
xī běi fēnɡ
  • northwest wind;northwest/northwesterly wind
西北风 [xī běi fēng]
  • [northwesterly;northwest wind] 从西北吹来的风

  1. 寒冷干燥的西北风横扫了这个地区。

    A brisk north-west wind swept across the region .

  2. 风向已经改变,从西风转为西北风。

    The wind had veered from the west to north-by-west

  3. 阳光和煦,仅有一丝西北风轻轻吹拂。

    The sun was warm and there was just a ghost of a breeze from the north-west .

  4. 我想我要开始为Ross的生日存钱了,我的菜单是在家里吃西北风。

    Joey : Well I guess I gotta start savin ' up for Ross 's birthday , so I guess I 'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies .

  5. 两组均在气温(-25±1)℃,西北风4~5级的寒冷环境中冷暴露120min。

    Both groups were exposed to-25 ℃± 1 ℃ temperature in 4 ~ 5 degrees northwest cold wind for 120 min.

  6. 就算吹西北风你们的脸还是不会变。

    If the wind changes , your faces 'll stay like that .

  7. 我会坐在家里吃西北风。

    I 'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies .

  8. 27日黎明时分,正刮着西北风。

    A northwesterly gale was blowing when daylight came on the twenty-seventh .

  9. 冬天,呼啸的西北风就如同一把锋利的的刀子。

    Winter , northwest wind howling like a sharp knife .

  10. 正在刮着强劲的西北风。

    There 's a northwester blowing great guns now .

  11. 今天辞起了寒冷的西北风。

    Today has cold wind from the northwest .

  12. 日落时分,强劲的冷风由东南风转为西北风。

    At the sunset , the strong cold wind shifted from the southeast to the northwest .

  13. 猛禽迁徙的最适天气条件是晴朗、少云、能见度好、三级以上的东北风或西北风。

    The fittest weather is sunny , good visibility with upwards third class northeaster of northwester winds .

  14. 西北风会把所谓的辐射尘吹向东海岸,而东海岸是中国多数人口居住的地方。

    The northwest wind blew the dust to the eastern territory , where most of the population lives .

  15. 正在刮着强劲的西北风。昨晚北风刮得很紧。

    There 's a northwester blowing great guns now . A north wind was blowing hard last night .

  16. 余华《西北风呼啸的中午》与卡夫卡《乡村医生》的比较研究

    A Comparison Between YuHua 's The Midday with West north Wild Whistling and Kafka 's The Village Doctor

  17. 所以,有人担心西北风会使火山灰飘向欧洲的其他地区。

    So there are concerns that northwesterly winds capable of dispersing ash towards the rest of Europe will pick up .

  18. 突然间,唐太斯呼吸到了夜晚新鲜寒冷的空气,他知道这是海湾边冷燥的西北风。

    Suddenly he felt the fresh and sharp night air , and Dant è s knew that the mistral was blowing .

  19. 即使如此,我也乐观行事,不管东南西北风,只管耕耘,不问收获。

    Even so , I also optimistic about the act , regardless of Four winds and empty hard , not to receive .

  20. 计算结果表明,东南风加强了港池的平均水交换能力,而西北风减弱了港池的平均水交换能力。

    The computation result indicated that the northwest wind has strengthened the water exchange capacity and the southeast wind has weakened this ability .

  21. 夜里,下了很多雨,第二天早晨就刮起一阵阵刺骨的西北风,吹动着四散的云朵。

    Much rain fell in the night , and the next morning there blew a bitter wintry wind out of the north-west , driving scattered clouds .

  22. 受大气环流场和季风气候类型影响,中国冬、春盛吹西北风,强劲而干燥。

    Affected by atmosphere circumfluence and monsoon climate , arid and semi arid regions in northern China has strong and dry wind in winter and spring .

  23. 于田绿洲位于东北风与西北风的交汇地带,受到流沙侵蚀的危害很严重,自然条件非常恶劣,生态环境异常脆弱,人民的生存环境受到了很大的威胁。

    Located in the cross belt which converges northeaster and northwester , Yutian Oasis is threatened by the flowing sand , and has the bad natural conditions .

  24. 辽南滨海黄土具有沙黄土特征,主要由末次冰期低海面裸露的渤海海底物质经西北风短距离搬运堆积而成;

    The loess along south Liaoning seashore derived from Bohai seabed during the last glacial period when sea level was low was transported and deposited by northwest wind in a short distance .

  25. 在此强劲的西北风与汇入大海的快速狭窄的阿迦勒斯海流交汇形成巨大的波浪。

    Such conditions exist along Africa 's wild coast , where strong winds blowing from the north-west interact with the swift and narrow Agulhas current flowing down the coast to produce enormous waves .

  26. 为了赢得法国的支持,英国外交官试图将武器禁运限定于只适用未来的合同,但西北风直升机攻击舰的销售已招致华盛顿的强烈批评。

    UK diplomats have tried to tailor an arms embargo to affect only future contracts , so as to win French support , but the Mistral sale has come under intense criticism in Washington .

  27. 沙尘发生后在西北风的引导下经过约12小时左右输送到韩国,传输时间最短。

    It takes about 12 hours for sand to be transmitted by the northwest wind to Korea after a sand weather took place in the source . The time it costs was the least .

  28. 当上海吹西风、西南风和西北风时容易出现灰霾天气,而北风、东北风、东风、东南风对大气有一定的净化作用,灰霾天气出现较少。

    When westerly , southwest or northwest winds blowed in Shanghai , there was higher occurrence of haze , while north , northeast east or south-east wind could purify atmosphere leading to less haze .

  29. 在风沙活动期内,风环境基本为锐双峰风况,西北风居主导地位,频数占54%;

    During the phase of wind-sand activity the wind environment in the area roughly exhibited a bimodal wind regime , the northwest wind held a leading place , with a frequency of 54 % ;

  30. 我知道,如果不刮西北风,远处的风暴不再掀起惊涛骇浪进行干扰,海平面就会落得比水潭的入口还低。

    I knew that if the wind held from the northwest and no interfering swell ran in f rom a distant storm the level of the sea should drop below the entrance to the pool .