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shè jiàn
  • archery;shoot an arrow;discharge an arrow;let fly an arrow
射箭 [shè jiàn]
  • (1) [shoot an arrow]∶用弓的弹力把箭射出去

  • (2) [archery]∶在规定距离外用箭射靶的体育运动项目

射箭[shè jiàn]
  1. 当射箭时,你须要拉弓。

    When you shoot an arrow , you draw the bow .

  2. 激光在古典射箭系统中的应用

    Application of Laser in Classical shoot an Arrow System

  3. 她瞄准靶子射箭。

    She fired an arrow at the target .

  4. 所设活动项目包括壁球、射箭、游泳等等,不一而足。

    Activities available include squash , archery and swimming , to name but a few .

  5. 她丈夫是射箭教练。

    Her husband is an archery instructor .

  6. 他张弓射箭。

    He drew the bow and shot an arrow .

  7. 纪昌向飞卫学射箭。

    Ji Chang learned archery from Fei Wei .

  8. 逢蒙向名箭手后羿学习射箭,后羿尽心尽力地将全部本领都教给了他。

    Feng meng learned archery from Hou Yi and Hou Yi had tried his best to teach him all the skills .

  9. 宋朝大臣陈尧咨虽然是进士出身,却爱好射箭,而且技艺不俗。

    Although Chen Yaozi was a civil official in Song Dynasty , he loved archery very much , and was pretty good at it .

  10. 魏王惊奇地说:“你不用箭就能把飞鸟射下来,你射箭的技术真高明啊!”

    The King of Wei said in surprise : " You can shoot down a bird without an arrow . Your skill in archery is really wonderful . "

  11. 齐宣王爱好射箭,又喜欢听别人奉承自己能够开硬弓。

    King Xuan of the state of Qi was fond of archery , and he liked to hear others ' flattery on his ability to stretch tight bows .

  12. 飞卫也没有传授具体的射箭技巧,却要求他必须学会盯住目标而眼睛不眨动。

    Fei Wei did not teach Ji Chang the specific techniques of toxophily , instead , he asked Ji Chang to learn to stare at the target , without blinking .

  13. 列御寇以射箭技术高超闻名于时,但伯昏瞀人却认为它只属于那种为射中靶子而射箭的表演型射手。

    Lie YuKou was famous for his consummate1 archery , but Bohun Maoren thought he was only a performer . Who shot merely for the bull 's eye on the target .

  14. 说完后,会射箭的人还叫他们把弓和箭都拿出来,射箭给他们看。

    Thereupon , the man good at archery asked them to take out their bow and arrow . Then he showed them how to shoot at the target with a bow and an arrow .

  15. 这时候,恰好有一个会射箭的人从他们身边走过,听到他们的这段对话,就说:“你们两人的话都不对。没有弓,发不出箭;没有箭,怎么能射中目标呢?”

    At that time , a man good at archery happened to pass by and heard their dialogue . He said : " You are both wrong . One cannot shoot an arrow without a bow ; and without an arrow , how can one hit the target ? "

  16. 渲王喜爱射箭,喜欢听到别人夸他是个出色的射手,可他的弓箭只不过重30斤。每当他向随从炫耀那弯弓,他们都假装很吃力地拉开弓,尽管他们仅用了一半的力气。

    King Xuan was fond of shooting an arrow and liked to be boasted as a powerful bowman he was , although he could draw no bow heavier than thirty jin , When he showed is bow to his attendants , they pretended to try to draw it , but only bent1 it to half its full extent .

  17. 借助EMG反馈提高射箭运动员动作一致性的研究

    Improving Postural Consistency of Archers by EMG Biofeedback

  18. 韩国有可能包揽射箭项目的四枚金牌,韩联社(YonhapNewsAgency)的王天智(Tin-jiWang,音)说。

    In archery , South Korea might win all fourgolds on offer , said Tin-ji Wang of the Yonhap News Agency .

  19. Q.在电影《斯巴达300勇士》中,斯巴达勇士朝天空中射箭,看上去阳光都被箭给挡住了。

    Q. In the movie 300 they shoot arrows up into the sky and they seemingly blot out the sun .

  20. 一个闭合的或正中央的靶心就是“白点”(pointblank),来自于法语pointblanc,指代用来射击或射箭练习的靶子的中心。

    A very close-up or right-on target is " point blank . " It comes from the French " point blanc , " and refers to the center of the target for shooting or archery practice .

  21. TPV卷材在奥林匹克公园曲棍球场及射箭场渗漏治理工程中的应用

    Application of TPV membrane in leak treatment for Hockey Field and Archery Field of Olympic Park , Beijing

  22. 无重力射箭Q.假设有一个地方的大气条件和地球上的完全一致,但那里没有重力,如果我在那儿射出一支箭,那么这支箭要多久才会由于空气阻力而停下来?

    WEIGHTLESS ARROW Q. Assuming a zero-gravity environment with an atmosphere identical to Earth 's , how long would it take the friction of air to stop an arrow fired from a bow ?

  23. 结果:1、唾液Cor和MHPG可以反映优秀射箭运动员的比赛应激程度和焦虑水平,这些指标的变化可以评价和监控射箭运动员的赛前应激。

    Saliva Cor and MHPG can reflect competition stress and anxiety level , so its changing can estimate and monitor competition stress of . Chinese excellent archery athletes . 2 .

  24. 就是射弓手射箭的小洞啰!这样敌人才不会袭击到自己。

    It 's a hole from which archers shoot their arrows .

  25. 发射架火药筒检查口蠢兵乱射箭,箭筒很快空。

    Launcher cartridge access A fool 's bolt it soon shot .

  26. 室外射箭和野外射箭比赛有何区别?

    What is the difference between target arhery and field archery ?

  27. GB/T17256-1998残疾人自行车和射箭运动员医学和功能分级

    Medical and functional classification of cycling and archery for disabled athletes

  28. 事实上,今天的射箭运动员们仍然尊敬那些传说中的绿林好汉。

    Indeed , today 's archers still honour the fabled outlaw .

  29. 于是我带她到柏林布鲁克的一个射箭场。

    So I took her to an archery range in bolingbrook .

  30. 射箭运动员比赛中最适宜唤醒水平的研究

    Research on the Most Opportune Stimulation Level of Archers the Match