
  • 网络Xihua Gate;West Glorious Gate
  1. 此外,相关部门也正在尝试恢复西华门周边景观。

    In addition , the government is also trying to restore the landscape around Xihua Gate .

  2. 北京故宫博物院(又称紫禁城)日前启动一项大规模修缮工程,修缮区域为西华门内第一历史档案馆以北一段233米的城墙。

    The Palace Museum in Beijing , also known as the Forbidden City , began a sweeping renovation of a 233-meter-long section of the walls north of the First Historical Archives inside the Xihua Gate .

  3. 每一面城墙都有一个城门:南面是午门,北面是神武门,西面是西华门,东面是东华门。

    The wall has a gate on each side : the Meridian Gate to the south , the Shenwu Gate to the north , the Xihua Gate to the west , and the Donghua Gate to the east .

  4. 位于内城东部的二厢,作为商业中心首先繁荣起来,而西部尤其是面向西华门一厢的编户人口极少,主要是因为此处驻扎有许多禁军军营。

    The two eastern compartments of the city proper flourished as a commercial center while the western compartments , the compartment facing Gate Xihua in particular , were thinly populated , due to the residence of many imperial barracks .