,将拯救的希望建立在灵魂赎罪的净化上;

    The power of Christianity derives from its ethic and morality ;

  6. 外来因素与中世纪俄罗斯文化的整合

    Integration of the Medieval Russian Culture and the Foreign Factors

  7. 犹太人对中世纪西方文化复兴的贡献

    The Contribution of Jew in Medieval Renaissance of Latin West

  8. 欧洲中世纪宗教文化对西洋服饰的影响

    The Effect of Medieval European Religion on Western Clothing

  9. 秩序与冲突&西欧中世纪政治文化演进的机制

    Order and conflict ── The evolution of medieval political culture of Western Europe

  10. 中世纪宗教文化观念的历史影响和当代意义

    Western Religious Conception of Culture in the Middle Ages : Historic Impact and Contemporary Significance

  11. 欧洲中世纪的文化是经过日耳曼、基督教和希腊罗马三重文化因素的整合运动,逐步形成的一种共有的基督教新文化。

    Medieval European culture was a kind of new common culture in combination with Greek-Roman culture , Christian culture and Germanic culture .

  12. 在中世纪早期文化颓废的历史年代,基督教担当着文明传承、与世俗政治分权的角色。

    The culture was very decadent in the early Middle Ages , so Christianity played an important role in lasting the traditional civilization and political decentralization with secular society .

  13. 基督教教会弥补了古典文明终止后的文化空隙,以其在政治、经济和文化方面的作用,控制了社会的意识形态,从而形成了中世纪基督教文化。

    After the classical civilization ended up , Christian churches filled out the cultural blank in order to dominate the social ideology in politics , economy and culture , as well as forming the Christian Culture .

  14. 欧洲中世纪基督教神学文化形成的原因

    The Cause for Emergence of European Christian Science in Middle Ages

  15. 试论西方中世纪的政治文化传统(一)&对自然法思想的简要考察

    Medieval Political and Cultural Tradition (ⅰ): the Natural Law

  16. 我们像中世纪僧侣(文化智慧的象征)将他们联系起来

    And we stitch them together like medieval monks .

  17. 中世纪英国民众文化状况研究

    The Study of Medieval England Popular Literacy

  18. 中世纪是古典文化、希伯莱文化和哥特文化的相互融合时期。

    The Middle Age is a period in which Classical , Hebrew and Gothic heritages merged .

  19. 中世纪西欧宫廷文化对骑士精神的影响

    The Influence of the Court Culture of West Europe on the Knight Spirit in Middle Ages

  20. 因此中世纪的视觉文化具有三个特征:象征意识、救赎意识、静观意识,这与当下的视觉文化形成鲜明对照。

    Therefore medieval visual culture has three characteristics : symbol awareness , salvation awareness and contemplation awareness , this contrasts with current visual culture clearly .

  21. 对于中世纪社会和文化不熟悉的人会认为在这期间,人们对于世界的看法没有丝毫变化。

    Most people who are unfamiliar with medieval societies and cultures would assume that nothing changed in the way people viewed the world during that time .

  22. 在中世纪与近代文化交界地带,但丁面对内在外在的价值纷乱,在其长诗《神曲》中完成了一次终极追寻。

    Faced with the internal and external disorder , Dantes finished one eternal pursuit in his Divina Commedia in the turning point of Middle Ages and Modern Ages .

  23. 欧洲中世纪基督教文献的文化指向

    The Christian Documents ' Culture Sides in Middle Ages of Europe

  24. 修道院与中世纪前期的西欧文化

    Monastery and the Western Culture in thd Early Middle Ages

  25. 欧洲中世纪早期的基督教文化

    The Christian Culture in Early Medieval Europe

  26. 传统上对欧洲历史的解释,大都视中世纪为一个文化黑暗时期。

    To regard Middle Ages as a dark cultural age is a traditional interpretation of European history .

  27. 它的崛起既是中世纪初期几个世纪文化积淀的结果,又与输入的东方文化息息相关。

    The rise of the medieval universities was attributed to both the internal cultural accumulations for centuries during the early medieval period and the external oriental cultural input .

  28. 巴赫金在有关民间文化解构中世纪专制的官方文化的狂欢化理论,使得西方学者大为倾倒,引起了人文科学各方面的学者的强烈兴趣。

    His theory of carnival the deconstruction of the medieval authoritarian official culture with the folk culture wins many western scholars ' favors , arousing intense interest among scientists and scholars .

  29. 欧洲中世纪的思想、文化不仅具有上承下传的历史地位,其自身也具有独立的价值。

    The medieval ideas and culture of Europe not only have the historical position which forms a connecting link between the preceding and the following but also have their own independent value .

  30. 古代希腊罗马维系方式从血缘阶段到信仰阶段,中世纪初期的基督教文化的思维方式、思想资源以及文化要素都对后来西方文化的形成起到了不可估量的作用。

    The maintaining way from stage of blood relationship to faith stage in Ancient Rome and Greece , thinking way and thought resource and cultural element of Christianity culture all played an inestimable role for forming of western culture later .