- 网络Jean Liu

[Liu Qin] (1916-1978) 陕西省吴堡县人,现代作家,主要作品有《创业史》、《铜墙铁壁》等
In May , Ms Liu won a $ 1bn investment from Apple - a rare mark of approval from the iPhone maker .
Most notably , businesswomen in tech-business made frequent appearances on the list , including Sun Jie of Ctrip.com International , and Liu Qing , president of Didi Chuxing .
He took a Didi car to his first destination , an Apple store in Beijing 's Wang-fujing shopping district , accompanied by Jean Liu , the Chinese company 's president .
Last September , Jean Liu , president of Didi Kuaidi ( now Didi Chuxing ) , had the unenviable task of explaining why it was losing huge amounts of money in a subsidy war with Uber , with no end in sight .
Jean Liu , Didi 's president , said in September that " we wouldn 't be here today if it wasn 't for burning cash . " The company 's chairman , Cheng Wei , said the company spent $ 4bn last year in what he called " market fostering . "
A Didi spokesperson said Ms Liu is now " fine . "
Liu Qing 's An Enterprising History and Chinese Contemporary Literature
It was a novel by Liu Qing , and it was called " To Build a New Life . "
Didi Kuaidi set out to raise $ 1.5 billion on June 22 , according to its president , Jean Liu .
What I want to emphasize is , we have $ 3.5 billion in hand , " " Ms. Liu said . "
Liu Qing and Lu Yao vividly described and distinctly recorded the two history stages of the development of country in New China .
The road of life is long , but only a few steps are crucial especially during some years when people are young . ( Liu Qing )
Ms Liu would not disclose specifics of how Apple and Didi would collaborate , but she said product integration , marketing and data science were possible areas .
Ms. Liu , the Didi Kuaidi president , was reluctant to say whether any of the company 's new cash would help the company compete with Uber .
Ms Liu told the Chinese press that she followed the life plan laid out by her father - study abroad and work abroad to gain experience , but then come back to China .
As president at Didi , sharing power with Mr Cheng , Ms Liu became the international face of the company and its chief dealmaker and fundraiser through the Uber " cash burn " wars .
As one of the most prominent woman leaders in Chinese tech , Ms Liu also made waves last year when she announced internally that she was being treated for breast cancer at the age of 37 .
Finally , Ms Liu , credited as the brains behind Didi 's ability to raise money and burn it at a jaw-dropping pace , was vindicated this week , as Didi vanquished Uber in a war of nerves ( and cash ) .
Asked on Friday about whether Apple and Didi could go beyond ride sharing - to work jointly to develop their own smart or driverless cars , Ms Liu was coy . " We are confident that we will benefit each other on product , on technology , and on many other levels , " she said .