
  • 网络joseph lau;Joseph Lau Luen-Hung
  1. 最近,另一位地产开发商刘銮雄(josephlau)在澳门被要求在一项腐败庭审中作证。

    This week Joseph Lau , another developer , has been asked to give evidence in a corruption trial in neighbouring Macau .

  2. 上月,香港地产大亨刘銮雄(JosephLau)买下了一件现代美国波普艺术精品,尽管其中带有大量中国特色。

    Last month Joseph Lau , a Hong Kong property tycoon , secured a quintessential piece of modern American pop art , albeit one with considerable Chinese characteristics .

  3. 据《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志称,现年62岁的刘銮雄是香港最富有的商人之一,净资产达84亿美元。

    Chinese Estates ' Mr. Lau , 62 years old , is among Hong Kong 's richest men with a net worth of $ 8.4 billion , according to Forbes magazine .

  4. 刘銮雄律师明路义(LuisMesquitadeMelo)说,他已经提出上诉,他的团队无法完全理解上述判决的事实和法律根据。罗杰承的律师没有立即回覆记者的置评请求。

    Mr. Lau 's lawyer , Luis Mesquita de Melo , said he had already appealed the judgment and that his team was ' not able to completely understand the factual and legal grounds for the decision . ' Mr. Lo 's lawyer didn 't immediately return requests for comment .

  5. 刘銮雄和罗杰承两人都不认罪,也都未出席庭审。

    Both men pleaded not guilty and neither was in court to hear the verdict .

  6. 香港小报经常会报道刘銮雄的奢侈生活及其与女友外出的消息。

    Hong Kong 's tabloids frequently report on his lavish lifestyle and appearances with his girlfriends .

  7. 这一价格低于预测价格低端,而且刘銮雄似乎是唯一出价者。

    The price was below the low estimate , and Mr Lau appeared to be the sole bidder .

  8. 房产亿万富豪刘銮雄有一位终身伴侣,去年,他在地方新闻上刊出了一整页的广告,澄清与前女友分手的消息并说明了财务细节。

    Real-estate billionaire Joseph Lau , who has a long-term partner , published a full-page ad in a local newspaper last year clarifying his breakup with an ex-girlfriend , including the financial details .