
  1. 在那两次创纪录的拍卖中,刘益谦都使用了美国运通(AmericanExpress)信用卡付款,获得了数百万奖励积分。

    For both record-setting acquisitions , Mr. Liu reportedly paid with an American Express credit card , earning him many millions of reward points .

  2. 本周一共有六人竞拍莫迪利亚尼1917年至1918年的画作《侧卧的裸女》(NuCouché),刘益谦通过电话参加了竞拍。

    Bidding by telephone , Mr. Liu was one of six people competing for Modigliani 's 1917-18 canvas , " Nu Couch é , " during Monday 's auction .

  3. 就这样,11月9日,在纽约的佳士得拍卖会上,刘益谦成功得到了“它”——20世纪初艺术家阿梅代奥·莫迪利亚尼(AmedeoModigliani)创作的舒展的裸体女人油画。

    Thus did Mr. Liu manage to secure " it " - an oil portrait of an outstretched nude woman by the early-20th-century artist Amedeo Modigliani - at a Christie 's auction in New York on Nov. 9 .

  4. 但是首先,她需要说服刘益谦。

    But first , she needed to persuade Mr. Liu .

  5. 据福布斯排行榜,2015年,刘益谦的总资产为12.2亿美元。

    According to Forbes , his assets in 2015 totaled $ 1.22 billion .

  6. 刘益谦说:就是这么简单的一件事,有什么可大惊小怪的?

    Such a simple thing & what 's so crazy about that ? '

  7. 刘益谦说,没什么比莫迪利亚尼的裸体画更能称得上是世界级的了。

    And nothing , Mr. Liu said , says world class quite like a Modigliani nude .

  8. 但在被问到是否打算再次用信用卡付款时,刘益谦说不会。

    But when asked whether he planned to pay with the credit card again , Mr. Liu demurred .

  9. 发迹于资本市场的刘益谦周一对中国实时报表示,他这么做并不是炫富。

    On Monday , Mr. Liu told China Real Time that he wasn 't trying to show off his wealth . '

  10. 北京——尽管刘益谦的猎物的竞价已超过1亿美元,他依然很平静。

    BEIJING - Even as the cost of his quarry pulled away from the $ 100 million mark , Liu Yiqian remained calm .

  11. 上海艺术品藏家刘益谦最近花3630万美元买了一个表面烧制有小鸡图案的瓷杯。

    Shanghai-based art collector Liu Yiqian recently spent $ 36.3 million on a tiny porcelain cup with a humble chicken painted on its surface .

  12. 王薇承认,和过去一样,她和刘益谦将使用他们的美国运通卡支付莫迪利亚尼油画的费用。

    Ms. Wang confirmed that , as in the past , she and Mr. Liu would be using their American Express card to pay for the Modigliani .

  13. 刘益谦是中国的巨富之一,净资产约有9亿美元。他曾经是一名出租车司机,但后来投身金融业致富。

    Liu is one of China 's ultra-wealthy with an estimated net worth of $ 900 million , a former taxi driver who made his fortune in finance .

  14. 但是在中国,几乎没有哪位收藏家像刘益谦和王薇这样公开炫耀自己的财富,尤其在政府打压奢侈之时。

    But few collectors in China publicly flaunt their wealth the way Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang do , particularly as the government wages a crackdown on extravagance .

  15. 20世纪90年代初,刘益谦和王薇开始去拍卖会购买艺术品,当时中国的艺术市场仍处于萌芽期。

    China 's art market was still in its nascent stages when Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang began going to auctions and buying art in the early 1990s .

  16. 但对于许多中国人来说,最令人吃惊的事情不是这只瓷杯的价格,也不是刘益谦用美国运通卡支付拍卖款。

    But for many in China , the most shocking thing wasn 't the amount he paid , or the fact that he paid with an American Express card .

  17. 这只杯子在收藏者中有中国陶瓷圣杯的美誉,刘益谦将会把这件稀世珍品收藏在自己位于上海的龙美术馆中。

    Liu will house the incredibly rare item , known in collectors ' circles as the holy grail of Chinese ceramics , in his private Long Museum in Shanghai .

  18. 刘益谦仍是一位活跃的股票操盘手。他说,他不担心那种打压,称自己的钱都是通过合法途径获得的。

    Mr. Liu , who is still an active stock trader , said he was not concerned about the crackdown , stating that he acquired his money through legal and legitimate means .

  19. 这对夫妻的藏品中,有一幅15世纪的丝绸唐卡,是刘益谦去年以4500万美元的价格在香港佳士得的拍卖会上拍得的。

    The couple 's collection includes a 15th-century silk hanging , called a thangka , bought by Mr. Liu for $ 45 million at a Christie 's auction in Hong Kong last year .

  20. 在他们最近这次引起轰动的购买之后数日,刘益谦和王薇又要出手了。他们飞到北京,参加顶级拍卖公司中国嘉德的秋季拍卖会。

    Days after their latest blockbuster purchase , Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang were back at it , flying to Beijing to attend the fall sales of a top auction house , China Guardian .

  21. 刘益谦在上世纪80、90年代通过炒股赚取了财富。他和妻子王薇堪称中国最知名的两位艺术品藏家。

    Mr. Liu , who made his fortune through stock trading in the 1980s and " 90s , and his wife , Wang Wei , are two of China 's most visible art collectors .

  22. 到80年代末,随着中国经济全面放开,刘益谦之前投资的一系列股票开始飙升,他的命运出现了转折。

    By the late 1980s , with China 's economic liberalization in full swing , Mr. Liu 's fortunes turned as a series of stock market investments he had made began to take off .

  23. 中国不断成长的经济实力,特别是像刘益谦这样的中国巨富收藏家帮助香港成为了世界拍卖中心之一,同时也推动世界拍卖价格一路水涨船高。

    Growing economic power from China , especially from super-rich Chinese collectors like Liu has contributed to Hong Kong 's transformation into one of the world 's auction hubs , and inflated prices around the globe .

  24. 这幅画最终被来自上海的富豪收藏家刘益谦收入囊中。刘益谦因去年在纽约一个拍卖会上以1.7亿美元拍得莫迪里亚尼名画《躺卧的裸妇》而声名大噪。

    It finally went to Liu Yiqian , a billionaire collector from Shanghai who made headlines last year for spending $ 170 million on Amedeo Modigliani 's Nu Couche ( " Reclining Nude " ) in a New York auction .

  25. 在上周之前,刘益谦和王薇(都是52岁)已经在中国艺术界很出名了,尤其是刘益谦,他是中国重要收藏家这个小圈子里出手最阔绰的。

    Before last week , Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang , both 52 , had already made a name for themselves in China 's art circles , he in particular as the most flamboyant of the country 's small group of major collectors .

  26. 2012年,刘益谦和王薇开设了龙美术馆浦东馆。它是近些年上海开始出现的诸多私人博物馆之一,因为上海市政府致力于把这座城市打造成国际文化之都。

    So in 2012 , Mr. Liu and Ms. Wang opened the Long Museum Pudong , one of many private museums that have begun in Shanghai in recent years as the local government tries to transform the city into an international cultural capital .