
yù fánɡ wéi zhǔ
  • Prevention first;prevention is better than cure
  1. 疾病应以预防为主。

    Stress should be put on the prevention of diseases .

  2. 坚持预防为主,深入开展爱国卫生运动,倡导健康文明生活方式,预防控制重大疾病。

    We will , with emphasis on prevention , carry out extensive patriotic health campaigns , promote healthy and positive lifestyles , and prevent and control major diseases .

  3. 第二条消防工作贯彻预防为主、消防结合的方针,坚持专门机关与群众相结合的原则,实行防火安全责任制。

    Article 2 Fire control work shall follow the policy of devoting major efforts into prevention and combining fire prevention with fire fighting , and shall adhere to the principle of combining the efforts of both specialized organizations and the masses and carry out responsibility system on fire prevention and safety .

  4. 实施ISO预防为主的管理原则促进后勤保障工作

    Implementing the management principle of prevention the first according to ISO is facilitating logistics guarantee

  5. HSE管理的出发点应是预防为主。

    The essential idea of HSE management is prevention .

  6. HACCP是以预防为主的质量控制系统,已广泛用于食品工业。

    HACCP system is a defending system of quality control , being adopted widely to assure quality in food industry .

  7. 建立HSE管理体系,就是建立以风险管理为核心的预防为主的管理方式。风险评价在体系的建立和运行过程中起着非常重要的作用。

    Establishing HSE system is to introduce a managing mode that is based on venture management and dominated by prevention .

  8. 一种是事前控制,主要形似是以预防为主,通过标准化、过程管理等如CMM,ISO以控制质量缺陷为目的的管理方法。

    Fore-control is to control quality defects through process standardization and management methods , such as CMM and ISO , prevention is its main form .

  9. 第三部分在新时期党和国家确定的预防为主的战略方针的指导下,详细剖析甘肃H县在预防腐败机制中存在的主要问题。

    The third part under the guidance of the Party and the state for prevention-oriented strategic approach , a detailed analysis of the main issues in the prevention of corruption in H County , Gansu mechanisms exist .

  10. 中医药配合HA-IAI治疗OAK是一个值得研究的方法。对OAK提倡预防为主,以补益肝肾的方式预防OAK。

    Chinese drugs added HA-IAI is desirable to research . Prevention should be advocated by the treatment of tonifying the liver and kidney .

  11. 通过对1991年和1992年新生入学时HBsAg阴性及肝功能正常的学生普遍注射乙肝疫苗后效果的观察与分析,说明了以预防为主,减少疾病的重要性。

    The importance of putting prevention forst to reduce diseases has been shown by observation and analysis of the effect on vaccination of hepatitis B for the new students in 1991 and 1992 whose HBsAg are negative and liver function are nomal .

  12. HACCP体系是以预防为主的食品安全生产和质量控制的管理体系,是用来保护食品在整个生产过程中免受可能发生的生物、化学、物理因素的危害。

    HACCP is a prevention-oriented assurance system for the security and quality control of food production ; of which aims are to prevent the food from potential biological , chemical and physical hazards during the entire process of production .

  13. 通过对ISO9000系列标准要求的分析,阐明了预防为主是ISO9000系列标准的基本思想,同时对于在建立质量体系时如何体现这一基本思想给出了建议。

    According to the analysis of the requirements for ISO 9000 series standards , the basic idea was preventing nonconformity in ISO 9000 series standards . Some suggestions were given to embody this idea during setting up quality system .

  14. 结论PPPD术后并发症的防治应以前瞻性预防为主,治疗为辅。

    Conclusions the major of prevention and treatment of postoperative complications of pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy is prospective prevention and the minor is treatment .

  15. 预防为主,健全预防医学制系。

    Pay much attention on prevention , perfect prevention medicine system ;

  16. 坚持预防为主做到早、紧、严、全确保安全生产

    Insisting on Giving Priority to Prevention to Ensure Safety in Production

  17. 预防为主&防止禽流感的决策

    Putting Prevention First : The Decision-making for Preventing Avian Influenza

  18. 其二以预防为主的质量管理。

    Second , a ' prevention first ' quality management .

  19. 安全生产管理应坚持以人为本教育为先预防为主

    Safety Management in Production Should Insist on Regarding Employees as the Principal

  20. 预防为主科学管理实现安全生产两千天

    Put prevention first and exercise scientific management to realize safety in production

  21. 预防为主的常态化公共危机管理研究

    The Study on the Prevention-oriented Normal Public Crisis Management

  22. 我们贯彻以预防为主的医疗方针。

    We carry out the policy of putting prevention first in medical work .

  23. 预防为主,安全第一。

    Give priority to prevention , put safety first .

  24. 以预防为主分析干部体检结果及行为干预

    Result analysis of health check and behavior interfere

  25. 贯彻执行“安全第一,预防为主”的方针。

    The guideline of " safety first and prevention priority " shall be implemented .

  26. 强化预防为主首要方针;

    To emphasize the principal policy of prevention ;

  27. 以预防为主的医疗保健已经是一个趋势,正蓄势待发。

    Quality healthcare aimed at prevention is a trend that is rapidly gaining momentum .

  28. 社区警务应全面体现预防为主

    The Community Policing Should Give Priority to Prevention

  29. 禽痛风目前没有特效的治疗方法,因此以综合性预防为主。

    Avian gout has no specific treament recently , so comprehensive prevention comes first .

  30. 坚持预防为主,全过程控制的立法原则。

    Adhere to the prevention , control the whole process of the legislative principles .