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  • 网络chinese tv;china tv;china television
  1. WPPPLC旗下广告公司群邑(GroupM)估计,2010年中国电视广告总收入为274亿美元。

    WPP PLC ad-buying unit GroupM estimates that China television advertising revenue in 2010 totaled $ 27.4 billion .

  2. 中国电视广告是解放思想的产物。

    China Television advertising is the product of emancipating the mind .

  3. 论加入WTO后中国电视传媒产业的发展战略

    Discuss of China Mass Media Developing Strategy after China 's Entering WTO

  4. NBA篮球自19世纪80年代在中国电视上开始转播。

    NBA basketball has been on TV in China since the1980s .

  5. 毫无疑问,“湖南电视现象”的勃兴决非偶然,它对中国电视如何应对WTO有诸多的启示。

    Undoubtly , this phenomenon is not accidental at all , and it brings a lot of enlightenments to chinese TV on how to face the challenges of WTO .

  6. 中国电视旅游节目发展研究

    A Study on the Development of TV Travel Program in China

  7. 二十一世纪以来,中国电视媒体竞争激烈。

    Since21th century , Chinese television medium competitions are very vehemence .

  8. 民生新闻的出现,掀起了中国电视新闻第三次革命。

    Civic news reporting begins the third revolution in media system .

  9. 植入式广告为中国电视剧产业带来的新机遇

    The New Opportunity for Chinese Television Plays Brought by Product Placement

  10. 中国电视栏目名称中文化的折射及其英译

    Cultural Reflection in Chinese TV Program Titles and Their English Translation

  11. 尼尔森媒介致力发展中国电视广告监测市场

    AC Nielsen devotes itself to develop the Chinese TV advertising monitoring market

  12. 浅谈中国电视传媒业未来发展趋势

    A Brief Analysis on Future Trends of Chinese TV Media

  13. 一是中国电视剧艺术生产的历史语境。

    The other is the historical context of production of Chinese teleplay .

  14. 中国电视新闻平民化刍议

    A Qeneral Preview of the Popularization of China TV News

  15. 新形势下中国电视媒体的责任与使命

    Responsibility and Mission of China TV Media under New Situation

  16. 对中国电视谈话类节目的理性思考

    Rational Thinking about " Talk Show " Programs in China

  17. 你甚至能够通过流媒体即时收看直播的中国电视节目。

    You can watch a live show of Chinese program on internet .

  18. 中国电视舞蹈接受主体审美特性研究

    Study on the Aesthetic Characters of Acceptant Objects of Chinese TV Dancing

  19. 中国电视黄金时段广告价格正以两位数的涨幅上升。

    Inflation on Chinese primetime TV is in double digits .

  20. 中国电视网进行的现场直播,往往是稍稍延后一段时间的。

    Chinese networks have a short time delay when broadcasting live events .

  21. 大众文化语境下的中国电视娱乐节目

    Chinese Television Entertaining Programs in the Context of Mass Culture

  22. 中国电视广告在中国广告业中一直扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    Chinese TV advertisements occupy a pivotal position in the circle of advertisements .

  23. 中国电视媒体广告经营的现状、问题及对策

    The Conditions , Problems and Strategies for Advertising Operation in Chinese TV Medium

  24. 中国电视节目泛娱乐化的表现

    Revelation of Abused Amusement of TV Program in China

  25. 分众化传播时代的中国电视综合频道

    Chinese Composite Channel in the Age of Mass-decentralized Communication

  26. 中国电视剧:客厅里的图像叙事新策略

    Chinese Television Drama : The New Tactics of Picture-narrative in the Living Room

  27. 2003年以来中国电视竞争状况和经营策略分析

    The Analysis of China 's Television Competition State and Running Strategies Since 2003

  28. 这个节目吸引到了中国电视史上最大的观众群。

    The show drew the largest audiences in the history of Chinese television .

  29. 中国电视媒体功能失衡与对策研究

    The Unbalance of the Functions of the Chinese TV Media and the Countermeasures

  30. 中国电视剧女性形象研究

    Research on Female Images of TV Plays in China