
  • 网络PANSY;Pansy Ho
  1. 2005年4月,何鸿燊之女何超琼(Pansy)与美高梅组建的合资企业,以2亿美元从何鸿燊手中买下了次级经营权牌照。

    A joint venture between Mr Ho 's daughter , Pansy , and MGM paid the tycoon $ 200m for his sub-concession in April 2005 .

  2. 云顶的创始人是已故马来西亚华人大亨林梧桐,该公司尤其热衷于在澳门发掘商机。米高梅幻影与澳门赌王何鸿燊(StanleyHo)之女何超琼(PansyHo)在澳门有一家对等持股的合资企业。

    Genting , founded by the late Malaysian Chinese tycoon Lim Goh Tong , is particularly keen to explore opportunities in Macao , where MGM Mirage has a 50-50 joint venture with Pansy Ho , the daughter of Hong Kong gaming magnate Stanley Ho .

  3. 信上的日期为1月5日,是写给二太太生的女儿何超琼(PansyHo)的。信中说,这一直是我的打算和愿望。

    Ho wrote in a letter dated Jan.5 that was provided by his lawyers at the time and addressed to Daisy Ho , a daughter from his second wife .

  4. 然而美高梅并没有听从新泽西州的指示。本周,美高梅同意出售所持大西洋城赌场BorgataHotelCasinoandSpa的50%股权,而继续保持与何超琼的合作关系。

    But rather than heed New Jersey 's directive , MGM Mirage this week agreed to sell its50 per cent interest in the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa in Atlantic City and continue its partnership with Ms Ho .

  5. 米高梅幻影与何鸿燊之女何超琼(PansyHo)建立了一家澳门合资企业。分析师猜测,现金紧张的米高梅幻影可能将被迫出售所持合资企业中50%的股权,最大的可能性是卖给其合资伙伴。

    Analysts have speculated that cash-strapped MGM Mirage , which has a Macao joint venture with Pansy Ho , Stanley Ho 's daughter , could be forced to sell its 50 per cent stake in the tie-up , most likely to its partner .

  6. 但DGE的监管报告认为,何鸿燊涉嫌与亚洲有组织犯罪团伙有往来,建议宣布何超琼是一个不合适的合作伙伴,同时建议美高梅脱离与她的任何直接或间接关系或财务关系。

    The report , citing Mr Ho 's alleged association with Asian organised crime figures , recommended that Pansy Ho be declared an unsuitable partner and that MGM Mirage disengage from any direct or indirect business or financial association with [ her ] .

  7. 何超琼拒绝置评新泽西州的报告。

    MS ho declined to comment on the New Jersey report .

  8. 梁安琪现年46岁,仅比她的继女何超琼大两岁。

    At 46 , Ms Leong is just two years older than her stepdaughter , pansy .

  9. 我们很有可能通过与何超琼合作,以某种合资企业形式利用这一点。

    We would hopefully be able to utilise that in some form of a joint venture with our partnership with Pansy .

  10. 除了在加州读大学外,何超琼一直生活和工作在香港和澳门。

    With the exception of her college years , which were spent in California , Pansy has lived and worked in Hong Kong and Macao .

  11. 何超琼还担任着澳门旅游娱乐的董事和信德集团的董事总经理,这让她处于其父企业网络的中心地位。

    Pansy is also an STDM director and managing director of Shun Tak , putting her at the centre of her father 's corporate web of companies .

  12. 美高梅幻影与何超琼的合作关系在美国另外4个州都获得了批准。这4个州分别是内华达州、伊利诺伊州、密歇根州和密西西比州,美高梅在这些州都开办有赌场。

    MGM Mirage 's partnership with Ms Ho was approved by regulators in four other US states Nevada , Illinois , Michigan and Mississippi where the company operates casinos .

  13. 虽然这些州的监管机构都认为何超琼独立于她父亲,但在新泽西州看来,这只是一个幌子,并认为美高梅在尽职调查方面有许多缺失之处。

    Where other state regulators saw a daughter independent from her father , New Jersey saw a fig leaf and a catalogue of due diligence failings at MGM Mirage .

  14. 美高梅于是转而考虑与何超琼组建对半持股的合资公司,希望她会被外界看作充分独立于她备受争议的父亲。

    MGM Mirage therefore turned its attention to forming a 50-50 joint venture with MS Ho , in the hope she would be seen as sufficiently independent from her controversial father .

  15. 何超琼说话像她的父亲&全是关于责任、荣誉和家族的,一位对何氏家族甚为了解的人士说,而何猷龙说话则像是一位投资银行家。

    Pansy talks like her father – it 's all about duty , honour and family , says one person who knows the family well . Lawrence talks like an investment banker .

  16. 何超琼必须使美国监管机构相信,何鸿对她与美高梅之间的合作关系没有影响力。

    MS Ho , who owes the bulk of her net worth to her father , has had to reassure us regulators that he has no influence over her partnership with MGM Mirage .

  17. 根据报告,何鸿燊以他女儿的名义设立了一只特别信托基金,何超琼用在与美高梅建立合资公司上的钱,就来自这只基金。

    According to the report , Mr Ho established a special Petunia Trust on his daughter 's behalf , which she used to fund her investment in the joint venture with MGM Mirage .