- 名Journey to the West

[Record of a journey to the west] 长篇章回小说,明吴承恩著。宋元时期,唐僧到印度取经的故事在民间广泛流传,并不断加进神怪色彩,吴承恩根据这些传说加工成一部神话小说,描写唐僧赴西天取经途中,弟子孙悟空降妖除怪,战胜艰险,到达西天取回真经的故事
The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures .
Nearly half of the new works are in guofeng style , or “ traditional Chinese style ” . The stories are mostly based on or adapted from Chinese legends or literature . For example , The Westward comes from Journey to the West .
We do not know whether good or ill will befall him after he leaves , and you must listen to the explanation in the next chapter .
The festival 's centerpiece this year , the boisterous spectacle " Monkey : Journey to the West , " is a notable departure .
The ' Badlands ' storyline isn 't expected to exactly mirror the plot of the old fable .
Study for the differences of overlapping forms of mono-syllable verbs ( vv and v-v ) in the novel Pilgrimage to the West
Animated feature " Monkey King : Hero is Back " landed in the fourth spot , earning about 47.7 million yuan in the week . It is a 3D animated adaption of the classical epic " Journey to the West . " Its total box office sales stood at 899.5 million yuan after opening on July 10 .
One version that aired on the Hong Kong station TVB earlier this year received a record 1100 complaints , with viewers scoffing at the production quality and saying the choice of the show was too dated .
The " Seven Persons " Mode of Pilgrimage to the West
Study on the Aspect Auxiliaries in the Journey to the West
Journey to the West was the first to be revamped .
Pilgrimage to the West : A Classical Work of Taoist Literature
The novel Pilgrimage to the West shows plenty of imagination .
On dragon king image cultural connotation of Pilgrimage to the West
Research on Common Sayings in " Journey to the West "
This stour describes two characters from journey to the West .
Comparative Study of Journey to the west and Western Picaresque Novel
Personality and Time Characteristics in Slang of A Journey to the West
" Xinyuan " of Pilgrimage to the West and Its Cultural Source
On " Zhudou " in The Pilgrimage to the West
On the Character Name Translation in Journey to the West by Jenner
Journey to the West is a renowned mythical novel .
Pilgrimage to the West is the best-known fantasy novel in China .
Structural Analysis on the Eighty-one Adversities in A Journey To The West
A Study of the Comparative Sentence Patterns in Journey to the West
Explanation of the technique of immortality in the pilgrimage to the West
So it highlights human-oriented thought from a high perspective .
Paradigmatic Significance of A Journey to the West in Terms of Writing
A Brief History of the Edition Study on Journey to the West
Narrative Clues of Hong-haier 's Prototype in the Yuan Dynasty 's Zaju