
  • 网络Profit margin;Marginal Profit;Contribution Margin
  1. 我们在制定价格结构时应该考虑到边际利润率。

    We should consider our profit margin when setting our price structure .

  2. 在市场逐步达至无配额的过渡时期,价格竞争变得比以往激烈,导致边际利润轻微下跌。

    Keen price competition during the transition to the quota-free era resulted in a slight drop in profit margin .

  3. 玉米的价格同样对于Cornpop的边际利润造成了影响。

    There is also profit margin pressure on Corn Pops because of the sharp increase in corn prices .

  4. 在合理施肥确定边际利润率值〔1〕的基础上,应用数学方法给出一种确定投资风险预测阈值K的方法。

    On the basis of determination of marginal profit rate in rational application of fertilizer , a mathematical model of determing threshold k , of investment risk is established .

  5. 主要包括:(a)以规模农业总产量基于生产前沿面的C-D生产函数定量分析模型为基础,构建了规模农业土地边际利润率的C-D生产函数模型。

    Including : ( 1 ) Based C-D production function quantitative analysis model , build the the land marginal profitability CD production function model .

  6. 以Keeley(1990)为代表的传统观点认为竞争会削弱银行的市场力量,减少银行的边际利润,也就是降低银行特许价值。

    The traditional view supports that greater bank competition reduces market power and profits margin , which essentially lowers the franchise value of banks .

  7. 3M公司,作为全球500强之一的制造企业,这几年来在中国的投资和发展是引人注目的,加强采购管理及对采购流程的优化也成为了提高3M中国有限公司边际利润率的关键所在。

    3M , as one of the biggest manufacturers in global 500 , during recent years its investment in China is very obvious , to manage and re-engineer the procurement procedure becomes the main issue of obtaining more profit to the company .

  8. ·严格控制成本费用,使边际利润最大化。

    Control the cost strictly to gain the maximal marginal profits .

  9. 边际利润定价法评析

    The Review for Margin Pr of it Pricing Method

  10. 服装产品又是流行产品,具有较高的边际利润。

    Meanwhile , apparel product is fashion product that has high marginal profit .

  11. 你如何在边际利润下降的情况下让雇员的工资和你的企业的利益相一致?

    How do you keep wages and benefits in line with shrinking profit margins ?

  12. 原料价格上升降低了边际利润。

    Rising material costs have eroded profit margins .

  13. 这种发展使商业银行面临传统业务边际利润不断萎缩的困扰。纽约银行同业清算系统

    The development has turned commercial banks to face the constant shrink in marginal profit over traditional transactions . Clearing House Interbank Payment System

  14. 在以上两个情况下,提高售价亦只能反映物料价增长,因此高尔夫球器材销售的边际利润会受到影响。

    In either case , the gross profit margin of golf equipment sales is affected as the higher selling price reflects only the material cost increase .

  15. 过去五年中,中国工业企业享受了创纪录的边际利润,因为收益增长超过了工资和原材料成本增长。

    For the past five years , Chinese industrial firms have enjoyed record profit margins as revenue growth has outpaced the increase in wages and raw-material costs .

  16. 各种不同公司的边际利润各是多少?对这些重要的评价部分具有消极影响的风险因素是什么?

    What are the profit margins of the various companies , and what are the risk factors that would have a negative impact on this critical component ?

  17. 随着石油批发价下跌,边际利润便有所增长,并且加油站老板并不急着去逐步减少石油的零售价。

    As wholesale gas falls in price , profit margins expand , and station owners are in no rush to ratchet down the price at the pump .

  18. 而整体生产成本增加,加上生产若干高端型号产品时需要较长的学习时间,亦进一步限制了边际利润的改善。

    The overall increase in production overheads and the learning curve effect brought by the production of certain advanced new models further restricted the room to improve margins .

  19. 通过建立设租寻租行为模型,认为只要存在政府干预,市场中的经济人就可能投入资源以获得事实上由于官方限制而得以被保护的边际利润。

    By modelling rent-seeking activity , the paper concludes that if only the governmental intervention exists , the economic-man may put in resource to get the protected marginal profit limited by government .

  20. 低成本经营对所有零售商都很重要,它使零售商在获得较竞争对手更高的边际利润的同时,能吸引更多的顾客。

    Low-cost operation is most important for every retailer , for it can not only attract more customers , but also help retailers obtain higher marginal profits than those of their competitors .

  21. 信息技术企业最大的特征是以技术创新为核心,企业增长也主要依赖科技所带来的边际利润上升。

    The largest characteristic of information technology companies is technological innovation which is the core point . The business development depends on increased margin profit mainly which is brought by science and technology .

  22. 更糟糕的是,如果你的想法流行起来,污染企业的融资成本就会降低,这样他们就能投资开展边际利润更高的项目,不过我觉得这种效果很微小。

    Worse , if your idea caught on , it would lower the cost of capital of polluting companies and enable them to invest in more marginally profitable projects , although I suspect this effect would be tiny .

  23. 本文针对的主要是面向组织市场,经营工业商品的经销商,工业品市场由于客户集中,边际利润较高,经销商一直是其市场链中重要的一环。

    This article aims at mainly focuses on the professional customer , the management specialized commodity dealer , specialized market of customer centralized , for marginal returns is higher , the dealer is always an important link in the market chain .

  24. 建立莜麦籽粒产量、生物产量、籽粒蛋白质产量、总蛋白质产量与施氮总量及追施比例之间的效应方程,求解不同边际利润下的最佳施氮量及追施比例。

    An experiment was conducted to study the effects of N dosage and proportion of additional fertilizer on grain yield , biomass yield , seed protein yield and total protein yield of naked oat , and to determine the optimum pattern of fertilization .

  25. 由边际利润值的变化,把企业生产划分成三个阶段,找出获取利润的最佳生产阶段,给企业管理者提供了管理最佳化的科学方法。

    Because of the variation of the marginal profit value , the business production is divided into three stages . The author also Points out the best production stage to make profits and the scientific method of the optimum management for the business managers .

  26. 引入完全成本理论、可持续增长理论、边际利润理论、资源配置理论、或有及虚拟成本理论等现代经济学、高级管理会计理论,对商业银行成本管理模型进行了充实和完善。

    Meanwhile , some modern economy theories , senior management accounting theory such as the whole cost theory , going - increase theory , margin profit theory , resources dispose theory , cost contingency , fictitious cost are also employed to further enrich and improve the cost management model .

  27. 期望利润是初始库存和剩余销售时间的递增函数,同时边际期望利润是初始库存的递减函数。

    Expected revenue is an increasing function of remaining sale period and initial inventory , but marginal expected revenue is a decreasing function of initial inventory .

  28. 稻麦两熟种植综合效率最优的规模农户的边际土地利润率绝对值最小,设施西甜瓜产业最大。(4)规模农户抽样调查。

    Overall efficiency of wheat and rice planting optimal scale farmers in marginal lands margins absolute minimum , facilities melon industry max.D scale agricultural sample surveys and comparative studies .

  29. 所谓可控收益就是利润中心的边际贡献扣除利润中心可控制的各项固定成本后的余额。

    Controllable income is the excess of contribution margin over fixed costs controlled by the profit center .

  30. 在实证结果的基础上,分析风险因素对银行利润效率边际影响以及利润效率的变化趋势,并对国有商业银行和股份制商业银行的情况进行对比。

    Based on the empirical result , this paper makes analysis on the marginal impact of the risk factors on banks ' profit efficiency , and compared the efficiency of state-owned commercial banks and the joint-equity commercial banks .