
  • 网络Li Hongzhang;Li Hung-Chang
  1. 李鸿章的实学观与早期现代化意识

    Li Hung-Chang 's Ideas about Functional Scholarship and Pre-modernization Consciousness

  2. 李鸿章与《烟台条约》烟台港财务管理信息系统

    Li Hung-chang and Agreement between the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the Governments of Great Britain and China YT Port Finanical Management Information System

  3. 但李鸿章的山东海防建设不可避免地具有时代的局限性。

    But Shandong 's costal defense construction inevitably had time limitation .

  4. 寝室内供有李鸿章灵位。

    In the bedroom there is a memorial tablet of him .

  5. 李鸿章对朝鲜的国际均衡政策(1879&1882)

    Li Hong-zhang to Korea s international balanced policy ( 1879-1882 );

  6. 李鸿章对朝政策与《朝美条约》的签订

    LI Hong-zhang ′ s Policy toward Korea and Korea-America Treaty

  7. 李鸿章联俄外交思想的形成

    Fomation of LI Hong-zhang 's Diplomatic Idea of Uniting Russia

  8. 第二部分,李鸿章与越南宗主权的丧失。

    The second part explains how Li Hongzhang dealt with Vietnam issue .

  9. 墓冢为李鸿章与赵氏夫人的合葬墓。

    Actually this is a joint tomb both for Li and his wife .

  10. 李鸿章故居保护与开发利用有一个的曲折发展的过程。

    Former Residence of Li protection and exploitation of a tortuous development process .

  11. 对基督教的不同派别,李鸿章也因派而异。

    Different factions of Christianity , Li is also due to send to another .

  12. 在这个展厅,将向大家介绍有关李鸿章的书法作品。

    In this exhibition hall , I 'll introduce you about Li 's calligraphy .

  13. 李鸿章与中国近代化

    LI Hong-zhang and China 's early modernization

  14. 李鸿章与中国近代外交述评

    Li Hong-zhang & China 's Modern Diplomacy

  15. 李鸿章与朝鲜问题

    LI Hong-zhang and Korea Affairs From the analysis to the behavior of problems embodied in

  16. 李鸿章与中法战争

    Li Hong-Zhang and the Sino-French War

  17. 李鸿章在此次遣使事件中起到重要作用。

    Li Hong-chang played an important role in event of Vietnam sending envoys to Qing in 1883 .

  18. 他曾任曾国藩、李鸿章幕僚达近二十年之久。

    He was an assistant of Zeng Guo-fan and Li Hong-zhang for as long as twenty years .

  19. 19世纪末年,清政府内忧外患,面对日本等列强的侵略威胁,李鸿章根据以夷制夷采取了联俄制日。

    Towards the end of the nineteenth , the Qing government was being domestic trouble and foreign invasion .

  20. 由于长期处理涉外事务,使李鸿章有机会接触到基督教。

    Long-term deal with foreign affairs , so that Li have the opportunity to come into contact with Christianity .

  21. 李鸿章是清政府海防建设的主要领导人和实践者。

    In Qing Dynasty government , Li Hongzhang is the main leader and practitioner of the construction of coast defense .

  22. 李鸿章的信件主要分为公函和私函,公函上的字迹看起来正式一些,而私函则随意一些。

    These letters have official letters and personal letters , official letters seems formal , while his personal letter looks unbending .

  23. 论李鸿章在中法战争前夕的务实外交&以李宝谈判为例

    LI Hong zhang 's Pragmatic Diplomacy in the Eve of the Sino-French War & Taking as An Example of LI Negotiations

  24. 纵观当时清廷上下,唯有李鸿章能担此重任。

    Throughout the Qing Court at that time , the only person who could take the burden that must be Li Hong-Zhang .

  25. 一提到近代中国的海防和塞防,人们不禁会想到左宗棠和李鸿章。

    Once we mention modern China coast and frontier defense , people cannot help to think of Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang .

  26. 可以说,《李宝协议》的签订,实为李鸿章务实外交的成果。

    It can be said that the signing of " Li Agreement " is one of Li Hongzhang 's positive result as pragmatic diplomacy .

  27. 晚清官商关系透视&以李鸿章、唐廷枢与开平煤矿为例

    The Relationship between Officers and Businessmen in the Late Qing Dynasty & An Example of Li Hong-zhang and Tang Ting-shu and Kaiping Coal Mine

  28. 李鸿章和张之洞的洋务事业主要表现在军事国防、实业建设、近代科技文化方面。

    Li hung-chang and Chang Chih-dung made great contributions mainly in national military defense , industrial construction , modern science , and cultural education .

  29. 回国后,张荫桓继续协助李鸿章对日议和,发挥了重要作用。

    After returning to homeland , Zhang Yinhuan continued to assist Li Hongzhang 's peace negotiation to Japanese , and played an influential role .

  30. 因此,在这里研究李鸿章的外交思想有助于对晚清中国外交近代化的理解,对今天也有着一定的借鉴意义。

    Therefore , discussesing Li Hongzhangs diplomatic thought here is helpful for us to understand the Chinese diplomacy modern times of the late Qing Dynasty .