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shí bǔ
  • take nourishing food to keep up one's health
  1. 药补不如食补。

    It 's preferable to eat foods than to take medicinal tonics .

  2. 1994年颁布的《食补卫生与教育法令》(DSHEA)允许HHDS生产商独自对他们产品的安全性和有效性进行检验。

    The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act in1994 ( DSHEA ) allows HHDS manufacturers to assume the sole responsibility for ensuring the effectiveness and safety of their products .

  3. 食补对于这种状况可能帮助不大。

    Dietary supplements may not help with this condition .

  4. 从错误的医疗与食补观念谈养生保健之道。

    Discuss health preservation from the incorrect phenomena of medical treatment and food consumption .

  5. 苦味的酿制饮料是普遍的食补方法。

    Stewed brews are common medicinal dishes .

  6. 将食补作为养生之道的习俗也影响到了公共饮食业。

    The custom of prescribing tonic foods for a healthier life also spills over into the catering industry .

  7. 试论食补生化原则与天然富微食品的开发

    Opinion on Biochemistry Principle of Supply of Food and Development of Natural - rich - trace - element Food

  8. 作为一名医生,我认为以食补来替代药补是一种最理想的健康境界。

    As a physician , I would argue there is no higher ideal than to use food as medicine .

  9. 对西方人或现代医学的医生而言,食补的概念还远未丧失其可信度。

    The concept of tonic food is far from losing credibility , either with Westerners or practitioners of modern medicine .

  10. 老年人、体弱者和年轻人也可以从食补中获得很大收益,尤其在冬季。

    The elderly , weak , and young can also benefit greatly from tonic foods , especially during the winter .

  11. 天然食品的营养比人工补品的好,因此,俗话说:药补不如食补。

    Natural food excels an artificial tonic in nutrition , as the proverB says : Dietary nourishment is Better than medicinal nourishment .

  12. 比如大约两年前,一家著名的医院就将食补纳入其供餐服务中。

    For example , up until two years ago , tonic foods were added to the meals served at a renowned hospital .

  13. “食物的药用功能”(药补不如食补)是朋友通过电邮寄给我的几个美丽幻灯片中的一个英文新年祝贺幻灯片。

    Foreword : " Food as Medicine " is one of the beautiful PowerPoint in English was send from my friends for greeting of the New Year by E-mail .

  14. 食补是指通过食用某些食物以增进健康,或防止疾病,尤其在人容易生病的时候。

    Tonic food is food which is consumed to improve one 's well-being , or stave off sickness , particularly at times when one is more prone to illness .

  15. 饮食治疗:针对您患有的不同疾病,结合您的全身状况,营养师特别为您制定饮食治疗方案,通过食疗、食补达到治疗疾病、滋补强身的作用。

    Diet therapy : specific to your disease and health condition , our dieticians will make a diet therapy plan which can help curing your disease and getting you strong .

  16. 不过中国菜有个有趣的观念——“食补”,这个古老的习俗在西方几乎是前所未闻,而在东方则逐渐被年轻人忽视。

    But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard of in the West , and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East - the ancient custom of " tonic food . "

  17. 虽然食补在年轻人中受欢迎的程度正在减退,但在许多餐厅的菜单中都能看到中药,像枸杞被加到水果茶中或是被当作有益的配料使用。

    Although tonic foods themselves are losing popularity among the younger generation , Chinese herbal medicines , such as wolfberry fruit , can be found on many a restaurant menu , either added to fruit tea or as a beneficial addition to a dish .

  18. 因此,不管你是需要大力借助牛鞭来提振男性雄风,还是用猪脑汤来增进你的脑力,你会发现古老的中国食补习俗可能就是你在寻觅的补药。

    So , whether you need to boost your masculinity with a large helping of bull penis , or increase your mental powers with a serving of pigs brain soup , you may find that this ancient Chinese custom could be just the tonic you were looking for .

  19. 对《黄帝内经》中饮食疗法,如热饮疗法,冷饮疗法,食补疗法,食泻疗法,食忌疗法,饥饿疗法,醪酒疗法,药膳疗法进行分别论述,提示该疗法有重要的临床应用价值。

    The paper presents a discussion on the diet therapy in Huangdi 's Internal Classic , including hot drink therapy , cold drink therapy , diet tonifying therapy , purgation by food regulation , starving therapy , mellow wine therapy , and medicated food therapy to show their clinical importance .