
  • 网络West Asian Games
  1. 西亚运动会田径比赛全面展开

    Track-and-field competition starts to unfold in the West Asian Games

  2. 另外两个重要的运动会是东亚运动会和近期新创办的西亚运动会。西亚运动会于1997年11月份在伊朗首都德黑兰开赛。

    Also important are the East Asian Games and the recently inaugurated West Asian Games , which were first held in Tehran , Iran , in November of1997 .

  3. 1934年,第一届西亚运动会在印度举行,阿富汗、斯里兰卡、巴勒斯坦、印度四国参赛。

    The1st West Asia Games were held in India in1934 , with Afghanistan , Sri Lanka , India and Palestine .

  4. 杰夫:看来,远东运动会和西亚运动会就是亚运会的前身了。

    Jeff : It seems that the Far East Games and West Asia Games were the predecessor of the Asian Games .

  5. 杰夫:啊,就是由亚洲奥林匹克理事会主办的综合运动会,前身为远东运动会和西亚运动会。

    Jeff : Yes . The games is held by the Asian Olympic Council . It was called the " Far East Games " originally .

  6. 原定在耶路撒冷举行的第二届西亚运动会由于二战爆发被取消。

    The second event was cancelled due to the outbreak of the Second World War , and had been scheduled to take place in Jerusalem .