kè sī
- silk tapestry with cut designs;a type of weaving done by the tapestry method in fine silks and gold thread

[silk tapestry with cut designs] 中国特有的将绘画移植于丝织品的一种工艺美术品,以细蚕丝为经,色彩丰富的蚕丝作纬,纬丝仅于图案花纹需要处与经丝交织。也作刻丝,最早产生在我国宋代
缂丝[kè sī]
Silk costume with cut designs is precious traditional silk of China which has a long history , but nowadays there were much concern about it .
These three contains rich cultural connotation , among which there are two precious K ' o-ssu shell fabrics . One is the seasonal clothing for the replacement for the spring clothing and autumn clothing as the time of the early spring and late summer .