
lǚ jù
  • Lü opera
吕剧 [lǚ jù]
  • [Lü opera] 中国山东省的地方戏

吕剧[lǚ jù]
  1. 吕剧;生成;“齐鲁乡土美”;文化变迁;文化生态重建。

    Lvju ; Generation ; Rural Beauty of QiLu ; Cultural Changes ; Cultural ecology reconstruction .

  2. 本文在对吕剧实地调查的基础上,凸显吕剧代表性作品在唱词、唱腔、节奏和表演形式等方面的特点。

    Based on the field survey of Lu opera , highlighting the characteristics of representative works in the lyrics of Lu opera melody , rhythm and performance form .

  3. 最后分析了当前吕剧生存危机的三个社会原因:社会环境与文化市场的双重影响,政治冰封的解冻与文化体制改革,艺术创作中的两个关系。

    Finally , analyzed the social causes of current survival crisis in three aspects : the double effects of social environment and the cultural market , the thawing of political frozen and culture system reform , two relations in the artistic creation .

  4. 它起源、兴盛于素有吕剧窝子之称的博兴、广饶一带地区,成长、成熟并定型于济南等大城市,流传于江苏、新疆、黑龙江、辽宁等地。

    It originated , prospered in the known " Lvju wozy " in Boxing 、 Guangrao area , and grew , matured shaped in the big cities of Jinan . It spread in Jiangsu , Xinjiang , Heilongjiang , Liaoning and other places .