
  1. TCL与阿尔卡特结束短暂婚约李东生能否独力扭亏

    TCL and Alcatel finished the transient engagement

  2. 李东生表示,TCL将对其研发重点及供应链管理进行调整。

    According to Mr Li , TCL will readjust its research and development focus and also its supply chain management .

  3. TCL董事长李东生承认,管理汤姆逊业务的难度超出他此前的预期。

    Li Dongsheng , TCL 's chairman , has admitted that the Thomson business was harder to manage than he expected .

  4. 对于全国人大代表、中国电子巨头TCL集团创始人李东生而言,“双循环”不只是国家层面的发展战略,还反映出逆全球化思潮愈演愈烈的形势下中国企业的发展需求。

    For Li Dongsheng , chairman of Chinese electronics giant TCL Group and a national lawmaker , the " dual circulation " is not only a development strategy at the national level , but also reflects the development needs of Chinese enterprises amid rising anti-globalization sentiment .

  5. 李东生:跨国并购的战略家

    Li Dongsheng : A Strategist of Multinational Mergers & Acquisitions

  6. 李东生曾和退休后的韦尔奇有过一次面对面的谈话。

    There used to be a conversation between Lidongsheng and the retired Welch .

  7. 打探李东生的香港卧室

    Li Dongsheng 's " Bedroom " in Hong Kong

  8. 尽管公司业绩欠佳,但李东生称,对收购汤姆逊,他并不感到后悔。

    In spite of the weak performance , Mr Li said he did not regret buying Thomson .

  9. 李东生提出,中国应加大对技术创新的政策支持以保证内循环畅通,还建议政府充分调动资源以便利企业的全球化运营和布局。

    While proposing that China should step up policy support for tech innovation to smoothen the domestic cycle , Li also suggested the government mobilize resources to facilitate the global operation and layout of firms .