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  • 网络Chinese folk music;China national music
  1. 正确认识中国民族音乐的发展

    An Objective View on the Development of Chinese Folk Music

  2. 他表演了一场将古典音乐与中国民族音乐相结合的演奏会。

    By giving a concert combining classical music with Chinese folk music .

  3. 根据美国自然科学基金会国际数字图书馆合作项目CMNet,中华文化网的子项目中国民族音乐数字图书馆的研究部分成果写成。

    According to the International Digital Library Project ( IDLP ) CMNet ( Chinese Memory Net US Sino Collaborative Research Toward A Global Digital Library in Chinese Studies ) funded by the United States , this paper presented part of the research result .

  4. 环境音乐:融入中国民族音乐的元素与特色

    On the Combination of Environment Music with Chinese National Music

  5. 高校《中国民族音乐》课程的教学改革

    A Brief Comment On The Teaching Reformation Of The Chinese National Music

  6. 近五年来中国民族音乐学研究综述

    A Summary of Ethnomusicology in China in Recent 5 years

  7. 中国民族音乐有着深厚的文化底蕴和珍贵的艺术价值。

    With great artistic value , Chinese national music reflects profound cultural foundation .

  8. 武侠电影配乐中的中国民族音乐

    The Chinese Nationality Music Element of the Movie Music and the Swordsman Culture

  9. 论中国民族音乐的风格特征

    On the Style and Characteristics of Chinese National Music

  10. 走进新千年的中国民族音乐

    The Chinese Folk Music in the New Millennium

  11. 中国民族音乐的审美探微

    The Aesthetic Exploration of Chinese National Music

  12. 隋、唐燕乐的兴盛对中国民族音乐发展的启示

    The Enlightenment of Sui and Tang Music Boom and its Impact on Chinese National Music Development

  13. 音律符合中国民族音乐的基本音律&五度相生律。元极音乐以徵音为主导,徵音与心音相应;

    The temperament agree with the essential temperament of Chinese national music & Five Pitches Generating Temperament .

  14. 这就是为什么他追根寻源,重新发现中国民族音乐之美。

    This is why he went back to his roots and rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music .

  15. 东北民歌作为中国民族音乐的一个重要组成部分,有其独特的艺术特点。

    Northeast folk songs as an important part of Chinese folk music , with its unique artistic features .

  16. 中国民族音乐文化是与中华民族悠久的历史传统、多样的自然环境和博大的文化背景分不开的。

    It can 't be separated from the long history tradition , varied natural environment and wide cultural background .

  17. 中国民族音乐是中华文化的一个重要组成部分,是中华民族文化宝库中珍贵的财富。

    As an important component , Chinese folk music is valuable wealth in the treasure house of Chinese national culture .

  18. 中国民族音乐艺术在世界多元文化中自成体系并占有极重要的地位。

    Chinese national music is unique in its Style and stands an important position in the multi-culture system of the world .

  19. 在郭志鸿创作的钢琴作品中有三首取材于新疆民歌,很好地融合了中国民族音乐与西方古典音乐的创作手法。

    There are piece of works origins from the Xinjiang folk songs , and they combines Chinese racial music well with western classical music .

  20. 作为中国民族音乐中的重要乐器,二胡素以传承深远、作品繁多且简便易学以致民间散布广泛而自成一体,历来大师不绝。

    As an important traditional instrument of China , Er-Hu has been inherited for long with various master pieces and a lot of works .

  21. 中国民族音乐与音乐文化的勃兴&以两首《绣荷包》小调之比较为例

    The Vigorous Growth of Chinese National Music and Musical Culture & Taking the Comparison of the Two Ditties of " Embroider Pouch " for Example

  22. 而从音乐专业大学生重技能轻素养、重西方音乐轻中国民族音乐的偏好倾向中,则有必要对音乐专业的课程设置进行反思。

    Meanwhile , for the side of music majors , skills and western music are regarded as more important than general literacy and Chinese traditions .

  23. 中国民族音乐的美学特征,可总结为简单的三句话,即:和的精神,虚的意境,线的形态。

    It can be summed up in three brief words ; the spirit of harmony , the artistic illusion , and the formation of lines .

  24. 为弘扬民族音乐文化,尤其是少数民族音乐文化,有必要组建一所中国民族音乐实验大学。

    In order to uphold national musical culture , especially cultures of ethnic minorities , it is necessary to establish China 's National Music Experimental University .

  25. 韵是琵琶音乐,更是中国民族音乐的灵魂,故而每种乐器的行腔作韵技法就显得非常重要。

    Rhyme is the soul of Lute music , also the Chinese folk music , so the lyrics rhyme skills of every kind of instrument is very important .

  26. 源远流长、丰富多彩的中国民族音乐,在全球经济一体化和文化多元化共存的新世纪里,面临着十分严峻的形势。

    With the coexistence of global economic integration and cultural diversity in the new century , the long standing and colorful Chinese national music is facing severe situation .

  27. 贺绿汀是一位对我国音乐事业有重要贡献的作曲家和音乐评论家,他被称为中国民族音乐的先行者。

    He Luting , reputed as the forerunner of Chinese national music , is both a composer and music critic who has a great contribution to Chinese music field .

  28. 土家族音乐是中国民族音乐之中的重要组成部分,内容丰富,种类多样,从不同的角度,生动地反映了土家族人民的生活和精神状态。

    Tujia music , one important part of China folk music , rich in content , varied in form , vividly mirrors the life and mentation of Tujia people from different angles .

  29. 中国民族音乐元素在电影配乐中的使用,在从《卧虎藏龙》到《十面埋伏》等武侠电影作品中取得了很大的成功。

    The use of Chinese national music element in the movies such as the " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon " to the " House of Flying Daggers " achieved great success .

  30. “世界听·见·朱哲琴”世界巡演将会重点展示这些样本,为保护中国民族音乐,推动中国多元文化走向世界而努力。

    The samples will also be featured in Dadawa 's coming world tour , aimed at preserving Chinese folk music while promoting the integration of China 's diverse cultures into the modern world .