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  • Martial Arts;Chinese Martial Art
  1. 研究中国武术博物馆意义重大。

    There is great significance in Chinese martial arts museum study .

  2. 能让外国观众领略中国武术之美的电影。

    To show Western audiences the beauty of Chinese martial arts .

  3. 基于Web的中国武术远程教育平台(Web-WTS)的设计构想

    Design concept of web-based Chinese Wushu long distance education platform

  4. 中国武术发展的SWOT分析及推广战略研究

    SWOT Analysis on Chinese Wushu Development and Its Developing Strategies

  5. 中国武术散打运动员在K-1比赛中的制胜策略研究

    On the Winning Strategy of Chinese Sanda Athletes in The K-1 Race

  6. 文章运用文献资料法从历史的角度、现实的需要辩证地提出了2l世纪西方竞技体育文化将与中国武术保健体育文化融合,分析这二种不同文化融合的哲学原因和现实原因。

    Adopting documentation and from the angle of history and need of reality , this paper proposes that the 21st century western competitive sport culture will give way to the western health preservation sport culture and analyzes the reasons from aspects of philosophy and reality .

  7. 中国武术散打竞赛规则国际化的思考

    On the Globalization of the Game Rule for Chinese Wushu Combat

  8. 十世纪:中国武术发展的分水岭

    Tenth Century : the Watershed of the Development of Chinese Wushu

  9. 关于中国武术继承、改革与发展的思索&由武术门派的渊源成因看武术门派的发展走向

    Ponderation on the Inheritance , Reform and Development of Chinese Wushu

  10. 中国武术文化的社会效能及其发展

    On the Social Efficacy of Chinese Martial Arts and Its Development

  11. 反思与争鸣:缔造中国武术的生存空间

    Reflections and Contends on Creating the Existence Space of Chinese Wushu

  12. 武林中流行的文以评心,武以观德,说明了武德在中国武术文化方面的重要地位。

    WuShu morality has an important place in traditional Chinese culture .

  13. 中国武术与西方体育之比较

    The Comparison and Research in Chinese Wushu and Western Physical Training

  14. 中国武术对于许多外国人来说有一种特殊的魅力。

    Chinese martial art exert peculiar fascination a great many foreigners .

  15. 中国武术在阿拉伯地区的发展现状及推广对策研究

    Studies on development and promotion countermeasures of wushu in Arabian areas

  16. 中国武术散打王争霸赛积分排名挑战赛制的研究

    Study on the Integral Ranking Competition System of Chinese Kungfu King

  17. 对中国武术散打与美国拳击对抗的研究

    Study on the Antagonism between the Chinese and the American Boxing

  18. 全球化背景下重构中国武术文化的研究

    Research the Reconstruction of Chinese Wushu Civilization Under the Globalization Background

  19. 暗器在中国武术中要算是最神秘的绝技。

    Hidden Weapon is the most cryptic stunt in Chinese Kungfu .

  20. 中国武术现代流变历程及其规律探索

    The Searching of Chinese Wushu Modern Spread Changing Progress and Regulation

  21. 中国武术历史久远,源远流长。

    The Chinese martial arts history is remote , well-established .

  22. 中国武术、气功,举世无双。

    Chinese Wushu and Qigong are matchless in the world .

  23. 中国武术文化产业发展的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study of the Development of Martial Arts Cultural Industry in China

  24. 中国武术文化特性及对世界体育文化的影响

    Cultural Characteristics of Chinese Wushu and the Influence on World PE Culture

  25. 简论和合的中国武术

    On the Features of Harmony and Combination in Chinese Wushu

  26. 中国武术运动半个世纪回眸

    Recalling on Chinese Wushu Movement of the Half a Century

  27. 中国武术套路产生的传统文化背景

    The Traditional Cultural Background of the Emergence of Wushu Routines in China

  28. 中国武术旅游资源的开发前景

    Discussion on prospects of touristic resource exploitation of Chinese Wushu

  29. 他可能学过一些中国武术。

    He may have had some training in Chinese gongfu .

  30. 关于中国武术与军事关系的研究

    On the Relations between Wushu and China Ancient Military Affairs