
  • 网络Hee;Lee Kun-hee
  1. 72岁的三星(Samsung)董事长李健熙眼下仍然在三星医疗中心(SamsungMedicalCenter)昏迷不醒,韩国媒体已经将注意力转移到了他潜在的继任者身上。李健熙从父亲那里继承了三星公司。

    With Samsung chairman Lee Kun-hee , 72 , still uncnscius in Samsung Medical Center , attentin in the Suth Krean media has shifted t his likely successr .

  2. 三星公司在1987年通过该考验,当时创始人将三星公司交给他的儿子李健熙(LeeKun-Hee)。

    Samsung passed this test in1987 when the founder handed over to his son , Lee Kun-hee .

  3. 在其董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)上月住院之前,关于该集团重组的消息就已点点滴滴地传出。

    Before the hospitalisation last month of chairman Lee Kun-hee , restructuring news about the group was already trickling out .

  4. 李健熙是这些高管中的一位,他的大女儿李富真(LeeBoo-jin)牵着他的手两人一起走入仪式会场。

    Mr. Lee was one of them , seen walking into the ceremony venue supported hand-in-hand by his eldest daughter Lee Boo-jin .

  5. 三星集团(Samsung)董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)在2010年曾警告说,这家韩国最著名的企业面临变成“街角小店”的风险。

    It was in 2010 that Lee Kun-hee , chairman of the Samsung group , warned that South Korea 's most famous company risked becoming a " corner shop . "

  6. 三星集团董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)表示,他愿通过立即辞职,为上周因逃税及背信罪而被起诉一事承担全部责任。

    Lee Kun-hee , the group 's chairman , said he would take full responsibility for his indictment last week for tax evasion and breach of trust by resigning immediately .

  7. 三星之所以能做到这一点,在很大程度上归因于李健熙(他儿子李在镕(LeeJae-yong)正在接手三星,目前担任副会长)20年前对三星的改革。

    The ability to do that owes much to Mr Lee 's reshapingof Samsung two decades ago ( Lee Jae-yong , his son , is now taking control asvice-chairman ) .

  8. 眼下,随着李健熙之子李在镕(LeeJae-yong)将接替他掌管这家公司,有传言说三星电子要进行大调整。

    Now , as it prepares for life after Mr Lee , who will be succeeded by his son , Lee Jae-yong , there is talk of a wholesale revamp .

  9. 三星应该记住它在手机业务上是如何发家的。该公司手机业务在上世纪90年代的起飞,是由于此前其董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)显示了对问题手机零容忍的处理方式。

    Samsung should remember how it started out in the mobile business , which took off in the 1990s after its chairman Lee Kun-hee demonstrated his zero tolerance approach to faulty handsets .

  10. 去年李嘉诚在香港会晤了三星电子董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee),探讨了如何加深双方在手机、下一代无线技术和建筑等领域的合作伙伴关系。

    Last year , Mr. Li met with Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee in Hong Kong and they discussed ways to deepen their partnership in areas including handsets , next-generation wireless technology and construction .

  11. 韩国时报的首席三星观察员金荣柱表示,李健熙回国后将处理一系列问题,其中包括:与苹果(Apple)的专利权纠纷,公司未来的投资计划,以及如何减少公司对手机业务的依赖性等。

    Among the issues Lee is expected to address on his return , according to the Korea Times ' chief Samsung watcher , Kim Yoo-Chul , are the ongoing patent disputes with Apple ( AAPL ) , Samsung 's future investments and how to reduce the company 's reliance on its mobile business .

  12. 昨日,被判犯有逃税和背信罪的韩国三星(Samsung)前董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)获得总统特赦,此举旨在提升韩国成功申办2018年冬季奥运会的机率。

    South Korea yesterday granted a presidential pardon to Lee Kun-hee , the former Samsung chairman convicted of tax evasion and breach of trust , in an attempt to boost the country 's chances of hosting the 2018 Winter Olympics .

  13. 自1993年三星会长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)宣布新管理计划,将该公司从一家无足轻重的消费电子产品企业转变为全球佼佼者以来,该公司一直沿着其领导者确定的方向快速前行。

    Since 1993 , when Lee Kun-hee , its chairman , declared the new management initiative that transformed it from a consumerelectronics also-ran to a world-beater , it has marched very rapidly in thedirection set by its leaders .

  14. 三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.,005930.SE)董事长李健熙(LeeKun-hee)在新年伊始发表的讲话中特别指出了2013年市场竞争的激烈程度,并强调了抛弃旧习惯、创造新技术的迫切性。

    In his annual speech at the start of the new year , Samsung Electronics Co. Chairman Lee Kun-hee highlighted how tough the competition has been in 2013 and emphasized the pressing need to move away from old habits and come up with new technologies .

  15. 不过,李健熙清楚,三星还面临着更深层的结构性问题。

    But Lee knows that Samsung faces deeper , more structural problems .

  16. 每次李健熙的海外长途旅行之后,都伴随着公司的调整。

    Change often follows Lee 's long overseas trips .

  17. 李健熙:家长,三星董事长。

    Lee Kun-hee : Patriarch and Samsung chairman .

  18. 只有李健熙会这么做。

    Nobody other than the Lees really does .

  19. 该发言人称,李健熙将信守承诺离开公司,他将只保留三星股东身份。

    He will only remain as a shareholder of Samsung companies , 'the spokesman said .

  20. 李秉哲去世后,45岁的李健熙接过父亲的权杖。

    After Li Bingzhe dies , li Jianxi of45 years old has received father 's crosier .

  21. 李健熙是否会东山再起,这个疑问将三星公司的治理结构暴露于聚光灯下。

    Mr Lee 's possible re-ascension to the chairmanship throws a spotlight on Samsung 's corporate governance .

  22. 李健熙今年还指出,和海外竞争对手之间的专利权之争令人万分疲惫。

    This year , Mr. Lee also noted how exhausting the patent battles with rivals overseas had been .

  23. 李健熙的两个女儿各自持有爱宝乐园8.37%的股份,而他自己持有3.72%的股份。

    The two daughters each held 8.37 % Samsung Everland shares while the elder Lee held 3.72 % .

  24. 12月31日,韩国总统李明博特赦李健熙,对其罪过既往不咎。

    On December31st South Korea 's president , Lee Myung-bak , pardoned Mr Lee , wiping his record clean .

  25. 公司董事长、现年72岁的李健熙于今年五月心脏病发作,住院治疗至今。

    The chairman , Lee Kun-hee , 72 , suffered a heart attack in May and has been hospitalized since .

  26. 但是,他又写到,这不是一个轻松的工作&尤其在李健熙董事长健康状况不佳时。

    But that , he notes , is no easy task & especially with the health of Chairman Lee Kun-hee in question .

  27. 但是,他又写到,这不是一个轻松的工作——尤其在李健熙董事长健康状况不佳时。

    But that , he notes , is no easy task -- especially with the health of Chairman Lee Kun-hee in question .

  28. 李健熙自2014年心脏病发作后一直住院治疗。李健熙是三星创始人李秉哲的儿子。

    He had been hospitalized since he suffered a heart attack in 2014 . Lee Kun-hee is a son of Samsung founder Lee Byung-chul .

  29. 然而,当72岁的李健熙因突发心脏病住进医院,重病在床,他当初的多疑现在看起来颇具先见之明。

    Yet now , as 72-year-old Mr Lee lies gravely ill in a hospital bed following a heart attack , his paranoia looks almost prescient .

  30. 正如李健熙在1993年宣布的那样:第一名可能变成最后一名、最后一名也可能变成第一名的时代正在到来。

    As Mr Lee declared in 1993 : An age iscoming where the number one can fall to the bottom and the bottom become numberone .