
  1. 两河流域与中国上古神话之浅较

    Comparing The Mythologies of The Two Rivers and China

  2. 中国上古神话思维与审美意识发生

    Chinese Primitive Mythology and the Generation of Aesthetic Consciousness

  3. 中国上古神话丰富多彩,但却零散而不成系统。

    The mythology is rich and colorful in ancient China , but scattered instead of becoming the system .

  4. 以上各个特征之间互相渗透、不可分割,共同形成中国上古神话思维的整体特征。

    All the features are closely connected , they constitute the whole distinguishing characteristics of Chinese primitive mythology .

  5. 中国上古神话和古希腊神话是多姿多彩的民间文学百花园中的奇葩。

    The ancient China myth and the ancient Greek mythology are the miracles of the myriad folk art garden .

  6. 中国上古神话可说是歌颂古代英雄们同大自然斗争的壮丽的史诗。

    Chinese mythology at remote ages is the majestic epic of singing the praises of conflict between hero and nature .

  7. 中国上古神话存留在不同文本中呈现出不同的面貌,其部分原因在于汉字符号系统的独特性。

    Ancient Chinese myths in different editions take on various forms , which is partly caused by the uniqueness of Chinese symbolic system .

  8. 本文试图通过对中国上古神话中有关神话英雄的孤寂感作一浅析,揭示出中国上古神话中英雄悲剧的产生根源。

    This thesis try to study the sense of lonely and reveal the source of heroic tragedy in mythology at remote ages in China .

  9. 以中国上古神话中的图腾神话为纲,能对《说文解字》中相关汉字的字形、语义及背后所隐含的文化信息作科学分析。

    According to Chinese myths , the grapheme , meaning and cultural information of related Chinese characters in Shuowen Jiezi could be analyzed scientifically .

  10. 该六种中国上古神话女性原型的价值在于,广告人可以在一定范围内,借助其建构认同型原型、针对性原型,以创造符合人们集体无意识中的原型存在的品牌个性。

    With the help of six prototypes , the advertisement can create the brand personality according with the human collective unconsciousness by building the self-identity and pertinence prototype .

  11. 各民族神话有其不同特点,在古希腊神话中神人同形同性,而中国上古神话中神人泾渭分明。

    For example , in Greek mythology , God and human are same in the appearances and character . However , in Chinese myths , they are completely different .

  12. 阐述了中国上古神话中的女性意识、考古发现中体现的原始女性意识,以及中国文字中所反映的原始女性意识。

    The analysis covers the female consciousness of the ancient mythology , the female consciousness reflected in the archaeological discovers , and the female consciousness embodied in the written Chinese language .