
  1. 后来,柳传志再次卸甲,杨元庆目前兼任联想董事长和CEO。

    Mr. Liu has since stepped down , and Mr. Yang now is both chairman and CEO .

  2. 例如,有报道称,惠普(Hewlett-Packard)的梅格•惠特曼(MegWhitman)和联想(Lenovo)的柳传志脾气暴躁。

    Hewlett-Packard 's Meg Whitman and Liu Chuanzhi of Lenovo are reported to have had short tempers , for instance .

  3. 柳传志称,联想收购的IBMPC业务,在欧美市场都是一些大的商业客户,在金融危机中,这些公司首当其冲受到了冲击。

    Liu Chuanzhi says , associate bought IBM PC business , in Euramerican market it is a few big business clients , in financial crisis , these company be the first to be affected got pound .

  4. 2009年2月,联想请柳传志重新出山、担任联想集团董事局主席,并由同是联想元老的杨元庆接替美国人比尔阿梅里奥(BillAmelio)担任首席执行官。

    Lenovo brought Mr Liu back in February 2009 as chairman and replaced Bill Amelio , its American chief executive , with Mr Yang , also a Lenovo veteran .

  5. 联想任命杨元庆取代美国人比尔阿梅里奥(billamelio)出任首席执行官,并在3个月前召回公司创始人之一柳传志担任董事长。

    Lenovo replaced bill Amelio , its American chief executive , with Yang Yuanqing , his predecessor , and called Liu Chuanzhi , co-founder , back in as chairman three months ago .

  6. 我们只是一家中国公司,柳传志如此表示。

    We were just a Chinese company , says Mr Liu .

  7. 柳传志暗示,中科院会进一步减持股份。

    Mr Liu indicated that CAS would further reduce its stake .

  8. 不过,柳传志暗示,苹果却无视这一逻辑。

    However , Mr Liu suggested Apple was defying this logic .

  9. 他的创立者柳传志是一位坚定且精明的政治家。

    Its founder Liu Chuanzhi was determined and politically shrewd .

  10. 柳传志相信,过去几年是联想的一个学习过程。

    Mr Liu believes the past few years have been a learning experience .

  11. 我从美国回来后,便开始了自己的试验,柳传志称。

    After my return from the US , I started my experiments , said Mr Liu .

  12. 柳传志上个月卸下董事局主席一职时,分析师们预测称,联想的前景很光明。

    Mr Liu retired as chairman last month , with analysts predicting a bright future for Lenovo .

  13. 因为我们那一代人都快被阶级斗争压抑疯了,柳传志说。

    Because the people of my generation , we were suppressed like crazy in class struggle , says Mr Liu .

  14. 柳传志发表此言之际,联想正快速摆脱金融危机,走向复苏,这主要是得到其在中国实力的提振。

    His comments come as Lenovo is rapidly recovering from the financial crisis , mainly boosted by its strength in China .

  15. 柳传志说:许多用户认为安装软件或插卡太麻烦。这电脑恰好满足了他们的需求。

    It meets the demands of our customers who don 't want the trouble of installing software or cards , says Liu .

  16. 在代销惠普和东芝计算机的时候,柳传志就决心不能永远为他人做嫁衣。

    Even as he was distributing Hewlett-Packard and Toshiba products on the mainland , Liu had no intention of working for them forever .

  17. 柳传志已扩大了外包业务,以克服这些问题。他相信,联想更具创业精神,因而比对手更有优势。

    Mr Liu has expanded outsourcing to overcome these problems and he believes the company has an edge on its rivals because it is more entrepreneurial .

  18. 柳传志,中国最大电脑制造公司(在香港上市)联想的总裁,公开对他的获释表示欢迎。

    Liu chuanzhi , chairman of legend , china 's biggest computer-maker , which is listed in Hong kong , publicly congratulated him on his release .

  19. 记者的会议的间隙采访了500强中的几位掌门人。而在这些商界领袖中,最具知名度的应该就是联想控股有限公司董事局主席柳传志了。

    During the conference , our reporter interviewed some leaders of the top500 enterprises , among whom the most famous one should be no others than Liu Chuanzhi , chairman of Legend Holding Ltd.

  20. 柳传志表示,由于中国法律不允许子公司已在内地市场上市的控股公司也在境内上市,联想控股将不得不到境外上市,除非北京方面修改法律。

    Mr Liu said that because Chinese law excludes listings of holding companies whose affiliates are listed on the domestic market , Legend Holdings would be forced to list abroad unless Beijing changed the law .

  21. 在当时基本上仍属于计划经济的环境里,残酷的斗争让柳传志变成了用他自己承认的说法一名独断专行和脾气暴躁的上司,不过他坚称,自己现在已放松得多。

    The tough battles in what was still mainly a planned economy made Mr Liu , by his own admission , an authoritarian and short-tempered boss though he insists he is now much more relaxed .

  22. 柳传志表示,辞职表明自己坚信联想定能攀上更高的山峰,坚信杨元庆将克服一切新挑战,尤其是在新的手机产品市场。

    Mr Liu said his retreat signalled his full confidence that Lenovo was set to climb to even greater heights and that Mr Yang would master new challenges , especially in new mobile product markets .

  23. 在连续两个季度出现亏损后,联想又采取了一项果断行动:2009年2月,杨元庆接替阿梅里奥,重新出任首席执行官,联想联合创始人柳传志也重掌董事长之职。

    After racking up two consecutive quarters of losses , Lenovo made another decisive move : Mr Yang came back to replace Mr Amelio as chief executive , and Liu Chuanzhi , co-founder of Lenovo , returned as its chairman in February 2009 .