
  1. 中国信息通信研究院院长刘多表示,2015年起国内AI相关专利申请量快速攀升,AI市场规模也增长迅猛,尤其在语音和图像识别技术方面。

    The number of AI-related patent filings has risen in China since 2015 and the scale of the AI market has also developed drastically , especially concerning voice and image recognition technology , said Liu Duo , president of CAICT .

  2. 这家实验室集结了来自百度、清华大学、北京航空航天大学以及中国信息通信研究院在人工智能领域的专家和人才。

    The lab gathered AI experts from Baidu , Tsinghua University , Beihang University and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology .

  3. 根据中国信息通信研究院公布的数据,2016年,中国大陆手机市场出货量5.6亿部。

    According to data from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology , 560m cellphones were sold on the Chinese mainland in 2016 .

  4. 中国信息通信研究院在报告中称,今年1至6月,上市的新机型达397款,同比下降30%。

    China Academy of Information and Communications Technology said in the report that newly issued models fell 30 % year-on-year to 397 during Jan-June period .

  5. 中国信息通信研究院的报告称,2016年国产手机出货量达4.98亿部,占国内手机总出货量的88.9%。

    Shipments of cellphones made by Chinese companies reached 498 million in 2016 , accounting for 88.9 % of the country 's total shipments , according to the report from the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology .

  6. 这份蓝皮书是由信息技术研究咨询公司高德纳和中国信息通信研究院在上海举行的2018世界人工智能大会上联合发布的。

    The blue paper was published by Gartner , an information technology research and advisory company , and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology ( CAICT ) , in Shanghai at the ongoing World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2018 .