
  • 网络esophageal groove;esophageal sulcus
  1. 以淋巴结最小径≥5mm为气管食管沟区转移淋巴结的CT诊断阈,敏感性69.23%,特异性100%。

    For level VII ( nodes located in tracheoesophageal groove ), minimal diameter ≥ 5 mm was used as diagnostic threshold of CT , the sensitivity was 69.23 % , specificity was 100 % .

  2. 结论甲状腺手术识别喉返神经的五种解剖标志中,以甲状软骨下角尖(或环甲关节)和甲状腺悬韧带较可靠,其次为甲状腺下极、甲状腺下动脉和气管食管沟。

    Conclusion The inferior horn of thyroid cartilage and the suspensory ligament of thyroid gland are most reliable as the anatomical landmarks for recognizing the recurrent laryngeal nerve .

  3. 食管癌气管食管沟淋巴结转移

    Tracheoesophageal groove lymph node metastasis of esophageal cancer

  4. 而食管癌患者出现气管食管沟淋巴结转移,提示患者预后不佳,并严重影响生活质量。

    However tracheoesophageal groove lymph node metastasis of Esophageal Cancer patients means a poor prognosis . Meanwhile , it will influence their quality of life .