
wǔ mén
  • the Meridian Gate;main gate of the imperial palace
午门 [wǔ mén]
  • [front gate] 宫城的正门

  • 午门会审

  1. 从紫禁城内望午门。

    The Meridian Gate as viewed from inside the forbidden city .

  2. 建筑中的门午门建筑艺术

    Architectural art of Wu Men Gate

  3. 午门的作用是什么?为什么如此称呼?

    Why was it so called ?

  4. 外殿包括了从午门到乾清门之间的大片空地。

    The Outer Court covers a large space between the Meridian Gate and the Gate of Heavenly purity .

  5. 午门是紫禁城的正门。在我国古代的罗盘上,午位代表正南,因此午门为南大门的意思。

    The location of this gate , which marked on the ancient Chinese compass was due south . Therefore , the meridian stood for the south gate .

  6. 故宫午门展厅的设计和建设是在文物建筑中增添现代化博览功能的特殊项目。

    The design and construction for exhibition hall in the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City is a special project adding modern fair function into cultural building relics .

  7. 要是伦敦塔当时还做斩首营生的话,贝克汉姆在1998年那个夏末大概就已经被推出午门了。

    If the Tower of London had still been in the beheading business , Beckham would have been through Traitor 's Gate by the end of that summer of1998 .

  8. 称为午门是因为皇帝想相子午线从紫禁城穿过,且他的居所是宇宙的正中。

    It is called Meridian Gate because the emperor believed that the meridian line went right through the Forbidden City and his imperial residence was the center of the whole universe .

  9. 方法:(1)通过军医军护工资纳入成本核算,强化个人意识,以此降低成本;午门护军殴打太监案

    Methods : ( 1 ) Bring medicinal staff 's wages into assessment , reduced the cost ; A Case of that the eunuchs were beaten up by the military guards on duty at Wu Men Gate

  10. 墙四面各设城门一座,其中南面的午门和北面的神武门现专供参观者游览出入。

    Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate , the Meridian Gate on the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valour on the north being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today .

  11. 每一面城墙都有一个城门:南面是午门,北面是神武门,西面是西华门,东面是东华门。

    The wall has a gate on each side : the Meridian Gate to the south , the Shenwu Gate to the north , the Xihua Gate to the west , and the Donghua Gate to the east .