
  • 网络Li Ning Co
  1. 中国市场研究(ChinaMarketResearch)的本•卡文德(BenCavender)表示,虽然中国政府的健康生活宣传有所帮助,但李宁公司做了“至少一部分优化绩效所需的必要工作”。

    Ben Cavender of China Market Research said that while Beijing 's healthy living push had helped , Li Ning had done " at least some of the necessary work needed to optimise performance . "

  2. 2004年进行首次公开发行(IPO)后,李宁公司购买了在华营销和广告中使用NBA标识及其运动员的权利。

    After its 2004 initial public offering , Li-Ning bought the rights to use the NBA logo and players in its marketing and advertising in China .

  3. 这家运动服企业昨天表示,已经和生产小米智能手环的华米科技(HuamiTechnology)签署了战略合作协议。李宁公司迄今一直在努力摆脱生产廉价运动鞋、产品比西方品牌的山寨产品好不了多少的形象。

    The sportswear company - which has fought to shake off the image of producing cheap sports shoes that are little more than western knock-offs - said yesterday that it had signed a strategic partnership with Huami Technology , which produces Xiaomi 's " Mi " smart wristband .

  4. 背后有私人股本集团TPGCapital和新加坡政府投资公司(GIC)出资的李宁公司曾在今年1月表示,它预期实现盈亏平衡。

    Li Ning , which is backed by private equity group TPG Capital and GIC , the Singapore wealth fund , had said in January it expected to break even .

  5. 李宁公司可谓一鸣惊人,1999年,该公司在华收入达7亿元人民币,是耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)的两倍以上——这两家公司在华收入分别为3亿元人民币和1亿元人民币。

    It was an immediate hit , and in 1999 the company 's revenues in China reached Rmb700m , more than twice Nike 's Rmb300m and Adidas 's Rmb100m .

  6. 过去6个月来,这位美国运动员一直在为中国鞋类零售商李宁公司(li-ning)做推广。

    For the past six months , the American athlete has also been promoting Li-Ning , the Chinese footwear retailer .

  7. 在增长迅速的中国鞋类市场,李宁公司正陷入与耐克(Nike)和阿迪达斯(Adidas)间的竞争。这家中国集团决心赶上那些大把花钱的跨国企业。

    Li Ning is locked in a battle with Nike and Adidas for the fast-growing Chinese footwear market and the Chinese group is determined to keep up with the heavy-spending multinationals .

  8. 此外,李宁公司还将在寻找新首席执行官的问题上面临质疑。此前的首席执行官是2012年由私募股权投资方TPG任命的,已经于去年11月离任。

    The company will face questions about its search for a new chief executive , after the one installed in 2012 by private equity backer TPG left in November .

  9. 德州太平洋集团(TPGCapital)已派遣一名合伙人进入身处困境的中国体育用品公司——李宁公司(LiNing)的管理层,显示这家美国私募基金对中国中产阶层消费的押注出现不妙的苗头。

    TPG Capital has put one of its partners at the helm of Li Ning , the struggling Chinese sports brand , in a sign that the US private equity group 's bet on middle class consumption in China is turning sour .

  10. 曾任戴尔(Dell)韩国董事总经理、2006年加入德州太平洋集团的金珍君(KimJin-goon),于周四被任命为李宁公司执行副主席,与创始人李宁共同执掌该公司。

    Kim Jin-goon , former managing director of Dell in South Korea , who joined the US private equity group in 2006 , was on Thursday appointed executive vice-chairman to lead the company alongside Li Ning , the eponymous founder .

  11. 在提交给香港交易所(HKEx)的监管申报文件中,李宁公司表示,中国内地在国家政策的支持下,运动和健身日益流行,推动零售、批发和电商网点录得两位数的营收增长。

    In a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange Li Ning said the rising popularity of sports and fitness on the mainland - amid " supportive " national policies - had helped retail , wholesale and ecommerce outlets to record double-digit revenue growth .

  12. 私募股权公司TPG今年早些时候的注资无疑是给李宁公司的一剂强心针。李宁公司说,将拿出规模在人民币14亿元至18亿元的计划,克服上述困难,计划包括清空库存、关闭或迁移部分门店并重组应收账款。

    he company , which took a steroid shot of capital from private-equity firm TPG earlier this year , says it will vault out of these difficulties with a 1.4 billion yuan-1.8 billion yuan plan that includes clearing inventory , closing down or relocating some stores and restructuring accounts receivable .

  13. 李宁公司试图效仿国外竞争对手的营销策略。

    Li-Ning tried to emulate its foreign rivals ' marketing tactics .

  14. 李宁公司卖的是大众市场休闲服装,耐克和阿迪达斯卖的是专业标准的运动服装;

    The Chinese company offered mass-market leisurewear and Nike and Adidas sold professional-standard athletic wear ;

  15. 但运动服饰零售商李宁公司却节节失利,利润稳步下滑。

    But sportswear retailer Li Ning has been losing out , with profits declining steadily .

  16. 李宁公司未能适应市场的发展,其定位让消费者困惑。

    Li NIng failed to adapt as the market developed , and the positioning confused consumers .

  17. 金珍君表示,从现在开始,李宁公司将把精力集中到中国市场上。

    From now on , the company would only focus on China , Mr Kim said .

  18. 迈阿密热火队退役后卫韦德与中国李宁公司签订了一份终身合同。

    Retired Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade has a lifetime contract with Chinese apparel company Li-Ning .

  19. 最后介绍了李宁公司的培训现状,包括2002年培训工作总结和2003年培训工作规划两个方面。

    Finally , introduces the current training condition , including 2002 training summarization and 2003 training plan .

  20. 最初,李宁公司与国外竞争对手的目标市场重合度很低。

    Initially , there was little overlap in the market segments targeted by Li-Ning and its foreign rivals .

  21. 2012年上半年,耐克和阿迪达斯销售增长,而李宁公司销售下滑。

    In the first half of 2012 , Nike and Adidas had rising sales , whereas Li-Ning experienced declines .

  22. 2010年,为了吸引“90后”一代人,李宁公司启动了一项新的努力。

    In 2010 , hoping to appeal to the " post-1990s-born " generation , Li-Ning launched a fresh campaign .

  23. 李宁公司在去年12月就宣布,该集团2012年很可能出现创纪录的净亏损。

    Li Ning already broke the news last December that the group probably made a record net loss for 2012 .

  24. 迈阿密热队的全明星中锋奥尼尔目前正在中国参加李宁公司组织的“侠客中国行”活动。

    O'Neal , the Miami Heat 's All-star center , is currently on a tour of China organized by his sponsor Li-Ning .

  25. 李宁公司也放弃了进军海外的野心&该公司从2007年起实践这个想法,并在美国成立了一个研发中心。

    The company also abandoned its overseas ambitions – which began in 2007 with a research and development centre in the US .

  26. 耐克、阿迪达斯和李宁公司在2011年的销售收入分别为20亿、17亿和14亿美元。

    Sales revenues in 2011 for Nike , Adidas and Li-Ning respectively were about $ 2bn , $ 1.7bn and $ 1.4bn .

  27. 李宁公司也放弃了进军海外的野心——该公司从2007年起实践这个想法,并在美国成立了一个研发中心。

    The company also abandoned its overseas ambitions - which began in 2007 with a research and development centre in the US .

  28. 李宁公司是中国二、三线城市的市场领军者,耐克和阿迪达斯是北京和上海的市场领军者。

    Li-Ning was market leader in China 's second and third-tier cities , while Nike and Adidas were in Beijing and Shanghai .

  29. 尽管李宁公司在2008年收入飙升54%、从而超过了阿迪达斯,但后者到了2010年又再次领先于李宁公司。

    Although revenues jumped 54 per cent in 2008 , moving Li-Ning ahead of Adidas , the latter had overtaken again by 2010 .

  30. 李宁公司赞助的是中国传统的体育强项,比如跳水和体操,但这些运动对年轻人的吸引力没有足球和篮球那么大。

    Li-Ning sponsored sports where China traditionally dominated , such as diving and gymnastics , but these did not have the same youth appeal .