
  • 网络Peace and Development
  1. 和平与发展是当前世界的两大课题。

    Peace and development are two major issues in the world today .

  2. 我们坚信,和平与发展的时代主题没有改变,世界多极化和经济全球化的时代潮流也不可能逆转。

    We remain convinced that the theme of our times , peace and development , has not changed , and that the trend toward multipolarity and economic globalization cannot be turned around .

  3. 该电台是Magdalena流域和平与发展项目下正在实施的几个分项目之一。

    The radio station is just one of the projects operating under the Magdalena Medio Program for Peace and Development and the affiliated Peace Laboratory .

  4. 她说,NationLink通过创造就业机会、提供获取信息的渠道和改善生活质量,帮助带来和平与发展。

    She says NationLink helps bring peace and development by creating jobs , providing access to information and improving quality of life .

  5. 巨大的差异蕴含着不安定,威胁着世界的和平与发展。

    Tremendous disparities mean instability and threaten world peace and development .

  6. 北欧国家在联合国-促进和平与发展

    Nordic Countries in the United Nations & for Peace and Development

  7. 提出世界的和平与发展是在曲折中前进的见解。

    The process of peace and development of the world is tortuous .

  8. 辛格说,现在,两国正处于发展的关键时期,两国交流和合作的增进不仅有利于中印发张,而且推动了亚洲的振兴,促进世界和平与发展。

    Rejuvenation of Asia and promote world peace and development .

  9. 所以,和平与发展仍是非洲的主要任务。

    Peace and development remain the main task of Africa .

  10. 应对国际新挑战,促进和平与发展

    Facing Up to the New International Challenges and Promoting Peace and Development

  11. 笔者认为,在和平与发展被视为时代主题和世界经济一体化的时代背景下,“结合”应上升为哲学范畴。

    I think " integration " should rise to a philosophy category .

  12. 和平与发展是一个特定的实现过程。

    The theme refers to a specific process of realization .

  13. 和平与发展仍是当今时代的两大主题&状态·问题·目标

    Peace and Development ── the Two Major Themes of the Contemporary World

  14. 影响和平与发展的不确定因素在增加。

    Uncertainties affecting peace and development are on the rise .

  15. 和平与发展时代主题更为明显,然而世界各地地区战争不断。

    However , regional wars around the world are incessant .

  16. 十一、继续促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业

    Continuing to Promote the Noble Cause of Peace and Development of Mankind

  17. 中国将以自身的发展促进世界的和平与发展。

    China will promote world peace and development by its own development .

  18. 和平与发展已成为当代世界的主要潮流。

    Peace and development has become the major trend of the contemporary world .

  19. 恐怖活动目前已开始成为世界和平与发展的严重障碍。

    Panic activities is the severe barrier of the world peace and development .

  20. 和平与发展问题的伦理思考

    Ethical Views on the Relationship Between Peace and Development

  21. 和平与发展仍然是时代的主题。

    Peace and development remain as the main theme of the present era .

  22. 和平与发展之间存在关联。

    There is a link between peace and development .

  23. 和平与发展:当今世界的两大主题&国际关系的一个分析视角

    Peace and Development : Two themes in Contemporary World

  24. 有利于世界和平与发展。

    And it also benefits world peace and prosperity .

  25. 支持中东和平与发展的部长级会议

    Ministerial Conference to Support Middle East Peace and Development

  26. 我们到底应不应该在和平与发展的年代强调并重视国家的政治安全问题?

    Should we stress on national political security in the age of national cooperation ?

  27. 当代的主调是和平与发展;

    The main tone of the modern epoch is " Peace and Development " .

  28. 现在世界已进入了一个和平与发展的后冷战时期。

    Now the world has entered the Post-Cold War period of peace and development .

  29. 和平与发展相辅相成。

    Relevant relation or interconnection . Peace and development supplement and complement each other .

  30. 中国积极倡导和践行多边主义,将继续支持联合国为促进世界和平与发展作出的努力。

    China is proposing and implementing multilateralism in supporting UN peace and development efforts .