
  • 网络Liu Yizheng
  1. 柳诒徵坚持礼为核心之史,提出史出于礼的观点。

    Liu Yizheng insisted the lilly , put forward for core history " history of ritual " point of view .

  2. 柳诒徵对传统历史文化的维护虽然对当时的一些激进主义有着补偏救弊的作用,但也未免过于保守。

    Liu Yizheng maintenance of traditional culture and history to some radicalism rectify the role , but also a bit too conservative .

  3. 但对于以柳诒徵为代表的南高(即南京高等师范学校,该校后改名东南大学)一派学人的评价,学术界却充满着争议。

    But there was nevertheless a variety of dispute about NHNS ( Nan king Higher Normal School , later called Southeast University ) scholars whom Liu Yi-zheng represented .

  4. 受西方的影响,中国向西方学习已经是不争的事实,对于当时社会上的盛行的许多新思潮,柳诒徵给予了坚决的批判。

    However , due to Western influence , the Chinese society has undergone enormous changes . Learning from the West is an indisputable fact , was prevalent in many new ideas , Liu Yizheng given the resolute criticism .

  5. 两次的赴日考察经历,使柳诒徵对西方社会有一定的了解,对于西方史学柳诒徵并不是完全排斥,进化论、白璧德新人文主义对他也是有影响的。

    Twice Investigation in Japan experience , Liu Yizheng have some knowledge of Western society , Western historian Liu YiZheng is not entirely exclusive to a certain extent affected , such as Darwinism and the new humanism of Babbitt .

  6. 柳诒徵从事通史、文化史、地方史、史学理论等诸多领域研究,对中国史学发展及中国历史文化精神提出了许多精辟独到的见解。

    Liu Yizheng majored in comprehensive history , cultural history , local history , history theory and so on many domains research , he put forward many brilliantly original ideas about the development of Chinese history and culture of China spirit .