
  1. 在全程的单步时间和步频上,李炎同世界优秀的中长跑运动员SebastianCoe之间没有显著性差异;

    There is no significant difference between Li Yan and Sebastian Coe in terms of single pace and pace frequency in the full distance .

  2. 主要采用高速录像拍摄法,对参加2004年全国田径大奖赛暨总决赛(合肥站)的我国优秀的男子1500m运动员李炎各段落途中跑的运动学特征进行分析研究。

    By the method of video analysis , kinetic characteristics of Li Yan 's running in different segments of a 1500m competition were studied .

  3. 结果发现:与世界优秀的男子中长跑运动员SebastianCoe相比,李炎第二圈和第三圈的平均步长存在较大差距是李炎成绩落后SebastianCoe的主要原因;

    The result shows that compared with Sebastian Coe , world 's top long and middle-distance runner , Li Yan 's average pace length in the 2nd and 3rd laps is shorter than Sebastian Coe. And this is the main reason for his falling behind .