
  • 网络microbial digestion
  1. 选用装有永久性瘤胃瘘管、十二指肠瘘管和临时性颈静脉插管的雄性水牛3头(1.5岁、250kg),研究去势对瘤胃微生物消化代谢的作用。

    Three male Chinese buffaloes ( 1.5y , 250kg ), with chronic rumen fistulae and duodenal cannula , were used to study the effect of castration on the rumen microbial digestion and metabolism .

  2. 荣昌猪盲肠微生物消化粗纤维的体外试验研究

    Studies in vitro on digestibility of crude fiber by microbe in caecum of Rongchang pigs

  3. 结果表明:大豆黄酮可以提高血清睾酮水平,并改善瘤胃微生物消化代谢。

    The results suggested that daidzein improved the level of serum testosterone and rumen bacterial digestion and metabolism in ruminates .

  4. 然而,令人遗憾的是从糖份到电能的转化需要较长时间:微生物消化一杯糖可能需要几个星期。

    But the sugar to electricity process is a slow : it could take weeks for the bacteria to digest a cup of sugar .

  5. 体外评定技术是利用离体方法评定反刍动物饲粮营养价值的一系列方法与技术。目前常用的体外评定技术包括瘤胃微生物消化法、酶法、尼龙袋法和体外产气法等。

    In vitro techniques such as digestion by rumen microorganisms , enzymatic method , nylon bag technique and in vitro gas measuring technique are widely used for assessment of nutritional quality of ruminant feeds .

  6. 将木头和海草碎屑分解成更简单的有机化合物的微生物无法轻易消化塑胶。

    The microorganisms that decompose ripped-up bits of wood and seaweed down into simpler organic compounds can 't easily digest plastic .

  7. 反刍动物瘤胃微生物酶类膜消化(触壁消化)的研究

    Studies on membrane ( contact ) digestion in the rumen of ruminants

  8. 去除种子的外壳(如通过微生物或动物消化道处理)可以结束种皮强加的休眠。

    Coat-imposed dormancy may be ended by removal of external layers by microbes or even passage through an animal 's gut .

  9. 迄今为止,利用微生物的厌氧消化的方法从稻秸中生产乙醇或者沼气这是一种混合了甲烷和二氧化碳的气体结果令人失望。

    Until now , using the straw to produce ethanol or biogas a mix of methane and carbon dioxide by anaerobic digestion with microorganisms has been disappointing .

  10. “树枝状”免疫细胞将支脉送至我们吸入或者吞下微生物呼吸道和消化道对它们进行采样。

    " Dendritic "( treelike ) immune cells send branches into the respiratory and digestive tracts , where they sample all the microbes we inhale or swallow .

  11. 禽流感病毒是一种传染性高、抗原变异性强、抗力较弱的微生物,可通过消化道和呼吸道进入人体传染给人。

    Avian influenza virus is a high contagious , strong antigenic variation microorganism and with poor resistance force .

  12. 奶牛,山羊,绵羊需要借助细菌微生物的帮助来消化他们食用的植物,而他们中的一些细菌便能产生甲烷。

    Cows , goats , and sheep require symbiotic microbes to help digest the plant biomass that they eat , and some of these microbes make the methane .

  13. 身体不适或患疾病时,比如说,腹泻使肠道中的微生物被洗劫一空时,阑尾就能使那些幸存的微生物重新进入消化系统中。

    When illness or diseases such as dysentery wipe out the bacteria in the gut , the organ allows the bacteria to reenter the digestive system .