
bù děng jià jiāo huàn
  • exchange of unequal values;unequal exchange
不等价交换[bù děng jià jiāo huàn]
  1. 再评现代国际贸易中不等价交换和价值转移论

    Further Comments on Exchange of Unequal Values and the Theory of Transfer of Value in Current International Trade

  2. 价值不等同,不能交换。不等价交换使穷国更穷。

    Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer .

  3. 国际市场的不等价交换初探

    Probe into the Nonequivalent Exchange in the International Market

  4. 本文认为,国际不等价交换是不以国际价值或国际生产价格为基础的交换。

    The authors hold the view that international nonequivalent exchange is the exchange that is not based on international value or international production price .

  5. 广东省对于国际市场的信赖性日益提高,但在大量资源型产品出口和高技术产品进口的不等价交换中处于实际的亏损地位。

    This Province was increasingly relied on international market , and actually , under the status to the bad in exporting primary products and importing high-tech products .

  6. 国际不等价交换并不产生于生产领域,流通领域的各种形式的垄断和政治强权才是国际不等价交换的真正原因。

    The true reason of international nonequivalent exchange is not attributed to the production fields , but to all sorts of monopoly and political interference in circulation fields .

  7. 这种生态不等价交换,使得中国不仅损失大量的贸易利益,还陷入了环境资源的危机之中。

    With the ecological unequal exchange , China not only lose a large number of trade interests , but also will be caught into the crisis of environmental resources .

  8. 资本主义生产关系首先表现为商品货币关系,其次才是资本的关系,即不等价交换的关系。

    The capitalist relation of production firstly shows in the relationship between goods and currency , and then in the relationship between capitals , that is , the relation of change at unequal value .