
  1. 在致员工的信中,马云把替换现任CEO陆兆禧(JonathanLu)描述为交接换班。

    Mr. Ma , in a letter to employees , portrayed the replacement of the chief executive , Jonathan Lu , as a sort of changing of the guard .

  2. 现年48岁的马云将首席执行官的职位交给自己的亲信、为阿里巴巴效力13年的公司元老陆兆禧(JonathanLu),自己继续担任执行董事长,由此进入半退休状态。

    At 48 , Mr Ma has handed the job of chief executive to Jonathan Lu , his trusted lieutenant and 13-year Alibaba veteran , and gone into semi-retirement as executive chairman .

  3. 陆兆禧只比张勇大几岁,他卸任CEO的时间定在周日,正好是在他接替马云担任该职位的两年之后。

    Mr. Lu , who is only a few years older than his replacement , is scheduled to step down as chief executive on Sunday , exactly two years after he took over from Mr. Ma .

  4. 陆兆禧仍将担任阿里巴巴董事局副主席。此次换帅是在阿里巴巴股价11月触及IPO后119.15美元的高点后一路走低后发生的。

    The move to replace Mr Lu , who will remain a vice-chairman , follows a steady decline in Alibaba 's share price since November , when it touched a post-IPO high of $ 119.15 .

  5. 2004年底,阿里巴巴决定推出支付宝,当时马云飞赴广州拜访了时任区域销售团队负责人的陆兆禧(JonathanLu)。陆兆禧现任阿里巴巴首席执行长。

    In late 2004 , when Alibaba decided to launch Alipay , Mr. Ma flew to Guangzhou to visit Jonathan Lu , Alibaba 's current chief executive , who was then the head of a regional sales team .

  6. 陆兆禧将继续在董事局任职。

    Mr. Lu will remain on the board .

  7. 陆兆禧继承了一家令人敬畏的企业。

    Mr Lu inherits a formidable business .

  8. 分析师表示,陆兆禧可以将在淘宝的反欺诈经验用于阿里巴巴。

    Analysts said Mr Lu could use his experience in fighting fraud on Taobao at Alibaba .

  9. 陆兆禧表示他将肩负阿里巴巴的使命,传承公司透明、负责的价值观。

    Lu said he would carry on the mission of Alibaba by making the company transparent and responsible .

  10. 在与人合伙创建一家网络通讯公司从而展开在科技领域的职业生涯之前,陆兆禧是一家酒店的大堂经理。

    Lu , who was a lobby manager at a hotel before he started his career in technology by co-founding a network-communication company .

  11. 阿里巴巴本月早些时候任命陆兆禧接替马云担任首席执行长,马云今年1月份表示,他将辞去首席执行长一职。

    Alibaba earlier this month named Jonathan Lu as its new chief executive to succeed Mr. Ma , who said in January that he would step down as CEO .

  12. 但陆兆禧表示,道高一尺魔高一丈,淘宝也在不断学习,希望能够追的上变化。

    Dan Liuzhao happiness expresses , the road is high one feet evil spirit is high one a unit of length , naughty treasure also is learning ceaselessly , the hope can chase after go up change .

  13. 马云在给员工的信件中写道:今天,我和陆兆禧非常骄傲的宣布,经过多年的努力,阿里巴巴集团已经可以把领导权全面移交给70后。

    Today , Jonathan Lu and I are very proud to announce that through our efforts in the past years , Alibaba Group is ready to completely hand over management leadership to those of you who were born in the 70s , Mr Ma said in his letter to staff .