
bù zhèng dāng jìng zhēng
  • Unfair competition;illicit compelition
不正当竞争[bù zhèng dāng jìng zhēng]
  1. 美国飞机制造商继续指控空中客车公司不正当竞争。

    The American plane makers continue to accuse Airbus of unfair competition

  2. 好几家公司都因不正当竞争而遭受了严重的经济损失。

    Several companies have sustained heavy financial losses due to the unfair competition .

  3. 国家官员不得支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。

    No functionary may support or cover up unfair competition acts .

  4. 基于季节ARIMA模型的华北电网售电量预测研究商品销售环节中不正当竞争行为之认定

    Study of electricity sales forecasting for North China Power Grid based on seasonal ARIMA model

  5. 反倾销税是针对倾销的存在而实施的,是WTO允许其成员国用于保护国内企业和市场,抵制进口产品不正当竞争的主要行政手段之一。

    Antidumping aims at the existence of dumping , and is allowed to protect its members ' domestic enterprises and markets by WTO and is one of the main administrative methods to reject the malfeasance competition of importing products .

  6. 而在我国签署《与贸易有关的知识产权的协议》(TRIPS)之后,商业秘密的保护作为知识产权保护和反不正当竞争行为的重要部分,日益凸显出不可忽视的必要性。

    Especially after our country signed the " Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right " ( TRIPS ), the protection of trade secret as the great part in intellectual property protection and anti-unfair competition acts increasingly highlights its importance .

  7. 反不正当竞争法基层执法现状透析&对广东J市S工商分局的执法状况调查

    On the Status Quo of Grass Roots ' Enforcement of Law of the People 's Republic of China Against Unfair Competition : An Investigation on the Status Quo of Enforcement in S Administrative Bureau of Industry and Commerce of J City , Guangdong Province

  8. 美欧之间一场关于保护主义的争吵昨晚开始露头。此前美国诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司(NorthropGrumman)和法德航空航天与防务集团EADS宣布,由于存在不正当竞争,它们退出了一项500亿美元的军购竞标。

    A row between the US and Europe over protectionism was brewing last night after the US 's Northrop Grumman and EADS , the Franco-German aerospace and defence group , pulled out of a $ 50bn military tender amid accusations of unfair competition .

  9. 反不正当竞争法视野中的反向假冒

    Reverse Passing Off in the View of the Unfair Competition Law

  10. 《反不正当竞争法》的几点需要完善之处

    Some Items Need Perfecting in the Law , Combating Unfair Competition

  11. 商标淡化也是一种不正当竞争行为。

    Trademark dilution is also a kind of unfair competition act .

  12. 网络安全技术在反不正当竞争中的应用

    The Application of Network Security Technologies in Repression of Unfair Competition

  13. 美国反不正当竞争法律制度的域外适用

    The Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction of American Legal Systems on Anti-Unfair Competitions

  14. 对我国《反不正当竞争法》调整对象和调整方法的反思&以马克思竞争理论为研究路径

    Reconsideration of Adjusting Object and Method of China 's Anti-unfair Competition Law

  15. 从特殊权利到反不正当竞争法保护&我国数据库法律保护模式的现实选择

    The Legal Protection of Database by the Anti-improper Competition Law

  16. 中国经济领域反垄断与反不正当竞争问题研究

    Anti-monopoly and Anti-improper Competition Problem Research in Chinese Economic Field

  17. 区别比较广告和不正当竞争的关系。

    Concurrence between infringing comparative advertisings and unfair competition exists .

  18. 传统市场不正当竞争、排斥电子网络市场交易;

    Traditional market have unfair competition and reject the internet market trade ;

  19. 反不正当竞争法确立了知识产权法的基本原则,是知识产权法体系中具有基础地位的一般法。

    Anti-unfair competition law establishes the basic principle of intellectual property law .

  20. 可见商业贿赂行为严重干扰了正常竞争秩序,是一种典型的不正当竞争行为。

    So the commercial bribe interferes the normal competition seriously .

  21. 商业贿赂行为是不正当竞争行为的一种。

    Commercial bribery act is an act of unfair competition .

  22. 我国《反不正当竞争法》法律责任模式质疑

    Legal liability mode of Law Against Competition by Inappropriate Means

  23. 我国反不正当竞争法对知识产权保护的思考

    Thoughts on protection for intellectual property in Anti-unfair Competition Law in China

  24. 浅析我国反不正当竞争法一般条款的完善

    Improving the General Provisions in China 's Anti-Unfair Competition Law

  25. 论诚实信用原则在反不正当竞争法中的适用

    On the Application of Bona Fide Principle in the Anti-unfair Competition Law

  26. 论反不正当竞争法对消费歧视的界定和规制

    The Definition and Regulation of Consumer Discrimination on the Anti-Unfair Competition Law

  27. 德国是现代反不正当竞争法的发源地。

    Germany is the origin of modern anti - unfair competition law .

  28. 论涉外不正当竞争案件的管辖与法律适用

    On Jurisdiction and Application of Law in International Unfair-Competition Case

  29. 论不正当竞争行为的负面作用及其监督与治理

    On the Negative Function of Improper Competition and Its Supervision and Administration

  30. 反不正当竞争法与反垄断法应同属经济法范畴。

    Anti-unfair competition act and antimonopoly law surely belong to economic law .