
  • 网络Herbivorous;herbivore;grazing;herbivory
  1. 猛犸是食草性哺乳动物。

    Mammoths were herbivorous mammals .

  2. 骨盆的结构与鸟类的相似的食草恐龙。

    Herbivorous dinosaur with a pelvis like that of a bird .

  3. 绝大多数动物是食草的。

    A great variety of animals nourish themselves on vegetable foods .

  4. 闽产鹅不食草挥发油的化学成分分析鼠曲草挥发油化学成分的GC-MS分析

    Component Analysis of Essential Oil From Centipeda minima of Fujian Province by GC-MS Determination of chemical constituents of Gnaphalium affine D.Don

  5. 超临界CO2萃取和水蒸汽蒸馏法研究乌药中挥发性有机物同时蒸馏萃取法提取黔产鹅不食草挥发油的化学成分分析

    Comparison of the Constituents of Essential Oil from Linder aggregate by Supercritical-CO_2 Fluid Extraction and Steam Distillation Analysis on the Chemical Compounds of Essential Oil from Centipeda minima in Guizhou by Simulataneous Distillation and Extraction Method

  6. 鹅不食草挥发油对急性肺损伤大鼠支气管上皮细胞CD54表达的影响

    Effects of the Volatile Oil of Sandwort on Expression of CD54 in the Bronchial Epithelium Tissue of Acute Lung Injury Rat

  7. 结果:鹅不食草挥发油能显著抑制急性肺损伤所致大鼠肺水肿及中性粒细胞升高,抑制肺损伤大鼠支气管上皮细胞中CD54的表达。

    Result : VOCM was able to suppress lung edema and high numbers of neutrophils , decrease the expression of CD54 in the bronchial epithelium tissue in the acute lung injury animal models .

  8. 韩国拥有朝鲜缺乏的军事必需品,比如食物、燃料和F16战斗机。食草男和鱼干女引起人们的兴趣,正因为他们是新生的少数群体。

    South Korea has those little military necessities the North lacks , such as food , fuel and F-16s . Herbivores and dried-fish women are of interest precisely because they are newish minorities .

  9. 澳大利亚食草的穴居有袋动物,身体大小如獾。

    Burrowing herbivorous Australian marsupials about the size of a badger .

  10. 陆栖的食草昆虫,有适于跳跃的后退。

    Terrestrial plant-eating insect with hind legs adapted for leaping .

  11. 白垩纪生活在北美洲西部的巨大的食草恐龙。

    Huge herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous found in western North America .

  12. 鹅不食草挥发油治疗过敏性鼻炎作用机理的研究

    Histopathological study on allergic rhinitis treated with Centipeda minima

  13. 几乎难以想象鱼干女与食草男会和对方约会。

    It is almost inconceivable that the two might mate with each other .

  14. 因此开发一种新的非食草性动物的纤维显得很有必要。

    Therefore it 's necessary to develop a new kind of animal fiber .

  15. 已灭绝的陆地爬虫动物;兽脚亚目恐龙(食肉);蜥脚类动物(食草)。

    Extinct terrestrial reptiles : theropods ( carnivorous ); sauropods ( herbivorous ) .

  16. 热带非洲生活在河里或河水附近的大而重的厚皮食草性动物。

    Massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa .

  17. 侏罗纪或白垩纪早期欧洲巨大的食草性两足恐龙。

    Gigantic carnivorous bipedal dinosaur of the Jurassic or early Cretaceous in Europe .

  18. 结论鹅不食草对耐药质粒有较强的消除作用。

    Conclusion Herba centipedae is a effective plasmid elimination agent to Pseudomonas aeruginosa .

  19. 食草男是时髦的都市美男,厌恶武术。

    Herbivore man is a dandy metrosexual with an abhorrence of martial arts .

  20. 美国西南部和墨西哥干旱地区栖息在岩石附近的食草性蜥蜴。

    Rock-dwelling herbivorous lizard of arid parts of southwestern United States and Mexico .

  21. 它就是食草性恐龙的主要食物。

    It was the main food for herbivorous dinosaurs .

  22. 侏罗纪时期北美洲常见的非常大的四足食草恐龙。

    Huge quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur common in N. America in the late Jurassic .

  23. 侏罗纪后期的大的四足食草恐龙。

    Huge quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur ; late Jurassic .

  24. 食草男和鱼干女引起人们的兴趣,正因为他们是新生的少数群体。

    Herbivores and dried-fish women are of interest precisely because they are newish minorities .

  25. 有着与鳄鱼类似的三叉形骨盆的食草或食肉恐龙。

    Herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaur having a three-pronged pelvis like that of a crocodile .

  26. 实心蹄食草性四足动物,从史前时期就开始驯养。

    Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times .

  27. 诱蝶植物可分为蜜源植物以及幼虫食草两种。

    The butterfly-attractive plant can be divided into nectar plant and larval food plant .

  28. 食草男和鱼干女这两个生动的名字都来自日本&韩国众多文化传统的源泉。

    Both colourful names hail from Japan , source of so many Korean cultural trends .

  29. 许多袋鼠都是食草和嫩叶的动物,喜欢四处觅食,适合在干旱的沙漠环境中生活。

    Many kangaroo species are grazers and browsers adapted to living in dry desert habitats .

  30. 在一个以集体主义者为荣的社会里,食草男和鱼干女是行迹可疑的孤独者。

    In a society that prides itself on being collectivist , they are suspicious loners .