
  • 网络Food Hygiene;food sanitation;HACCP;FDA
  1. 第二条国家实行食品卫生监督制度。

    Article 2 The State institutes a system of food hygiene supervision .

  2. 共轭型亚油酸对B(a)P诱导小鼠前胃癌的抑制作用:150001黑龙江省哈尔滨医科大学营养与食品卫生教研室

    The inhibitory effect of CLA on mice forestomach neoplasia induced by B ( a ) P

  3. ATP荧光微生物检测法在食品卫生监控领域中的应用与展望

    Use of ATP fluorescence bioassay in surveillance of food safety

  4. 果肉中重金属的浓度相当低,只有Ni的含量超过食品卫生标准。

    The concentration of heavy metals in pulp is quite low , with only the content of Ni beyond National Food Sanitation Standard .

  5. 研究结果表明,此种新开发的大豆蛋白制品的蛋白质功效比值(PER)为2.0(参考酪蛋白为2.6),营养质量达到国外同类产品的水平,食品卫生上的安全性也是可靠的。

    Results showed that these recently developed products had a PER value of 2.0 ( PER value for casein used as reference was 2.6 ) meeting the specification for similar products in the international market .

  6. HACCP系统是一种理想的、替代传统质量管理方法的食品卫生安全预防性管理控制系统。

    HACCP system was an ideal quality management control one of sanitation security of food instead of traditional method .

  7. 结论只有在西式糕点生产过程中运用HACCP原理,才能有效的保证食品卫生质量。

    Conclusion Utilizing the appropriate measure of HACCP will effectively ensure the hygienic quality and safety of western - style cake .

  8. 应用RSR法综合评价食品卫生监测合格率

    Comprehensive evaluation on the qualification rate of food sanitation surveyed by using RSR method

  9. 结论HACCP体系是一种比较理想的食品卫生安全预防控制系统[1]。

    Conclusion The HACCP system is an ideal prevention control system for food hygiene , which could take place of the traditional quality management .

  10. 光纤倏逝波生物传感器有望应用于环境监控、食品卫生监控、临床疾病监测、DNA检测和生物战剂检测。

    It will be widely applied for environmental surveillance , food industry , clinical medicine and detecting of DNA and biochemical weapons . The future development of fiber-optic evanescent wave biosensor is discussed at the end of the paper .

  11. 本文介绍了一种基于三磷酸腺甙(Adenosinetriphosphate,ATP)生物发光技术测定液体试样中微生物含量的食品卫生检验仪器。

    A new food hygiene detecting instrument is introduced , which makes use of adenosine triphosphate , bioluminescence technique to examine the content of microbe in the liquid sample under test .

  12. 家禽拔毛蜡:本产品适用于鸭或鹅等家禽在屠宰加工时的脱毛处理。符合国家食品卫生标准,所用原料及添加剂符合美国FDA标准。

    Waxes for Poultry Depilation : Be suitable for poultry depilation of duck , goose , which can meets the standard of National Food and Sanitation , its ingredient under the regulations of FDA .

  13. 经过HACCP体系在石河子高中学区食堂半年的运行,该食堂的管理层及加工操作人员的食品卫生安全意识明显增强;都能够遵守HACCP体系制定的标准操作规范,在操作过程更加精确。

    After half a year of HACCP implementation , the canteen operator and management have enhanced food hygiene and safety awareness and can comply with the standards operating specifications , the operating process more precise .

  14. 自其产生30多年来,HACCP已在全球得到了广泛推广,发达国家成为这一过程的引领者,并形成了以HACCP为基础的食品卫生监管体系。

    Since it was born 30 years ago , HACCP has found globally wide application , during which developed countries were the leader , and a food hygiene supervision system based on HACCP has been formed .

  15. 目的了解江苏省农村地区民间厨师的食品卫生和法制知识的认识、态度、行为(KAP)状况,探讨其影响因素,为卫生部门的监管工作提供依据。

    Objective To know the knowledge , attitude , practice and the influence factors about food sanitation and law among rural caterers in Jiangsu province and provide scientific evidence for the sanitation supervision .

  16. 监测结果提示食品卫生工作者要提高对单增李斯特菌和O157∶H77的认识,加强基层防疫站的监测能力,及时发现3种致病菌的血清型变迁和污染食品的种类变化,及时采取防治措施。

    Coli , and the monitoring capacity of local CDC should be reinforced so as to recognize the change of the serological type of the 3 most common pathogens and types of contaminated foods in time .

  17. 结论为预防集体性食物中毒的发生,应加强食品卫生监测,应用食品安全的危险分析手段,在食品行业推广HACCP(关键控制点危害因素分析)的管理方法。

    Conclusion Surveillance on food hygiene should be enhanced , and the method of food safety risk analysis should be applied . The management measures of HACCP ( the hazard analysis of control points ) system should also be generalized in food industries .

  18. 针对现行食品卫生微生物学检验GB/T(2003)的下轮修订工作提出如下修改意见:缩短与下次修订时间的间隔:检验样品的采集标准应向国际权威标准和向易于反映食品客观状况的方向靠拢;

    Some suggestions about next amendment of microbiological examination of food hygiene ( GB / T ) are as follows : The interval between two amendments should be shortened . Collecting standard of examination sample could be able to reach international authoritative standard and reflect the objective actuality of food .

  19. 大肠杆菌O157∶H7是一种感染剂量小、危害性大的新型肠道致病菌,是当前食品卫生和安全、给水卫生及流行病学领域最重要的研究对象之一。

    Escherichia coli O157 : H7 is a new intestines pathogen of causing serious foodborne illness and is viewed as a significant public health concern .. It has a very small infections dose and so it is vital to detect and eliminate this pathogen from food .

  20. 发展至今HF-LPME已经逐渐被用于各种物质分析的前处理,它不仅被运用于生物、环境等样品的检测,还在食品卫生等行业得到了成功的推广,近年来倍受分析测试人员的关注。

    So far HF-LPME has been accounts for numerous reports in a wide range of applications , it has not been only applied to biological , environmental sample testing also has been successfully promoted in food health industry .

  21. 结果表明:在30℃、处理压力达到或超过400MPa时,西瓜汁中微生物含量达到国家食品卫生标准要求;

    Results show that under the ambient temperature ( 30 ℃) and pressure equal to or above 400 MPa the number of natural microflora , yeast , mold and coliform bacteria meets the requirement of National Food Hygienic Standard of China .

  22. 河南部分地区食品卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Hygiene of Food in Part Areas of Henan Province

  23. 云南成年人营养与食品卫生知识、态度和行为调查

    KAP about Nutrition and Food Hygiene among Adults in Yunnan Province

  24. 1997~2003年食品卫生监督监测分析

    Situational Analysis on Data of Food Hygiene from 1997 to 2003

  25. 第五章食品卫生标准和管理办法的制定

    Chapter V formulation of food hygiene standards and measures for food

  26. 学校的食品卫生管理优于学校的公共娱乐场所卫生管理;

    Food hygiene management was better than public recreation place management .

  27. 食品卫生量化分级制度推行策略研究

    Study on Tactics to Pursue Quantitative Graded Management in Food Services

  28. 深圳市食品卫生事业30年发展回顾

    Development of Food Sanitation in Shen-Zhen in the Past 30 Years

  29. 营口市食品卫生行政执法文书制作情况调查

    Investigation on Document Making of Administrative Law Enforcement about Food Heath

  30. 永州市学校食品卫生现况调查

    Survey of hygienic status of food in schools of Yongzhou City