
  • 网络Lui Che Woo
  1. 目前的乐观形势与短短几个月前的惨淡图景大相径庭。当时,包括金沙及吕志和旗下银河娱乐(GalaxyEntertainment)在内的多家运营商不得不暂停建筑项目。

    The rosy situation is a far cry from the grim picture just a few months ago , when operators including Sands and Mr Lui 's Galaxy Entertainment were forced to halt construction .

  2. 吕志和称,去年是澳门史上挑战最大的时期之一。

    Mr Lui called last year one of the most challenging periods in the history of Macau .

  3. 吕志和称,去年是“澳门史上挑战最大的时期之一”。

    Mr Lui called last year " one of the most challenging periods in the history of Macau . "